WvW – Structure Upgrade Re-Work idea!
WvW – Art of War Guild Buffs & Keep Claiming Re-Work idea!
(edited by Luna.9640)
I really would like developers to start utilizing those finally
You already have the NPC that can be used to sell those – same NPC that sells gift of battle.
And the number of badges required can be increased.
Anet please don’t forget about us – WvW only players :<
Please start using those badges to provide us with items we need to craft the new items so we can feel part of this game.
Stop isolating WvW players.
Feeling like the unwanted child for past 2 years started to hurt a lot lately.
(edited by Luna.9640)
I am in no way setting foot in FoTM.
I used to play Fractals directly after their release, but i stopped because they were too annoying in several ways. Havent played them at all after the introduction of the newer fractals. Should i really learn all the new mechanics now from youtube- vids or other sources before i can even think of entering? You know how you will be insulted in the fractals (or other dungeons) if you dare to not know all mechanics by heart and have to figure out what to do in the beginning, even if you are basically an experienced player. If you dont move to the correct pixel at once, and attack the one of 20 mobs you are supposed to attack, and use the correct class and weapon and build, And dont know all exploits the “community” has found during the last year, you will be called **** and **** and **** immediately.
With the toxic dungeon community in this game there is no way i will start with fractals again. But i would certainly appreciate a way to spend my 1000s of wvw badges in a reasonable way.
(edited by Claridiana.5230)
Anet please don’t forget about us – WvW only players :< Please start using those badges to provide us with items we need for the new items so we can feel part of this game.
Stop isolating WvW players.Feeling like the unwanted child for past 2 years started ho hurt a lot lately.
Maybe Rytlock’s coming your way! He’s gonna solo Stonemist.
as long as they never make ‘pvp’ a requirement for ingredients of something.
there’s always going to be ‘go here, grind this’ content
(edited by cheshirefox.7026)
To be honest, this is a great idea!
WvW occurs in the Mists as well, so it would make sense for a Mists stone to be attainable there as well.
The only hurdle I can see in this idea is the way the item is currently designed. When you double-click the item, it points you to the Fractals. I suppose it could point to two areas, Fractals and the WvW Portals, but that might be confusing to people who wouldn’t be aware that this step of the backpiece is a choice of content – not a specific requirement.
Having the stone just on the vendor with no direction would have minimal impact, as the stone is only beneficial to players who are working on the backpiece. Any other WvW players who don’t care for the backpiece would have no need for the stone, and might even spend their badges on a useless item.
If the stone has some future purpose in crafting or forge recipes in later releases of the game, then I could see a Badge Vendor for the stone being valuable.
There should be more options on an item like this, no doubt. Its just the nice thing to do for a game that has a wide array of activities.
Granted doing 5 beginner fractals everyday for a chest with a pristine relic in it isn’t too hard. It’s definitely not an activity I enjoy to do.
I’d gladly throw some WvW badges or Laurels or some other currency, or way to accrue the item. I just think options are always nice when it comes to something like this.
The scavenging up to this point is pretty fun; aside from Firefox shards. But thats one hard item to gather compared to others I already had laying around.
It’s not just dungeon runners that are drowning in Bloodstone Dust after all. :P
It’s definitely not an activity I enjoy to do.
And that is precisely why this idea makes perfect sense. It doesn’t matter that five scale 1 fractals for five days is easy. Some people simply don’t enjoy that type of content. There could be other options available to obtain rewards that follow a specific process such as this.
I would much rather spend badges than have to go back into the Fractals again, but ideally I wouldn’t want to do either. Why do they keep trying to force players to do Fractals? If you like Fractals, great, if not, leave us alone.
It’s a good idea. IMO, there should certainly be alternatives for things like this. I hadn’t gotten round to making the first stage of the back-piece, and now I don’t think I’ll bother! Fractals are not for me.
I must say I’m really disappointed in ANet for going back to that nasty habit of trying to force players into content they simply do not wish to play. Can we not be a diverse player-base?
It’s a good idea. IMO, there should certainly be alternatives for things like this. I hadn’t gotten round to making the first stage of the back-piece, and now I don’t think I’ll bother! Fractals are not for me.
