Plothole: So, why could Wynne...

Plothole: So, why could Wynne...

in Living World

Posted by: Crise.9401


…and Faolain & Caithe just waltz into the cave sealed by Forgotten and we had to go through this convoluted ritual of pseudo ascension underneath the priory.

Ogden also makes a point about the ritual not being repeatable (at least not with what the priory has).

I find that this bothers me now that I have had more time to sit down and think about the conclusion of Point of No Return.

Plothole: So, why could Wynne...

in Living World

Posted by: Rognik.2579


They actually said when you were talking to Ogden the first time. Wynne had a golden seal that allowed her to open the door. I don’t know how Caithe and Faolain could follow her in. Maybe they found a duplicate or jumped in before the passage sealed behind her.

Plothole: So, why could Wynne...

in Living World

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


*Wynne had a golden seal that allowed her to open the door.

Most likely the Forgotten Seal

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Plothole: So, why could Wynne...

in Living World

Posted by: Anakita Snakecharm.4360

Anakita Snakecharm.4360

Maybe they found a duplicate or jumped in before the passage sealed behind her.

I was assuming the latter. When the PC opens the doorway, the NPCs get through it too even though they don’t have their own torches. I think Caithe and Faolain were in close enough proximity that they were able to make it through before it shut.

Plothole: So, why could Wynne...

in Living World

Posted by: Crise.9401


They actually said when you were talking to Ogden the first time. Wynne had a golden seal that allowed her to open the door.

Duh, I must have missed this, though I tried to really pay attention.

Although all this does is change the question to, why on earth would a member of then an infantile race have an (presumably) ancient seal of a lost race predominantly tied to human gods.

The cave itself as a setting seems somewhat out of place, I mean it is an interesting setting but it has no clear connection or significance to the events themselves.

Plothole: So, why could Wynne...

in Living World

Posted by: Electro.4173


They actually said when you were talking to Ogden the first time. Wynne had a golden seal that allowed her to open the door.

Duh, I must have missed this, though I tried to really pay attention.

Although all this does is change the question to, why on earth would a member of then an infantile race have an (presumably) ancient seal of a lost race predominantly tied to human gods.

The cave itself as a setting seems somewhat out of place, I mean it is an interesting setting but it has no clear connection or significance to the events themselves.

My guess would be that she got it from the centaurs. She was there researching history with the centaurs after all.

As to why the centaurs had it… found it somewhere near the cave? Ancient treasure passed down through the tribe? Who knows.

Plothole: So, why could Wynne...

in Living World

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

btw phew notes here about cave thing – we have gold city sealed by forgoten (at least looks like so)

what race we know that used to live in “golden city”? Mursaat (which we exterminated though)

also phew spot on the plot – we recreated trials that were required to try to ascend – so considering divine flame working quite well against the dragons shadow and that we were able to freely use it without harm while ogden was insinuating that it may be deadly for none ascended folks – in theory there are two thingsit may tip:

first: human gods are still somewhere there and does well
second: PC have managed to fullify ascention after all

also phew other stuff:
in lore of white mantle we know that they guy who created it (forgot dudes name) have found “golden city” DEEP IN THE MAGUUMA JUNGLE which according to the GW1 map was covering all area currently known as silverwastes at that time

also our GW1 characters needed to ascend to see mursaat and mursaat stuff – and we see these buildings quite clearly

from this I think we may got phew observations:
again it may be somekind of proove for thing that we are ascended right now OR that may just mean that spells covering mursaat buildings died with mursaat race

but also we can quite safely assume that we have found part of the city the guy of white mantle found looooong time ago

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

Plothole: So, why could Wynne...

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


what race we know that used to live in “golden city”? Mursaat (which we exterminated though)

SPOILER it seems that a few of them are still kicking around based off the new trailer