Make us chose

Make us chose

in Living World

Posted by: Ice of Dragons.1637

Ice of Dragons.1637

Lately i was thinking about hove to make the living world more alive , and then i remembered how the whole tyria raced against each other in the election conflict.
And how it was the same in the Factions times. People were divvied but still somehow connected. It would be amazing if we could get more of those chose a standing things. Maybe not so much bring x things but 1 vote 1 account not so much for the sake of voting but for the sake of the story. Lets make some characters, make them personal and intricate. Lets make us chose if we trust them or not let us make us chose our path whiteout knowing the consequences. Fallen heroes , betrayal , someone who could turn good or evil, thinks that are not know are the best way to go.

Make us chose

in Living World

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

continuity. multiple updates relating to one story. stop jumping around would go a long way toward fixing. i really thought at the end of frost and flame we should have delved further into the molten alliance with three or four more updates on it. letting us get to know our enemies and new allies through multiple updates. im still all for the two weeks update system(if they wanted to keep it that way) although id make it monthly( it would give them more time to fine tune). less achievements to chase and more investigating. clues that lead us to the next CHapter. i thought the invisible tower that was in halloween update was a good thing . it let our imaginations run wild on what it could be. each chapter should link to the next chapter better with multiple hint if possible. i mean your ideas are good but if they flip flop them around they willl be the same old garbage. i really thought anet has had some good ideas just presented it wrong on the ls

Make us chose

in Living World

Posted by: NinjaChris.9340


Choice is what kicked the Personal Story so hard in its bottom that it’s still digesting somebodys sneaker. The splitting paths made it impossible for the story to have the same impact as, say, Guild Wars Nightfall.
Bearing that in mind, I want anet to get their storytelling act together and put out engaging narratives reliably before they tackle large scale player choice in any way.

Make us chose

in Living World

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

totally agree ninjachris. to do something along the line of choosing with not much of a story would only make it worse

Make us chose

in Living World

Posted by: Adventurous Cookie.1658

Adventurous Cookie.1658

Lately i was thinking about hove to make the living world more alive , and then i remembered how the whole tyria raced against each other in the election conflict.
And how it was the same in the Factions times. People were divvied but still somehow connected. It would be amazing if we could get more of those chose a standing things. Maybe not so much bring x things but 1 vote 1 account not so much for the sake of voting but for the sake of the story. Lets make some characters, make them personal and intricate. Lets make us chose if we trust them or not let us make us chose our path whiteout knowing the consequences. Fallen heroes , betrayal , someone who could turn good or evil, thinks that are not know are the best way to go.


Anet, you’re breaking my heart! You’re going down a path I cannot follow!

Make us chose

in Living World

Posted by: Ice of Dragons.1637

Ice of Dragons.1637

Your choice mattered because we will get a fractal and maybe something will change. Still i think there should be a bigger impact. And i agree we should further investigate flame and frost