I must say I’m really disappointed in ANet for going back to that nasty habit of trying to force players into content they simply do not wish to play. Can we not be a diverse player-base?
It’s not a force on purpose. They just hadn’t considered alternatives like using badges to acquire the stone from another area of the Mists.
My first thought was that a mists infused clay pot would have something to do with WvW and the mist wars. I agree with all the above that this would make sense and provide an alternative for those who do not enjoy FotM one bit. I dread the thought of having to spend time in the generally unfriendly and unfun dungeon experience of FotM to make an ascended vine.
I’ve spent most of my badges on siege and have under 1k, but I’d be far more willing to spend hours/days/weeks in WvW/EotM to get more badges over spending any amount of time in FotM. I would like to pursue the ascended version. (I even went ahead and got the heat stone made, partly because my cultivated seed is bugged to pet seed now, but it seems until a fix I won’t be able to make either version.)
(edited by Vespertilionidae.5018)
I agree with all of the above. Making them available for badges is a very good idea.
Gonna have to agree as well
Stop whining and do fractals. If you haven’t noticed is that this scavenger hunt make you do many different parts of the game. You will have to do JPs and Mini Dungeons to get future parts, will you complain about doing Front of Rhand which is done less times than fractals. This is good sign of them implementing task based rewards, not the rng bullkitten that been in the game so far, and you are complaining about it. Don’t ruin it and do 5 days worth of lvl 11 daily, they are not hard and don’t take long.
Don’t complain the the game expect you to do difficult things to get ascended lvl rewards.
A good percentage of this game’s population do not like doing grouped, instanced content. The dungeon community here is toxic, especially to beginners. The party management system (kick function in particular) leaves much to be desired. Is it really that surprising that players are pushing back against this?
I’m probably just feeding a troll, but it needs to be repeated often. You don’t retain a player base by forcing them into undesirable content for desirable items – they tend to rebel and find something else to do, and probably not your game. “Thank you please may I have another” doesn’t work. Never has, never will.
If I have to do fractals to get the dam ugly vine backpiece they can keep it. Makes no sense to force people to do them. They must give another way to get the miststones.
If I have to do fractals to get the dam ugly vine backpiece they can keep it. Makes no sense to force people to do them. They must give another way to get the miststones.
I don’t think you know what the word “forced” mean. Also I want to get dragon rank by only doing costume brawl, that is pvp as well right? No they don’t have to give you another way to get miststones.
Btw, ascended pack pieces used to be exclusive to fractals. The god skins are the only skins that do not require an item from fractals. All these whiners need to just group up and do fractal together. At least you will be together to complain on how bad Anet is by making and rewarding fractals.
I used to play Fractals directly after their release, but i stopped because they were too annoying in several ways. Havent played them at all after the introduction of the newer fractals. Should i really learn all the new mechanics now from youtube- vids or other sources before i can even think of entering? You know how you will be insulted in the fractals (or other dungeons) if you dare to not know all mechanics by heart and have to figure out what to do in the beginning, even if you are basically an experienced player. If you dont move to the correct pixel at once, and attack the one of 20 mobs you are supposed to attack, and use the correct class and weapon and build, And dont know all exploits the “community” has found during the last year, you will be called **** and **** and **** immediately.
With the toxic dungeon community in this game there is no way i will start with fractals again. But i would certainly appreciate a way to spend my 1000s of wvw badges in a reasonable way.
Holy crap you’ve got issues to work out there… Believe me the whole of the dungeon community is not toxic, and while I will admit several exceptions exist, people aren’t generally that stupid to rage and insult newbies on the first go, at the first opportunity. If you’re there, being one of the 5 in the party, then they’re inherently in your debt already for saving them the time to find another, so take ownership of your spot and be bold.
It is actually your attitude which is more widespread, and therefore more detrimental to the community atmosphere. It’s classic fearmongering, which is preventing numerous newbies from trying. Give it a shot in a fractal run less than level 10 and prove yourself wrong, because I do believe your experience, having thousands of Badges, should be plenty to get started with. Better yet, do some story mode dungeons. Better yet do nearly any level 80 dynamic event chain, it’s not that different. See, wasn’t that easy?
The Lost Shores update was a lifetime ago.
