Ley-Infused Lodestones
In case you throw it out or you want some for alts. Though I really don’t know why you aren’t just handed another one, or jut have to go farm another unusual lodestone from a dragon minion and bring it back to her.
I think the reason why you don’t farm another unusual lodestone or just get handed another is for a bit of flavor.
Note that every item you can trade for a ley-line infused lodestone is a dragon-corrupted lodestone (or equivalent for the case of risen). That likely has some lore importance that they wanted to get out there.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
To ensure that there’s a method for getting more from alts, but that simply having a bunch of alts doesn’t automatically make gaining the achievements easier.
It’s a convenience tax basically. It’s also probably there to slightly price adjust those lodestones for possible future use.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest