Positive feedback to Living Story

Positive feedback to Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Harbard.5738


This is a positive feedback thread to LS. People hardly post positive feedback here because they’re too busy playing. Just wanted to make sure to leave mine.

I’ve been very critical of LS, but I’ve changed my mind. ANet is on the right track focusing on the open world and Dynamic Events.

Sure it’s still a farmfest and it cycles hourly, no unpredictability, no randomness (ironically, DEs are the only thing that can benefit from randomness in this game that doesn’t have it). But man, THAT’s the right way to do LS. Keep open world DEs coming, focus and hone them, and some randomness, spice up that story and LS will be great! I’m also really glad the focus is back on combat and core mechanics, especially liked the 1×1 challenges. Just stop cycling that stuff, please make them permanent! Anyway, that “acitivities” phase was killing me, hope it’s the end of that crap.

Moreover, I’d like to say I totally support LS as the means to release new content as opposed to xpacs. LS is superior because it can deliver content IN context with what’s happening to the world, which adds immersion. If Anet adds an xpac-worth of content via LS updates, and keeps using DEs and the open world, LS has potential to be really great and even mind-blowing awesome.

Please keep using those DEs and the open world. they are PvE’s (and maybe the game’s) best assets.

Thanks and keep it up!

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

(edited by Harbard.5738)

Positive feedback to Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: TakaYama.5394


I too have really enjoyed the living story, it did come off at a rocky start with fire and ice. I spent a lot of time in that thinking I’ve been missing something. But I am much more of a story/lore buff and a lot of people seem to complain about the mechanics and achievements. I really don’t care much about those things. But for me the greatest moment was when the Zeph’s talked about Glint, I was just so thrilled. I really hope they go back to that. I loved those small things.

I do have but one complaint and that is only relevant for the last 2 patches. I don’t much like the farming brought in by the game. But that is a small personal issue, but over all this is free content and LS was not the reason I bought the game. I bought the collectors edition because I loved GW and I love Anet.

Positive feedback to Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: marnick.4305


At first I didn’t like the increased pace because it takes away from the core game. At one point I felt like doing a fractal, to get those last few tokens for my back. I was torn between LS and FotM.

I realized though, that I really like the invasions, and that I’ve done over 250 fractals. I like the new content far more than the old. Why should I do the lesser content?

Something has to be done about the temp stuff eventually, but currently I like that stuff more than the “real game”. Only a the dragon bash, that one I didn’t do because of the grind.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Positive feedback to Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Yocchan.8902


I was angry about the LS some time ago, critizising it wherever I went. Then they released the Zephyr Sanctum chapter, and I changed my mind completely. The Zephyr Sanctum is proof of just how amazing the LS can be. Achievements that didn’t feel like chores (I loved the sky crystals!), a compelling story going on (ties to dragons, eventually Cantha AND to the earlier LS chapters with Evon, Ellen and the Aetherblades; a nice way to keep several elements of the story advancing), an explorable zone with breathtaking beauty and a great soundtrack to further enhance the experience. I was so excited every morning to log in and play, and I enjoyed every moment of it!

Positive feedback to Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Aedelric.1287


The living story arc has been a little weak since The zepher Sanctum, but honestly it is hard to beat that great piece.

This one was decent plenty to keep occupied with and an intriguing new main villain. I have to say I really enjoyed the small cutscene and the small dungeon. Invasions themselves though can sometimes be laggy it is still great to have players gather around for a change and the rewards for taking part is ample.

In all enjoyable and looking forward to the next one.

“I am Evon Gnashblade and this message is acceptable to me.”

Positive feedback to Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Katz.5143


I have complained much about the invasions not properly counting. In all that, I think the overall activities aren’t being mentioned as much as the problem with the bugged achievement.

However, as far as the activities go this time, I’ve really enjoyed this update. The only thing I haven’t participated in is the gauntlet. But I have participated in everything else and have enjoyed it.

In most of the living stories I have liked some or at times all of the activities. What I don’t like are bugs, feeling pressured to complete things in a limited time, and temporary. All of those have NOTHING to do with the actual content. The content I have enjoyed.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Positive feedback to Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: UrMom.4205


Farming or not, it is still epic every time seeing tons of players in one map all over the place fighting battles, then the final push to take down scarlett is just awesome. The high point for me with this LS was during an invasion on Mount Maelstrom on CD. We had the typical farmers and achievement farmers friendly bickering back and forth in the map chat. I was hoping all over the place killing champions and minions. Then all of a sudden we were down to the final sliver of minions and even the champ farmers were making a push. Scarlett came up and it was a mad dash to her location. I don’t think i’ve ever seen so much dps on a single boss in this game before. Seconds were ticking down, her health bar shrinking. It was a real edge of your seat moment. Then right when the clock hit 0:00, we did it. The map chat erupted with “FUK YEAH!!” “HELL YEAH” “WOO”. It was probably one of the best moments i’ve had in this game. To me dungeons are fun and instanced story quests are fun, but man…that invasion melted my face. I for one love the invasions, done dozens of them and love every min of them. Well done Anet. Now…lets just fix the WvW matchup system (just look at this weeks scoreboard for CD if you don’t know what i’m talking about)

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