You have to do Fractals to complete this next step for the back item? I just did the Part 2 last night and had to log right after so I didn’t look into what was required for the components. I’ve never been in Fractals in almost 2 years of playing this game! I’ve never been in a dungeon for that matter. I’ve spent most of my time leveling alts and WvW. I’m taking a break from WvW because it’s become stale, so I am taking it easy and actually doing the LS for a change.
Oh kitten! Fractals! Help!!!!!
I’m actually with this. I absolutely hate fractals. I’d rather play WvW and grind 1000 badges then set foot in fractals.
They force pvp players into pve, so I see nothing wrong with wvw players being forced into pve as well.
Some alternative way would be great in my opinion too. I’ve never done any fractals and I believe it is too late to start doing them now for the reasons already mentioned above.
There is a big difference between 5 man group content (fractals, dungeons) and other activities. To other activities you can go by yourself and practice and do them at your own pace and you are not hurting anyone. For 5 man grouped content you should already be an expert when joining the group or you will get yelled (and probably kicked) and also get a feeling that you are hurting the others by not being an expert on your first time there.
oh well there goes one ugly back piece i will never get. should i remind you the motto of the game in first place? we do not grind, we do not force people to do anything to get something. but here we are almost 2 years later with all the broken promises. this kind of items should be available through all aspect of the game. wvw pve dungeons pvp. and not just from one freaking type of dungeon. didn’t you learn anything this past few year? isn’t the laurel vendor teach you nothing? seriously, get it together. put that thing in every available unique vendor.
I agree with all the above that this would make sense and provide an alternative for those who do not enjoy FotM one bit. I dread the thought of having to spend time in the generally unfriendly and unfun dungeon experience of FotM to make an ascended vine.
If you want a specific reward, you have to do the job for it. Even if it means stepping outside of your comfort zone, whether you enjoy it or not. That’s why it’s called a reward – and a purely cosmetic one.
I grinded the WvW Zergaments for Mistforged skins even though I hate the toxic WvW community where no newbies are allowed (see what I did there?) and where opponents will even find ways to whisper you if you manage to kill somebody, or grinded WvW maps for the Gifts of Exploration and Obsidian Sanctum even though people actively enjoy grieving that JP, or grinded PvP reward track for the Balthazar backpack even though PvP community is even more toxic than WvW.
Why? Because I wanted these rewards. So if you want a reward for fighting Mordrem, step out of the WvW where you feel cosy and do what has to be done.
should i remind you the motto of the game in first place? we do not grind, we do not force people to do anything to get something.
Sorry to burst your bubble – the original motto was that you do not have to grind again and again to get the best gear, which is still true. Whether you have a vine backpack or not makes zero impact on how fast your enemies die. These game’s endgame is cosmetics, and if you get rid of it, there will be no endgame anymore.
For 5 man grouped content you should already be an expert when joining the group or you will get yelled (and probably kicked) and also get a feeling that you are hurting the others by not being an expert on your first time there.
That’s an excuse. Make your own LFG “Fractals lvl 1, first time, new people welcome!”. Wait a couple minutes, say “Hi!”, start playing. Problem solved.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
Im no fan of the fractals myself, but surely you’ve made a few friends over the time you’ve been playing.
Make a group with them, low level fractals are very easy and you wont have to worry about the “toxic” behavior if you play with people you know.
on a side note:
I love how this scavanger quest has so far had you do things and events that hardly anyone ever bothers doing at all. And that now Fractals are being added to that list. Just, lol.
If you want a specific reward, you have to do the job for it. Even if it means stepping outside of your comfort zone, whether you enjoy it or not. That’s why it’s called a reward – and a purely cosmetic one.
I grinded the WvW Zergaments for Mistforged skins even though I hate the toxic WvW community where no newbies are allowed (see what I did there?) and where opponents will even find ways to whisper you if you manage to kill somebody, or grinded WvW maps for the Gifts of Exploration and Obsidian Sanctum even though people actively enjoy grieving that JP, or grinded PvP reward track for the Balthazar backpack even though PvP community is even more toxic than WvW.
Why? Because I wanted these rewards. So if you want a reward for fighting Mordrem, step out of the WvW where you feel cosy and do what has to be done.
