Paying for past episodes...

Paying for past episodes...

in Living World

Posted by: Misoru.3975


I really don’t like this system. I paid for this game like everyone else, so why is it that I must pay AGAIN for content that was otherwise free to people who played it at an earlier time? I’m glad Arena Net has added the ability to replay episodes, but WHY must it be behind a pay wall?

And let me just go ahead and stop some counter arguments before they’re spewed:

Yes, I know if I played them during the 2 week period they would be free. So what? We all paid for it when we bought the game.

Yes, it’s only 200 gems or $2.50 dollars, and YES it can be earned with in game money. But why is that necessary? Arena Net lost no money because I didn’t play for a few months, so why am I being penalized.

Paying for past episodes...

in Living World

Posted by: Danikat.8537


You paid to access the original game and that’s what you got. You still have access to all that content for no additional cost. Anet never said all future content would be free (in fact I think they said the complete opposite: that we would have to pay for it, but I don’t remember where).

So you’re not paying again. You paid once for the original game, you’re now paying separately for something extra on top of that. Just like with any other product.

Having said that however you only need to pay if you want the achievements or reward items. You can access the new zone (including all the events, drops etc.) completely free and if you want to play through the story you just need to be in a party with someone who has it unlocked.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Paying for past episodes...

in Living World

Posted by: Misoru.3975


You paid to access the original game and that’s what you got. You still have access to all that content for no additional cost. Anet never said all future content would be free (in fact I think they said the complete opposite: that we would have to pay for it, but I don’t remember where).

So you’re not paying again. You paid once for the original game, you’re now paying separately for something extra on top of that. Just like with any other product.

Having said that however you only need to pay if you want the achievements or reward items. You can access the new zone (including all the events, drops etc.) completely free and if you want to play through the story you just need to be in a party with someone who has it unlocked.

I paid for the game under the implication, if not blatantly stated, that more content would be periodically released for free. This was a major selling point for not only me, but the game as a whole. And the notion of Arena Net saying content would be paid is ridiculous, and I would challenge you to present me with evidence of them ever saying that. The continuation of the Living Story has been free since the very first episode.

Paying for past episodes...

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Think of it as paying for DLC.

And the notion of Arena Net saying content would be paid is ridiculous, and I would challenge you to present me with evidence of them ever saying that. The continuation of the Living Story has been free since the very first episode.

Burden of proof doesn’t usually fall on the defending party. You’re making the accusation, the imperative is on you to prove your accusation.

Paying for past episodes...

in Living World

Posted by: ACGalaga.7369


Man, I wish they would release season 1. I’d pay to play through some of that again. Or at least be able to access the story and/or cut-scenes via a library or scrying pool or something.

Paying for past episodes...

in Living World

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I really don’t like this system. I paid for this game like everyone else, so why is it that I must pay AGAIN for content that was otherwise free to people who played it at an earlier time? I’m glad Arena Net has added the ability to replay episodes, but WHY must it be behind a pay wall?

And let me just go ahead and stop some counter arguments before they’re spewed:

Yes, I know if I played them during the 2 week period they would be free. So what? We all paid for it when we bought the game.

Yes, it’s only 200 gems or $2.50 dollars, and YES it can be earned with in game money. But why is that necessary? Arena Net lost no money because I didn’t play for a few months, so why am I being penalized.

You missed this counter argument:

You can play all of the Season 2 episodes you missed by joining a friend/guildie when they do it. Can experience the exact same story and fights and not pay a dime. You just can’t get achievements or the backpiece parts that come with it.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Paying for past episodes...

in Living World

Posted by: Kurrilino.2706


I really don’t like this system. I paid for this game like everyone else, so why is it that I must pay AGAIN for content that was otherwise free to people who played it at an earlier time? I’m glad Arena Net has added the ability to replay episodes, but WHY must it be behind a pay wall?

And let me just go ahead and stop some counter arguments before they’re spewed:

Yes, I know if I played them during the 2 week period they would be free. So what? We all paid for it when we bought the game.

Yes, it’s only 200 gems or $2.50 dollars, and YES it can be earned with in game money. But why is that necessary? Arena Net lost no money because I didn’t play for a few months, so why am I being penalized.

My Friend…………………………….

You have no idea how lucky you are to not witness the past contend.
I am actually jealous of you.