Mai Trin is still alive isn't she?

Mai Trin is still alive isn't she?

in Living World

Posted by: Ookamikun.6472


Aren’t her band of pirates still hanging around in the Edge of the Mists? Are they permanently trapped there could they do a raid again? Because somehow it feels like she’s the only loose end still dangling.

Mai Trin is still alive isn't she?

in Living World

Posted by: Sephas.8793


She was defeated in Season 1 (if I rememer correctly), but yes she still has Atherblades in the EotM and at the location of the Not so Secret JP.

Mai Trin is still alive isn't she?

in Living World

Posted by: Ookamikun.6472


She was defeated but escaped iirc. Horik is dead though.

Mai Trin is still alive isn't she?

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


Yep, just like Sephas and Ookamikun said, she was defeated but escaped so she’s still alive,

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

Mai Trin is still alive isn't she?

in Living World

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


but I assume she’s outside the reach of power now, I think she’s just accepted defeat and lives on a farm in the Ember Bay now. I doubt she could rally a new army after the last fiasco, you have a whole lot of convincing to do, and need a natural +25 on charisma to pass it

Mai Trin is still alive isn't she?

in Living World

Posted by: Ookamikun.6472


Wait, I don’t remember her in Ember Bay unless that was meant to be a joke. :P

Also she still has an army, her pirates are raiding the Edge of the Mists. Then again the Mist fighters are probably doing a number on them.

Mai Trin is still alive isn't she?

in Living World

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


Wait, I don’t remember her in Ember Bay unless that was meant to be a joke. :P

Also she still has an army, her pirates are raiding the Edge of the Mists. Then again the Mist fighters are probably doing a number on them.

yea, it was a joke, I just meant “away from society”