I agree that effort is needed to get reward, but the backpiece is the reward of living story instead of FOTM. I just want a souvenir for the LS that I had participated, why force me to do FOTM. I don’t even need a ascended backpiece, I just want that skin and Mawdrey II.
Hope the next LS reward give alternative ways to achieve.
I agree that effort is needed to get reward, but the backpiece is the reward of living story instead of FOTM. I just want a souvenir for the LS that I had participated, why force me to do FOTM.
With the same logic we can ask why we should go around Tyria to collect components and not around Dry Top only But since it’s not confined to the new zone, there’s just as much reason to include FoTM as open world jumping puzzles or mini dungeons.
Lightenbird after reading your comments here I’ve decided to do fractals
Took the group i joined around 2:34 minutes to reach 3rd map’s last boss.
By this time we got 1 of the players afk multiple times and eventually leave.
We got 1 of the other guys start raging and make 1 more of the players leave.
So basically I’ve been put into situation I’ve spend around 3h and not being able to acquire the item i was there for.
No offense but I see no logic for you to be here except deliberately trolling people who just ask for mare variety.
Thank you for your involvement in this topic but you have no reason to be opposite to this idea which is just an improvement and adds variety.
If you like Fractals and trolling people in fractals that much – do it but you have no right to troll wvw players who ask for support here.
It’s a game we all bought with money for different reasons – you may enjoy fractals same as we bought this game because we enjoy wvw.
(edited by Luna.9640)
I agree that effort is needed to get reward, but the backpiece is the reward of living story instead of FOTM. I just want a souvenir for the LS that I had participated, why force me to do FOTM.
With the same logic we can ask why we should go around Tyria to collect components and not around Dry Top only
But since it’s not confined to the new zone, there’s just as much reason to include FoTM as open world jumping puzzles or mini dungeons.
At least there is some logic that you gain materials for the grow of the vine and the LS is about the Tyria not only Dry Top only. However, Pristine Fractal Relic is just the currency released to solve the problem that people complain about not getting ascended ring from RNG or rings for specific stats. I don’t have any feeling by buying the Mists Stone with some unrelated currency.
LS is great bacause you are participated in the story, but what is the story of FoTM to LS? I find no connection between them.
And yes, Pristine Fractal Relic is not difficult to get, but it is just no fun and no story in the process. What this make me feel is anet force players to do FoTM in a lazy way.
I even feel better if anet ask me to kill jade maw for its blood to feed the backpiece, instead of buying a mists stone with Pristine Fractal Relic.
(edited by Ryan.4092)
FotM – 5 Pristine Relics
WvW – 1000 Badges of Honor
PvP – Mordremoth Reward Track
To me that would be a perfect solution for everyone.
Couldn’t agree more. People who already do fractals already have an ascended backpiece. This should be something for everyone to get not just elitist Pvers.
Sorry to burst your bubble – the original motto was that you do not have to grind again and again to get the best gear, which is still true. Whether you have a vine backpack or not makes zero impact on how fast your enemies die. These game’s endgame is cosmetics, and if you get rid of it, there will be no endgame anymore.
While I agree in principal, this is a living story reward not a FotM reward. People should not have to do FotM to get the final reward from the living story. This is a poor decision on ANet’s part and they should give us some alternatives for getting a mist stone.
Put it on the dry top vendor for 500 geodes, put it on the WvW vendor badge of honour.
That’s said I’ll probably try FotM. I went there once and don’t really have a desire to go there again because I’m not a fan of the toxic community that seems to frequent it. But if it’s the only choice I’ll do it but I still think it’s a very poor decision to place this requirement on a living story reward.
Lightenbird after reading your comments here I’ve decided to do fractals
Took the group i joined around 2:34 minutes to reach 3rd map’s last boss.
By this time we got 1 of the players afk multiple times and eventually leave.
We got 1 of the other guys start raging and make 1 more of the players leave.
So basically I’ve been put into situation I’ve spend around 3h and not being able to acquire the item i was there for.
No offense but I see no logic for you to be here except deliberately trolling people who just ask for mare variety.
Thank you for your involvement in this topic but you have no reason to be opposite to this idea which is just an improvement and adds variety.
