Guild Founder
Queens Gauntlet is against the manifesto!
Guild Founder
I still love you Anet!
Guild Founder
Please, don’t do this.
It’s been a year since the game came out, we can probably shelf the ideas behind the manifesto by now.
To your point about the gauntlet , in order for Anet to release challenging content, it cannot be accomplished by any build. If Liandri were to be possible to beat with a mace shield guardian using signet of resolve, pain inverter, technobabble, radiation field, and summon golem power suit, with full carrion, than it would be way too easy for a decently made build.
About your gold to gem conversion rate problem, buy gems.
gems are not gold sinks, the gem price is the result of players buying too many gems with gold, and not enough players buying gold with gems.
^ While your above comment is correct with regards to the increasing prices of gold → gems, the gem-gold conversion rate IS also a gold sink because while it costs about 3.5g to buy 100 gems with gold, you only get 2.5g when buying gold with 100 gems. Therefore, the more people using the currency exchange, the more gold is being siphoned out of the economy.