Nitpicking about the story!
How can you be sure that these stories won’t be finished? Have you some inside information you aren’t sharing? ; )
Nitpicking about nitpicking! They are sylvari :P
For the remainder of the post – you do have a point. The storytelling is a bit disjoined and there are a LOT of loose ends in it. However as ANet has demonstrated with White Mantle, they do try to tie/expand on those when they can. If anything, as time progresses we are getting a bit more of a cohesive narration. I suspect that with White Mantle in spotlight (especially certain C person), we might get a final resolution to the throne of Kryta plot line (hopefully including calming of the ghosts of Ascalon)
Or how about actually giving us a proper update on Zojja’s and Logan’s condition outside of a line of dialogue from Rytlock or some kind of memorial for Trahearne or what’s going on with the Nightmare Court since Faolain’s death. I mean, I know it’s still early in LWS3 but I’m merely going by what we’ve been given so far. Based on the first and second chapters, it feels like Anet wants to focus on all of the new, shiny stuff instead of tying up loose ends and filling up plot holes. I really wish they would have spent the first chapter or two tying up things or actually have some kind of proper epilogue/conclusion to HoT before moving onto new stuff.
It really doesn’t help that Zojja is my favorite character and it’s irritating that she’s in this limbo state at the moment. :x
And i am sitting here, hoping to find out who is E.. Hope he is at least hot..
Sometimes a locket is just a locket.
And i am sitting here, hoping to find out who is E.. Hope he is at least hot..
Everyone’s young-looking and hot in Tyria, even the old people. It’s probably all the magic. Better than botox.
And i am sitting here, hoping to find out who is E.. Hope he is at least hot..
Everyone’s young-looking and hot in Tyria, even the old people. It’s probably all the magic. Better than botox.
As a woman.. I wish… Npc men were like that too..
Every girl in LA is crazy about Logan, while looking at his face i see a regular looking and too old guy..
Then there is Faren, who is once again loved by ministry women.. But his personality just makes him ugly anyway :v
The only guy that i found good looking and who had an impact on the story was Doern V., but he quickly dissapeared as the story progressed.. And you didnt even find out anything about him.. So yeah.
When you look at dragons watch there is Majory and Kasmeer who work as sort of fanservice for men, but for how many girls i know are in gw, there is no good looking guy for them..
So some accualy nice looking guy who wouldnt entirely dissapear from the story would be nice :v
And i am sitting here, hoping to find out who is E.. Hope he is at least hot..
Everyone’s young-looking and hot in Tyria, even the old people. It’s probably all the magic. Better than botox.
As a woman.. I wish… Npc men were like that too..
Every girl in LA is crazy about Logan, while looking at his face i see a regular looking and too old guy..
Then there is Faren, who is once again loved by ministry women.. But his personality just makes him ugly anyway :v
The only guy that i found good looking and who had an impact on the story was Doern V., but he quickly dissapeared as the story progressed.. And you didnt even find out anything about him.. So yeah.When you look at dragons watch there is Majory and Kasmeer who work as sort of fanservice for men, but for how many girls i know are in gw, there is no good looking guy for them..
So some accualy nice looking guy who wouldnt entirely dissapear from the story would be nice :v
I guess Braham isn’t doing anything for you? Or are you just racist against any males who aren’t humans? In any case, Doern may come back when we have an Order of Whispers plotline. We had the Priory involved in Season 2, and Almorra showed up last chapter, so we’re due for a Whisper of their activities pretty soon.
By the way, who says that E is even a male? He might be Mister E, but we’ve mostly communicated with “him” in letters.
To the OP, I’ll concede that the storytelling could probably be a bit better, but here’s the thing: MMOs are still a pretty new medium for storytelling. Novels have been around practically since the written word existed, or older if you count narrative traditions. Movies are only about 100 years old, and some of the early ones aren’t that great. MMOs are only about a decade old, and most of them don’t tell a concise overarching story. At best, they tended to be “here’s a huge baddy. Chase him through the world and see what he’s really doing.” So ArenaNet is experimenting, throwing a whole bunch of story threads into the air and hoping they’ll be able to tie them all up before everything’s said and done. Guild Wars 1 had great storytelling, but each season (ie. Prophesies, Factions, Nightfall, Eye of the North) was created from beginning to end long before it got released, so it was far easier to make something that appeared early in the story come back in a timely manner. With live releases, that becomes far harder.
