Marjory's Face

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Probably already mentioned somewhere, but I gotta say I thought anet did a great job animating Marjory’s face in the scene with Belinda’s ghost. The timing of the scene was kinda weird – my mesmer was still fighting the ghosts when it popped up – but whatever.

Unlike the previous scene (Belinda’s death) in which Marjory’s expressions all by themselves spoke volumes, this scene wasn’t undermined by subsequent (IMO) pointless blathering.

So, anyway, /e tip of ye olde hat.

The table is a fable.

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: MrPersons.1560


I dunno, when I watched it, her eyes looked rather huge to me, and when her eyebrows tilted to look worried, it just looked rather weird to me, but it could just be me.

Androcles Beartamer:Norn Warrior|Nadul the Mechanist: Charr Engineer|Espergem: Sylvari Elementalist
Sythern the Warlock: Human Necromancer| Lithia the Shadow: Human Theif
Lumata: Asura Mesmer|Arion of HonorHall: Human Guardian |Abigail the Tamer: Norn Hunter

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


The face animation looked kinda weirdly stretched to me – probably since their models just aren’t made for close-up shots. But still okay, better than the ones during the final scene of Scarlet kill.

And yes, my mesmer was also fighting ghosts in the background, and some phantasms were running around during the scene with Marjory and Belinda completely oblivious to everything

20 level 80s and counting.

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: PSX.9250


I agree. I thought it was a great scene, hope we get more of it.

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: wwwes.1398


It definitely was noticeable and a little strange, but a brilliant choice that completely conveyed emotions. I don’t know if I’ve ever connected to a character that way in this game.

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: Strali Astralis.4570

Strali Astralis.4570

I agree, her facial expressions and animations were amazing! What a start to episode 5!

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Agreed. There were a few odd spots, but on the whole I think the animators did a fantastic job conveying her emotions solely via close-ups.

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: Ceridwen.6703


My mesmer carried on in the background, too. I half expected him to pop up every now and then, saying: "No, no, carry on, don’t mind me..."

“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Steve R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.”

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Just imagine if she was a human female and doing those “bored stretches” animations too!

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


I played through it again last night (on a different character, so no achievements, grumble grumble) and took some screenies.

I also replayed the first LS episode at Fort Salma (but didn’t think to take screenshots). Marjory’s animations there are also very good – the look of surprise, the realization of what she’s seeing – also, Kasmeer’s hand on her back, when she staggers a little. That was some really good ‘show, don’t tell’ storytelling, and really said all that needed to be said. IMO, of course. If we’d ‘faded to black’ on that instead of listening in on their talk – whew.

Anyway, /e salute all the people who created this scene.


The table is a fable.

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: Jaken.6801


While nice animations, the whole time I have to think of The Sims series.
It always bothered me since the kiss on the Breachmaker.

Belinda however got a shock out of me. Not because she was scary looking as a ghost, but because these Models seriously aren`t good for close ups shudder

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: mcgriddles.2416


Marjory looked like a total babe this patch.

I’m a little worried about her, though. Is she okay after shoving the hilt of that greatsword into her torso? It looked painful to me but she didn’t seem fazed.

Incursiön [iN]

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: phoenix.3465


Marjory looked like a total babe this patch.

Cause that’s the most important thing, right?

To me, she looked like she is way younger than I thought she is. She looked like she is barely 17. Well, at least that fits her teenager-like behaviour.

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Marjory looked like a total babe this patch.

Cause that’s the most important thing, right?

To me, she looked like she is way younger than I thought she is. She looked like she is barely 17. Well, at least that fits her teenager-like behaviour.

Aren’t all of the Biconics, essentially, ‘meddling kids’?

The table is a fable.

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: mcgriddles.2416


Marjory looked like a total babe this patch.

Cause that’s the most important thing, right?

To me, she looked like she is way younger than I thought she is. She looked like she is barely 17. Well, at least that fits her teenager-like behaviour.

Um, I never said it was the most important thing. But y’know. Whatever.

I think her face showed expression and emotion and that was awesome. I think cutscenes like that one convey emotions much better than hitting ‘F’ to interact and reading some dialogue.

What is so wrong with me pointing out that she looked good?

Incursiön [iN]

Marjory's Face

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


When I saw this scene I really felt like this is how ANet should be doing there cutscenes. When I saw it again, I felt like ANet really should put in the ability to skip these well done cutscenes as well. Skill it’s nicer than the other cutscenes (the none puppet theater ones) that tend to be zoomed out and barely show any detail.