If you like Fractals and trolling people in fractals that much – do it but you have no right to troll wvw players who ask for support here.
It’s a game we all bought with money for different reasons – you may enjoy fractals same as we bought this game because we enjoy wvw.
I agree that 1st experience is not always the most pleasant one. Just like for a PvE player who gets into WvW for a Mistforged skin or world completion and gets called a “PvE scrub”. Why? Because they lack experience. Same goes for any other game mode.
“PvE scrubs” are called “PvE scrubs” because of our alleged lack of skill, and WvW people insist on having WvW map requirement stay intact because PvE people should suffer while getting map completion or ranks for gift of battle and should eventually get better while fighting real people instead of braindead AI. PvE is, on the other hand, mindless pew-pew in the eyes of WvW people, so I don’t really understand why it’s so hard to go and do 5 fractals then with your 5 WvW friends. Or if it actually is hard… then something doesn’t match here.
Here’s a couple of other advices:
As for me, I never troll people, doubly so in dungeons, I’m the last to ragequit usually, and I’m okay with spending 2-3 hours on something I’ve never done like Aetherpath.
As you said, we all have bought the game for different things, but this is an MMO and a large world where you have to do many things to get everything you want. If you’re better with it, you can think of PvE as a different game, and the backpack as a reward for that different game; in which case you can simply think of it as something not obtainable at all in “your” game, and forget it. Or… you can accept that the world is vast, and to get everything, you have to do a lot, even things you don’t normally do, and do your best to reach the goal.
While I agree in principal, this is a living story reward not a FotM reward. People should not have to do FotM to get the final reward from the living story. This is a poor decision on ANet’s part and they should give us some alternatives for getting a mist stone.
What’s the difference between requiring to do jumping puzzles, mini dungeons, to get ascended mats from bosses/dungeons/temples, and FoTM? Ascended equipment is closely connected to Fractals – only it can receive agony infusions. With the same logic, you should never step out of Dry Top to get that reward, but you do.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
Lightenbird after reading your comments here I’ve decided to do fractals
Took the group i joined around 2:34 minutes to reach 3rd map’s last boss.
By this time we got 1 of the players afk multiple times and eventually leave.
We got 1 of the other guys start raging and make 1 more of the players leave.
So basically I’ve been put into situation I’ve spend around 3h and not being able to acquire the item i was there for.
No offense but I see no logic for you to be here except deliberately trolling people who just ask for mare variety.
Thank you for your involvement in this topic but you have no reason to be opposite to this idea which is just an improvement and adds variety.
If you like Fractals and trolling people in fractals that much – do it but you have no right to troll wvw players who ask for support here.
It’s a game we all bought with money for different reasons – you may enjoy fractals same as we bought this game because we enjoy wvw.
Never had such problems, and I’ve carried many a group with a guardian through there. Sounds like a L2P issue to me. Sorry you can’t just run around EOTM in a zerg of uplevel and get free badges, you have to actually do (I will try not to laugh here) “difficult” content to get a reward. Reward based on skill and not grind, wow what a interesting concept we have here.
While I agree in principal, this is a living story reward not a FotM reward. People should not have to do FotM to get the final reward from the living story. This is a poor decision on ANet’s part and they should give us some alternatives for getting a mist stone.
What’s the difference between requiring to do jumping puzzles, mini dungeons, to get ascended mats from bosses/dungeons/temples, and FoTM? Ascended equipment is closely connected to Fractals – only it can receive agony infusions. With the same logic, you should never step out of Dry Top to get that reward, but you do.
All the examples you give can be done solo or as part of a zerg where you don’t really have to rely on other players much at all.
I would have no problem with FotM if it was a solo dungeon experience (similar to say the solo dungeons from Age of Conan or the Scenarios from The Secret World). But it’s not it requires you to fill a group, for that group to be semi competent and for them not to go afk or otherwise wreck the run. It’s an experience that I don’t particularly enjoy, and I imagine a lot of other people feel the same seeing how empty LFG for FotM is.
Trying to compare it to WvW and the mistforged weapons isn’t really a fair comparison because you can just jump in and attach yourself to a zerg and mostly afk your way to completing the rather easy achievements AND those weapons were specifically for WvW, so required WvW to get them.
