Portrayal of Males in Living Story

Portrayal of Males in Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

We do have well-done males in the story, and we have well-done females in the story. We also have weak characters of either gender floating around too.

We have a handful of well made relatable male characters, we have lots of strong well written females characters. It is quite disproportionate if you start to count them up, additionally, male characters seem to be cast as idiots such as Faren, Quinn, etcetera.

Hey, you said we can’t count PS characters in this conversation so no fair pulling Lord Faren and Quinn in

Make up your mind whether we’re talking PS and LS or not.

Asking for a couple more good lead roles is not an outrageous request, why are you against it Tobias? Can you honesty say you like the trend of Lord Faren like males?

I’m not against it. You’re really not reading what I’m saying and trying to put me into making an argument I’m not making.

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Portrayal of Males in Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Aedelric.1287


I’m not against it. You’re really not reading what I’m saying and trying to put me into making an argument I’m not making.

I am not trying to put you into an argument, I just do not understand if you are for or against. You seem to argue against by saying we have strong male roles already.

“I am Evon Gnashblade and this message is acceptable to me.”

Portrayal of Males in Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

I’m not against it. You’re really not reading what I’m saying and trying to put me into making an argument I’m not making.

I am not trying to put you into an argument, I just do not understand if you are for or against. You seem to argue against by saying we have strong male roles already.

That’s not an argument against, that’s a detail I feel people keep glossing over or discarding in favor of a point they want to make.

Check my other postings about this topic and you’ll probably see exactly what I think on the topic:

By all means, keep putting strong characters into the Living Story. Male, female, machine, whatever. Strong characters are welcome here. I prefer they be strong characters over whether they are male, female, or whatever.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Portrayal of Males in Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

I would venture to say that the entire Guild Wars storyline has been following some matriarchal undertone.
The original Guild Wars, from King Adelbern's and Prince Rurik defeat at the hands of the Charr to the to Gwen's establishment of Kryta as what would become the new homeland for humankind, women have come out from under the usual shadow cast by male counterparts.
As for Logan’s ineptitude, this also could be a build to an actual relationship with Queen Jennah. It seems to mirror Keiran Thackeray’s courtship of Gwen enough to make it very romantic, if only in a comedic way right now.

“Look like the innocent flower, but be the Obaba under’t.”

Portrayal of Males in Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Chasind.3128


We all know Logan is a love-sick idiot who doesn’t have a single chance with the Human nappy-haired Queen Jennah (yes, her hair doesn’t match her as a queen, it’s way to plain to be in that dress. Almost says ‘Yes! I took alot of time to put this dress on but my hair? No I’ll just leave it the way it was when I woke up")

All I’m saying is, if MY BFF died because I chose someone whom I loved, (they didn’t love me back) over my BFF who has been with me through thick & thin…. – then I don’t deserve any personal story gain.

Portrayal of Males in Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

I would venture to say that the entire Guild Wars storyline has been following some matriarchal undertone.
The original Guild Wars, from King Adelbern's and Prince Rurik defeat at the hands of the Charr to the to Gwen's establishment of Kryta as what would become the new homeland for humankind, women have come out from under the usual shadow cast by male counterparts.
As for Logan’s ineptitude, this also could be a build to an actual relationship with Queen Jennah. It seems to mirror Keiran Thackeray’s courtship of Gwen enough to make it very romantic, if only in a comedic way right now.

The defeat to the charr was inevitable, and if it had been a female character we’d be hearing about how women can’t succeed. I’m serious, there was no way Ascalon could win after the Wall was breached and the charr were able to march like they did. They could barely survive. Also, Rurik’s defeat was at the hands of the Stone Summit leader as the refugees from Ascalon were trying to make it through the Frost Gate. Which was successful so it wasn’t a failure it was a heroic sacrifice.

Your spoiler marking detail is factually wrong; I think you have the wrong person in there. Not saying you’re completely incorrect – Kryta turned definitely a tad matriarchal after the War in Kryta, but the responsibility/honor was on someone entirely else.

Keiran’s courtship started off “inept” because it was a subordinate trying to bring a little cheer to his commanding officer. Then he was a little more personal than he probably should have been and ran full on into Gwen’s little . . . obsession, and got verbally slapped for his efforts. It wasn’t until he was MIA after the War in Kryta Gwen began to think otherwises, and it was efforts by a stranger and events forcing Keiran to “man up” which made him change her mind to actually consider his proposal.

Logan’s thing with Queen Jennah has many, many, more thorns in the mix. It’s not just a commanding officer, it’s the queen and he’s (presumably) not a noble in the hierarchy of things. He has the duty to Destiny’s Edge to juggle when (not if) it comes to the forefront again. While they’re not fighting a guerrilla war, they are fighting off at least two sets of enemies as well as whatever else happens to crop up. Without the luxury of mobility to keep themselves out of reach should anything go really . . . really wrong.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Portrayal of Males in Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Golgathoth.3967


I’m a woman, and I very much agree. On one hand, I am very pleased with the giant cast of strong female characters. What I don’t like is that apparently this strength has to come at the expense of every man in the story. It’s simply not interesting. Logan Thackery is one of my favorite characters in the game, but I feel that he is written extremely lazily, and I tire of the just… total insipidness of his “relationship” with Jennah (come on, she’s not even interested.) His writing is immensely better in the personal stories not involving Jennah whatsoever.

I can’t speak to the rest of the examples directly, what with having missed six months, but I agree the trend is there. If you want a strong male character, you have to make one. It’s you and only ever you. Strong female characters are good! But making an entire gender, WHICHEVER ONE IT IS, totally weak in comparison to the other is just lazy, boring, and sexist.

Sylvari: 7 Humans: 3 Charr: 2 Norn: 1 Asura: 0
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!