New Outfit a clue to Braham's fate?

New Outfit a clue to Braham's fate?

in Living World

Posted by: Siena.1940


Just for fun speculation
Lots of people have been throwing around the idea that Braham gets corrupted by Jormag and our PC is forced to kill him. I never bought in this theory until the new Ice Encasement Outfit. So far every new outfit we have been given lately has been tied into the living world story in some way (Taimi outfit, Mursaat outfit etc.) and this outfit certainly has an Ice corruption look to it. So theory is plausible maybe? Thoughts?

New Outfit a clue to Braham's fate?

in Living World

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Might explain the 180 in personality that he did.

He’s a young male Norn who as alone in an area that’s filled with corruption from Jormag who seems to prefer young male Norns. The emotions could be a pathway that Jormag uses to influence the Norns it takes over and use to twist how they see the world.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

New Outfit a clue to Braham's fate?

in Living World

Posted by: BrettM.9062


Hmmm. Maybe we ARE dealing with Icebrood Imitation Braham™ as I joked some time ago.

New Outfit a clue to Braham's fate?

in Living World

Posted by: Electro.4173


I think you’re looking to far into things. While a lot of outfits are based on LS stuff (though its probably more because they want to monetize what assets they create if possible, so if they make a look that can be turned into an outfit for some NPC they do an outfit as well), they aren’t all like that.

The Ghostly Outfit wasn’t based on anything in terms of the LS or anything, and that was only released a couple months ago. So clearly they still make standalone outfits. The Ice Encased outfit is probably the same thing, simply a winter themed outfit for the winter season.

If it was going to be based on anything happening in the LS episodes, they’d probably wait until after it actually happened.

New Outfit a clue to Braham's fate?

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


i hope they kill them all off, we need more interesting characters then the over dramatic soap series characters we have now.

New Outfit a clue to Braham's fate?

in Living World

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


If the ice encasement outfit is any hint, its a terrible one. While I agree it looks like its covered in jormag snot, it doesnt look icebrood in anyway.

Ifmyou,paybattention to the icebrood and the corrupted svanirs, youll notice theyre not covered in ice, but ice replaces their flesh. The greater norn have limbs of ice with the bone visible within.

But it would be cool to see one of Dragons Watch (or the defect Braham) become corrupted.