Living world rewards should not require FotM, dungeons, PvP, or WvW to complete. They are living world rewards and we should be able to get them either solo or as part of the living world content. I have no issue with the jumping puzzles etc being part of it because they are still part of the world.
What’s the difference between requiring to do jumping puzzles, mini dungeons, to get ascended mats from bosses/dungeons/temples, and FoTM? Ascended equipment is closely connected to Fractals – only it can receive agony infusions. With the same logic, you should never step out of Dry Top to get that reward, but you do.
Again, Lishtenbird, The LS is not only happen in Dry Top, but Tyria. I don’t know how you enjoy the story or just repeat dungeon and FoTM all day, but as i understand, the shadow of dragon is not attacking Pale Tree in Dry Top, Belinda Delaqua is not die in Dry Top, the minions of Mordremoth had already reach the Charr, etc. so don’t keep saying that stay in Dry Top, it is only a new map that introduced to players as the story continue and the story are not stay in Dry Top.
Please don’t misunderstand that we don’t like the way to get the backpiece because we can’t achieve something. i believe that most people do not have problem to finish FoTM. It is not that elite that people can finish FoTM. So please stop giving the so call “advice” to people to finish the FoTM, this is not what we are talking about.
I respect you like FoTM, I would like you to respect people who don’t enjoy it. I ran FoTM before, I had crafted the fractal capacitor backpiece and I left later because I don’t enjoy it. If anet want to use the LS to lead us back to fractals, please at least give us a story line that related to it.
we are not asking for remove the way to get mists stone from fractals but also give an alt way for people to achieve the LS.
If you would like to let other people know that you are a FoTM player to build up your self esteem, just put on your fractal capacitor and weapon skin. if you don’t like the old fractal backpiece, you can ask anet to release a new one, I will fully support you, but please leave the LS back to story.
FYI, FotM was released as part of the living story, even it wasn’t called like this back then. It also got “overhauled” as part of the living story, so it very well is a part of it.
Don’t want to do FotM? That’s fine, you don’t get the backpiece then.
Everyone who wants a legendary has to go into wvw for badges and exploration too, I don’t like that as I despise WvW immensely. Especially map exploration in wvw can take FOREVER. Do I complain? No.
Sometimes you have to do content you never really explored/don’t like to get some skins. It’s okay this way.
Seeing that SO many people are kittened off, how about you create a thread where people who never did fractals/don’t like them find likeminded players (or even someone who’d pull you through) to do those 5 runs with? Especially fractal level 1 is easier than every dungeon. It even has some nice lore here and there.
I don’t do either Fractals or WwW, but I’d rather do a bit of WwW than going into the Fractals again..
Stop whining and do fractals. If you haven’t noticed is that this scavenger hunt make you do many different parts of the game. You will have to do JPs and Mini Dungeons to get future parts, will you complain about doing Front of Rhand which is done less times than fractals. This is good sign of them implementing task based rewards, not the rng bullkitten that been in the game so far, and you are complaining about it. Don’t ruin it and do 5 days worth of lvl 11 daily, they are not hard and don’t take long.
Don’t complain the the game expect you to do difficult things to get ascended lvl rewards.
I do indeed do fractals, but I’d much prefer it if you could get it for WvW tokens also.
It would still make sense also. WvW = Mist War = Mist Stone
Mist stone is mined from stone mist castle in ebg……
Lightenbird after reading your comments here I’ve decided to do fractals
Took the group i joined around 2:34 minutes to reach 3rd map’s last boss.
By this time we got 1 of the players afk multiple times and eventually leave.
We got 1 of the other guys start raging and make 1 more of the players leave.
So basically I’ve been put into situation I’ve spend around 3h and not being able to acquire the item i was there for.
No offense but I see no logic for you to be here except deliberately trolling people who just ask for mare variety.
Thank you for your involvement in this topic but you have no reason to be opposite to this idea which is just an improvement and adds variety.
If you like Fractals and trolling people in fractals that much – do it but you have no right to troll wvw players who ask for support here.
It’s a game we all bought with money for different reasons – you may enjoy fractals same as we bought this game because we enjoy wvw.
