Ok, first and foremost… This model of “Releasing Content every Month” is great in idea, but terrible when applied in real life. Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of having new content all the time, but I don’t like having to deal with bug after bug after bug…
Moa Bird Racing – Bugged @ Release
Dragon Ball Game – Bugged @ Release
Achievement Tracking – Bugged @ Release
Mini Holographic Colossus – Bugged @ Release
Fireworks Content – Bugged @ Release Note: It was said that part of this was not a bug actually, but rather miscommunication (The actual bug pertains to the achievement being obtainable before the content was released)
Southsun Events – Half (Or more) of them Bugged @ Release
This is the only “Newly Released” content I have experienced myself, as I was leveling when Southsun first came out… After reading the forums, I now know that this is most definitely not the only content patches that have been released with exploits and bugs in them.
I’m very happy that this game has more content releases than the original Guild Wars, but you went from releasing content once every few years to releasing content every month. Let me give you a slight hint…
Moving from one extreme to another may solve a few issues, but will create new ones entirely. You need to find a middle ground…
That all being said, I recently had a thread of mine titled “Pull your skritt together ANet” pulled for having a “Callout” in the title… Specifically calling out ANet… When I sent in a question, requesting a response on whether or not changing the title of the thread would then make the post acceptable, I received a different response. That response being that “After reviewing the thread, it has been determined that the thread, worded as it was, is not acceptable for the forums. We ask that feedback threads are constructive and respectful”.
I have now revised the thread to be as constructive as possible, which was very little revision… Wikipedia gave a decent definition on what constructive criticism is “The process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one.”
As for being respectful… I have removed all blatantly disrespectful comments… Although I personally found “Pull your skritt together….” to be more humorous in nature than disrespectful…
Finally… This is not a world of “Goody Two-shoes” to make everyone feel better about themselves… Especially so on the internet… Also, this is a world where respect is earned, not given out freely, and to put it bluntly I’ve felt more disrespect coming from those in charge of this game, than I have with respect. Even still, I have tried to keep a respectful tone with my post this time around, and can only hope that I will receive the same respect in turn.