ArenaNet has always had the goal of trying something new, as least within the scope of Guild Wars 2. So long as every old plot thread isn’t ignored, or the game ends for some reason, we can cling to the hope that some of all of these plot threads will come back in the future.
And i am sitting here, hoping to find out who is E.. Hope he is at least hot..
Everyone’s young-looking and hot in Tyria, even the old people. It’s probably all the magic. Better than botox.
As a woman.. I wish… Npc men were like that too..
Every girl in LA is crazy about Logan, while looking at his face i see a regular looking and too old guy..
Then there is Faren, who is once again loved by ministry women.. But his personality just makes him ugly anyway :v
The only guy that i found good looking and who had an impact on the story was Doern V., but he quickly dissapeared as the story progressed.. And you didnt even find out anything about him.. So yeah.When you look at dragons watch there is Majory and Kasmeer who work as sort of fanservice for men, but for how many girls i know are in gw, there is no good looking guy for them..
So some accualy nice looking guy who wouldnt entirely dissapear from the story would be nice :v
I guess Braham isn’t doing anything for you? Or are you just racist against any males who aren’t humans? In any case, Doern may come back when we have an Order of Whispers plotline. We had the Priory involved in Season 2, and Almorra showed up last chapter, so we’re due for a Whisper of their activities pretty soon.
Braham, being a Norn, badly missed out on Leg Day. He also sported the dumbest hair cut ever. Oh yeah – he’s also dumb.
Braham, being a Norn, badly missed out on Leg Day. He also sported the dumbest hair cut ever. Oh yeah – he’s also dumb.
Rytlock, then? Sure, he’s a little hairy, but so are most men once you get their clothes off. (also, i don’t know the species of your main so my hands are tied there) Or Canach, if you can look past the leaves. I hear sylvari are “fully functional”.
Wow i triggered some guy, okay, lets get this straight:
1) " His earliest known activity was soon after the murder of Mendel by a corrupt Ministry Guard, when he grabbed Marjory Delaqua from behind and proposed a working relationship that she “wouldn’t forget.” He was described as gently moving, having a deep voice, and no necromantic power."
==E is a guy, and sounds quite handsome
Kasmeer said that we cant be so sure, but she was not there so…
2)Braham is, as described by Sartharina, bumb, has weird norn sunken shoulders and tiny legs that would put tf2 heavy to shame.
He is also bald, and before you flame me. Imagine Kasmeer and Majo had no breasts and the biggest female bodytype, dubt youd find them that sexy.
3)Cannach is salad and short. Personality was amazing, but he left..
Rytlock? Would you go crazy over Rox? While i love how charr were made to be both cat like and attractive (both male and female) they are still not human sexy (which is amazing)
Id love to get missions with E, he could deffinitely help us against Caudecus or the dragons. From what it looks like he might be as shady politician as Anise. It could prove interesting whoever you are into. I dont like how Taimi became so arrogant, so a kind polite guy would be refreshing.
(But id still prefer some more missions with our end ls3p2 lovely spoiler)
Why not give girls some guy to swoon over too? Girls like fanservice too.
1) No necromantic magic, maybe, but possibly some mesmer magic. Also, women can make their voices deep enough to sound manly, although it’s quite difficult. It doesn’t disprove that E can’t be a woman.
2) Some women like men with smooth scalps. Everyone is different in what they like. Plus, hair grows. But I’m not going to push the issue.
3) I admit, the suggestion of Rytlock was desperation, but you never know. Rox… she’s not what I’d look for in a furry companion, but I could maybe see a charr being attractive.
But I agree. There’s not enough male characters in our guild yet. Especially as we seem to be slowly separated from all our friends over these last two chapters. Only Kasmeer doesn’t have a committed task at this point, and Lyssa knows what she’s doing.
And i am sitting here, hoping to find out who is E.. Hope he is at least hot..
Everyone’s young-looking and hot in Tyria, even the old people. It’s probably all the magic. Better than botox.
As a woman.. I wish… Npc men were like that too..
Every girl in LA is crazy about Logan, while looking at his face i see a regular looking and too old guy..
Then there is Faren, who is once again loved by ministry women.. But his personality just makes him ugly anyway :v
The only guy that i found good looking and who had an impact on the story was Doern V., but he quickly dissapeared as the story progressed.. And you didnt even find out anything about him.. So yeah.When you look at dragons watch there is Majory and Kasmeer who work as sort of fanservice for men, but for how many girls i know are in gw, there is no good looking guy for them..