This is the most troll post I’ve ever seen. 5 nomad bearbows who have never done fractals could complete level 1 in under 3 hours. Did you by any chance forget armor or weapons?
Feeling like the unwanted child for past 2 years started to hurt a lot lately.
You should be thankful you’re not an sPvPer then, you’ve had a metric ton more stuff than we have had.
They force pvp players into pve, so I see nothing wrong with wvw players being forced into pve as well.
If you feel forced into content you don’t enjoy, then make a case as to how you should be able to earn the same rewards through the content you do enjoy, don’t try to argue that other players should be forced to do content that they don’t enjoy.
Lightenbird after reading your comments here I’ve decided to do fractals
Took the group i joined around 2:34 minutes to reach 3rd map’s last boss.
By this time we got 1 of the players afk multiple times and eventually leave.
We got 1 of the other guys start raging and make 1 more of the players leave.
So basically I’ve been put into situation I’ve spend around 3h and not being able to acquire the item i was there for.
No offense but I see no logic for you to be here except deliberately trolling people who just ask for mare variety.
Thank you for your involvement in this topic but you have no reason to be opposite to this idea which is just an improvement and adds variety.
If you like Fractals and trolling people in fractals that much – do it but you have no right to troll wvw players who ask for support here.
It’s a game we all bought with money for different reasons – you may enjoy fractals same as we bought this game because we enjoy wvw.
This is exactly why i stopped playing fractals about 4 weeks after the initial release. 2 hours of an unpleasant experience, and then no reward because the group falls apart.
Unfortunately the designers must have forgotten that the fractal release caused the biggest kitten storm in GW2 history with thousands of posts. It calmed down only because they made ascended gear available from different sources.
But now they come up with this forced fractals bs again, sigh
All the examples you give can be done solo or as part of a zerg where you don’t really have to rely on other players much at all.
This looks to me like the most valid argument in the whole discussion. However, this can be surpassed in multiple ways…
…with some effort. Not wishing to socialise in an MMO is a psychological problem of the player, pretty much like arachnophobia and not being able to kill 3D spiders. Afraid of spiders? Play a spiderless game. Afraid of people? Play a single player game.
Living world rewards should not require FotM, dungeons, PvP, or WvW to complete. They are living world rewards and we should be able to get them either solo or as part of the living world content. I have no issue with the jumping puzzles etc being part of it because they are still part of the world.
FoTM is a part of the Living World. They feature episodes from both pre-game and current Living World, they’ve been part of the Fractured release, and for one, Rytlock has just jumped into the Mists – and I won’t be surprised if we get a fractal about helping Rytlock soon enough.
we should be able to get them either solo or as part of the living world content.
I read it as “I want to do it alone where only I matter or in a zerg where I do not matter at all, but not in a group where my actions can define failure or success for other people”. Plus, there’s only one person who says what we “should” or “should not” do in this game – it’s ANet, and they said that for this particular reward you should also join a party and do 5-man content.
Please don’t misunderstand that we don’t like the way to get the backpiece because we can’t achieve something. i believe that most people do not have problem to finish FoTM. It is not that elite that people can finish FoTM. So please stop giving the so call “advice” to people to finish the FoTM, this is not what we are talking about.
I respect you like FoTM, I would like you to respect people who don’t enjoy it. I ran FoTM before, I had crafted the fractal capacitor backpiece and I left later because I don’t enjoy it. If anet want to use the LS to lead us back to fractals, please at least give us a story line that related to it.
My point is that it doesn’t matter whether you or me like FoTM or not, neither is the respect for liking it or not. The point is that doing FoTM is an official requirement for getting a specific reward, and I simply cannot respect people who QQ on the forums because they do not want to do something but want the reward – because it looks like spoilt children begging their mommy to let them play videogames before doing their homework.
In Russia, we have a very good proverb about it which is close to the English “If you want to dance, you’ve got to pay the fiddler”, but not quite: “If you like to sledge, you should like to pull the sledge as well.” Many people here look like they don’t get it and are entitled to get the reward in whatever easiest way for them there is.
As for me, I’m okay with fractals but haven’t moved past lvl 20 and I don’t have even nearly enough relics to get the backpiece, because I consider myself a dedicated casual player, but nothing more. Still, I’m completely okay to work for something I need.
