Q: Reset Stats for Sparking Petrified Wood?

Q: Reset Stats for Sparking Petrified Wood?

in Living World

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I just assumed that the new Sparking Petrified Wood ascended accessory with selectable stats would be resetable just like the blood ruby items. However the vendor does not sell a “reset item”.

Does anyone know if there is another way to reset them?

Update: Just found out that the Bloodstone Capacitor does NOT work on the new items from Ember Bay.

(edited by humfrid.2615)

Q: Reset Stats for Sparking Petrified Wood?

in Living World

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


Thanks for your update regarding the capacitor… I was wondering that exact same question.

I’ve not seen any method of resetting the EB items either. Maybe Anet has decided that the stat swap option is just too powerful.

Q: Reset Stats for Sparking Petrified Wood?

in Living World

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I guess it is not a big deal. Accessories give the least amount of stats. I often wonder why they even exist since they are just another 2 slots to fill for barely any stat gain, and not one thing more. Might as well add another 6 trinket slots that barely change anything, for whatever reason. lol