So some accualy nice looking guy who wouldnt entirely dissapear from the story would be nice :v
Hahaha I laught so hard at this post, lulz yeah i agree ypu see it in the play characters the men look like no effort ever put im where the women look like super models no.matter what you do.
2)Braham is, as described by Sartharina, bumb, has weird norn sunken shoulders and tiny legs that would put tf2 heavy to shame.
He is also bald, and before you flame me. Imagine Kasmeer and Majo had no breasts and the biggest female bodytype, dubt youd find them that sexy.
How is baldness in a man equivalent to a woman being big and breastless? Don’t get it. O_o
If we just take baldness as a sign of aging alone (though there are many factors) a far better comparison would be to imagine Kas with saggy breasts – and that’s not unattractive. Not to mention that woman can go bald too.
And you’re going to take Sartharina’s opinion of Braham? All he did was so no to her when she offered a quickie at his mother’s funeral and she’s been bitter ever since. It’s all on her facebook page. (I’m kidding. I don’t know who Sartharina is.)
I wasn’t aware that the story was finished and thus all of these seemingly dead end plot threads were indeed dead end…
Rognik: your comments remind me of feminist speech about men not liking every woman no matter her race or looks :v you seem heavily triggered with this, while i am sure you dont mind the fanservice aimed at men, i dont understand why would you be so keen against women enjoying some too.
Seriously dude, chill with these comments :v
Zoltar: half of your sentences dont make sense, and the flaming was ment for the whole thing i wrote in “2)”, as you helpfully have in the quote, not just the bolded baldness line.
I wouldnt reccoment such “jokes” on other players, it looks weird and childlish.
Your joke on her/him about this sort of behaviour suggest you have some sort of bad/low view on women in general. And since its just because he/she said that one character isnt that good looking and your assumption that the player is a woman (i apologise Sartharina, i dont want to assume your gender when you never said what it was), im worried about your future relationships.
Cant see why do you guys argue so much about it (especialy the baldness) anyway when you propably enjoy the fanservice ment for you too.
Yes, everyone likes different things, but you do realize that the women in gw2 are generaly made to look the best for the MOST of the audience, thus they have the most alluring looks and “personality”.
I have nothing against it, or i dont care as long as there arent romance options (which will never be) i also like how the other characters are varied and not all of them are supermodels (male and female).
But they could give female audience some generaly alluring guy into the guild too. (Tall, wide shoulders, short hair.. all the other things MOST women like, as its done for the male audience with women)
Having some good looking man (or woman, but there are some already) in the guild would only hurt the truly insecure.
Edit: now that i think of it, since gw2 is such a progressive game with homosexuality and transexuality, it would surely allure even male homosexual audience, so it would be even more progressive.
I didnt mean to exclude you guys in my comments, i just wasnt thinking about it that much. I would edit “female audience” to “any who like men” but it would be too long and harder to understand.
Nothing on homosexual women because you get some exclusive stuff like men, lucky you.
This is my last comment, im done changing the subject of the poor OP who jsut wanted to talk about the lore :v
(edited by Krinstin.6287)
Rognik: your comments remind me of feminist speech about men not liking every woman no matter her race or looks :v you seem heavily triggered with this, while i am sure you dont mind the fanservice aimed at men, i dont understand why would you be so keen against women enjoying some too.
Seriously dude, chill with these comments :v
You know, I totally get where you’re coming from. If you read my comment closely, you’ll have noticed that I said there is a serious lack of male characters from the party. I get that Braham isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, we have two humans but both female, and while the sylvari are human where it counts, we don’t have a recurring male there, either. When I suggested Rytlock, it was more of a joke than a real suggestion. I mean, if you want to say that you’re only attracted to the in-game humans, I’d have been cool with that, but I wanted to tease you a little. Sorry if you feel that went too far. Everyone has such a knee-jerk reaction on the internet these days. I’m not triggered so much as want to explain myself until I’m clearly understood.
So yeah. Bring on the men, please! I don’t think we’ve seen a gay male couple since… Bercilac? Or bring back Logan. I’m sure we can get him stripped of his rank, too, so that he’s free to join Dragon’s Watch. Or would that take him away from stalkingprotecting Queen Jennah for too long?