Predictions for Ep6 and Xpac (Spoilers)

Predictions for Ep6 and Xpac (Spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: Xarbokk.3195


Anyone else get the feeling that Braham will be so mad at us for saving the dragons that he will do something stupid like try to team up with Balthazaar and become our new nemesis? Plus he doesn’t even know about Aurene yet, and while she might be nice and innocent now, that might not matter to him and he will see us as dragon sympathizers . He has been going overboard the last few episodes and I don’t see him taking this news well

Xarbokk Ragnarok
(Warband of Wolves )
Blackgate Server

Predictions for Ep6 and Xpac (Spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: Arden.7480


Anyone else get the feeling that Braham will be so mad at us for saving the dragons that he will do something stupid like try to team up with Balthazar and become our new nemesis? Plus he doesn’t even know about Aurene yet, and while she might be nice and innocent now, that might not matter to him and he will see us as dragon sympathizers . He has been going overboard the last few episodes and I don’t see him taking this news well

1) I doubt a god would team up with a norn and a norn would team up with a god- Norn believe in the Spirits of the Wild and if Braham would reject the faith in Them, he would be banned by other Norns.
2) I doubt an expansion will tell us about the BabyRage Braham- I can’t imagine an expansion will be all about a stupid immature Norn, who just has to become a normal guy.
3) If he would even threaten that he would kill Aurene I am sure he will have to deal with:
-Commander obviously
-Exalted and their Master Luminate
-Kasmeer, Marjory, Rox, Rytlock, Taimi, Logan, Queen Jennah, Zephirytes
-and the one who will lay down life for Aurene such as Commander- Caithe

So Braham would make the whole Tyria against him and if Balthazar would do the same… we can say good byes to Braham and Balthazar.

4) Braham knows about a Dragon (if he knows about the Egg, he knows that from this egg will be born a Dragon). Anyway he defended it and he was ready to kill Cathe because she stole the Egg. People can change, but not like that… He is immature like hell, but well some things can’t be forgotten.

5) I am not scared by his reaction, because he knows that the Commander will do everything to make his ( edit: I mean Commander’s plan) plan work and Braham has been defeated by Commander and everyone will cheer to the commander, because Norn can sleep calmly and Jormag will not be dangerous to them anymore.

Commander just met Primordus, just met a God, just putted Jormag to sleep so Comamnder is a hero, not Braham, because while Norn celebrated that Braham cracked Tooth, the commander was doing everything to stop:
2)“Lazarus” then Balthazar

So well who is a hero now? The Commander or Braham?

And if Braham will just reconcile with the situation I think he will be most welcomed in Dragon’s Watch as he was meant to be. He only has to become mature, normal man.

“The Elder Dragon is no more”

(edited by Arden.7480)