New Wallpaper?
I don’t think it’s new. I seem to remember it from the first time the Zephyrites visited.
I don’t recall it, but rather than Canthan it gives me a very Labyrinthine Cliffs feel.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I don’t recall that wallpaper either, and I tend to download each new one (they are my backgrounds lol). It’s not one in my folder….. hmmm….
This does give me a Canthan vibe. Cliffs tends to as well, to an extent. This could either way. On one hand you have similar structures to Cliffs in the terms of the planking and such, but those buildings don’t look like the Cliffs.
Maybe it wasn’t released before, but it is likely concept art for Labyrinthine Cliff as all the other previously released concept arts for the Cliffs have the same name, more or less.
Perhaps, the additions we saw this time around celebrating the China release?
^Look at those links.
Now look at the link of the OP…it has “KiteCity2” in it so they are connected…means it’s about the Labyrinthine Cliff most likely.
It’s just an art that didn’t make it. Looks awesome tho.
I think it’s new. There’s a date as part of the file name – 2014-06-04.
An Officer and a Gentlewoman
Maybe when LS2 drops well just have a thread for a dev with the title of LS2 news. Then the following
“And Cantha, I’ll just let that sink in.”
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I think that in one of their livestreams they said that Kite City is the internal name for Zephyr Sanctum
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