Let me explain it the simplest way possible for you Lishtenbird.
We want to buy a car to go from point A to point B.
Where we like to drive Mercedes but we’re said that we can only do it by driving BMW.
Which is not correct since they’re both cars and can get us to desired destination.
Since we’re spending the money we’re can choose what car we can drive.
I hope this makes it crystal clear for you..if not than you will just prove yourself to be troll since you have no reason to argue with people here.
People have the right to choose and do things they like – it’s developers who are in position to provide us with our needs.
There is nothing wrong in providing more variety in this game as well as utilizing the rest of unused currencies in this game.
I’ll even go even deeper and drop the idea of all items except dungeon/pvp/wvw specific to require karma on top of the required currency so karma can mean something and gain some value as well.
1000 badges & 10 000 karma for example for the mists stone.
(edited by Luna.9640)
My point is that it doesn’t matter whether you or me like FoTM or not, neither is the respect for liking it or not. The point is that doing FoTM is an official requirement for getting a specific reward, and I simply cannot respect people who QQ on the forums because they do not want to do something but want the reward – because it looks like spoilt children begging their mommy to let them play videogames before doing their homework.
This is a game. The goal is to have fun. I believe it’s fair to expect players to do a certain amount of work to achieve rewards, but in the name of everyone having the most fun possible, I believe that players should have options as to the type of work they could do to earn them. Some players really don’t enjoy Fractals content, but really want the reward. Your solution is “do the content anyways or never get the reward.” That’s certainly one way to go, but I think there’s room for “do something else that you do enjoy, and also get the reward you want.” Obviously they can’t please everyone, they can’t make it so that you can earn the reward by just killing ambients all day, but I think there can be reasonable compromises.
My point is that it doesn’t matter whether you or me like FoTM or not, neither is the respect for liking it or not. The point is that doing FoTM is an official requirement for getting a specific reward, and I simply cannot respect people who QQ on the forums because they do not want to do something but want the reward – because it looks like spoilt children begging their mommy to let them play videogames before doing their homework.
This is a game. The goal is to have fun. I believe it’s fair to expect players to do a certain amount of work to achieve rewards, but in the name of everyone having the most fun possible, I believe that players should have options as to the type of work they could do to earn them. Some players really don’t enjoy Fractals content, but really want the reward. Your solution is “do the content anyways or never get the reward.” That’s certainly one way to go, but I think there’s room for “do something else that you do enjoy, and also get the reward you want.” Obviously they can’t please everyone, they can’t make it so that you can earn the reward by just killing ambients all day, but I think there can be reasonable compromises.
5 fractal relics seems like a reasonable compromise to me, rather than say, 150+.
This argument boils down to this: “I want X but don’t want to do the work ANET says is equal to the value of X.”
It’s like… “I want a Liadri mini but don’t want to beat Liadri.”
Or… “I want the fractal backpiece but don’t want to do fractals.”
Or… “I want COF armor but don’t want to do COF.”
Or… “I want this tentacle back piece but don’t want to do all the scavenger hunt tasks required to get it.”
Edit: The time investment required to get 5 relics is far less than gathering the foxfire clusters, at least according to what I’ve read.
It calmed down only because they made ascended gear available from different sources
Which they should never have or at least made every kind of ascended gear available in fractals (because that’s the only thing you really need it for) but they didn’t.
It makes me really sad that people QQ over this. Guess what, they could’ve made the amount much higher, they could’ve forced you to get something RNG-related out of fractals but hey, it will take you five runs over the course of five days on a difficulty that makes it easier than cof p1.
Everything can be reached in a different way, and it’s good like this. If you don’t like it, bad luck. The game doesn’t cater around YOU, it caters around EVERYONE. Someone who only plays PvE may want the Balthasar backpiece. So he either plays sPvP or he does not. His choice.
This has nothing to do with “play how I want” but “play what I want” if at all.
Also, the tip with opening a thread specifically for lv1 fracs with people who are in the same position (never done fracs, just want the 5 relics) still stands because I’m sure, even without knowing the fractals, you can get those 5 runs down in a reasonable amount of time on level 1.
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