Questions about the characters.
Q2+3: True, there are a bit more important females than males in the story, as opposed to the other way around as it is in traditional fantasy. I think it’s weird though, that people get hung up on asking “is everyone represented equally?” rather than “is the story good?” And as long as that’s the case (which imo it is, especially these last couple of weeks) it doesn’t matter whether there are more females, males, frogs, aliens, or cats.
Q4: So, because AN included a lesbian couple in a tasteful way it means the writers are immature? I say, to the contrary.
Q5: The arenanet writers are responsible for the characters we encounter, NCsoft has (I belive) only very marginal impact on the story. NCsoft does however have the last say in if/when an expansion is released.
Q7: The only information we have is that he is (assumed to be) a human male (from marjory’s short story), he is very well informed, and he is “one of the good guys”.
Q8: Creating actual player impact is almost impossible in an mmo, since the decisions you make can not be honoured in the way a traditional (bioware) rpg can.
Q9: The 8 professions we have access to now is probably all there ever will be. AN was very careful to fill every potential playstyle into these professions. More weapons however may be added in the future (the scythe’s role however is fulfilled by the greatsword.)
Q1: Who are the Voice actors? Is there a List somewhere? Because there are quite a few i hear that i heard from other games, cartoons, and anime. I know there be some Troy Baker action be goin on here, as well as Tara Strong but who else? racters?
Google is your friend, I believe the “most important characters” are here.
Q2: Why so few male NPC characters?
Q3: Why so many female NPC characters?
“Important” males that had actually participated with us in instances:
Mad King Thorn, Toymaker Tixx, Braham, Moto, Canah, Evon Gnashblade, Marcello DiGiacomo, Logan Thackeray, Rytlock Brimstone, Prince Edrick Thorn. (10 total).
“Important” females that had actually participated with us in instances:
Dessa, Roxx, Ellen Kiel, Mai Trin (wooot Mai), Marjory Delaqua, Kasmeer Meade, Queen Jenna, Countess Anise, Scarlet, Caithe, Magister Tassi, Taimi. (12 total).
I know that I’m probably missing quite some more, but it seems pretty balanced to me, an edge of 2 is not that much.
Q4: Whats with the whole lesbian thing? Are the writers teenage boys or sumthin?
And what’s wrong with that? They’re partners and they’re pretty much going through tough times.
Q5: Who DESIGNS these characters!? If i recall, this game like the original is South Korean made, so for the most part better taste than western designs but still would like to know who calls the shots here, NCSoft or Arena Net.
ArenaNet (NA company) is the one that makes the game, they work for NCsoft but I think they’ve said a couple of times that they give them much freedom to do their things.
Q6: Why the lack of that one kitten character? Select anyone from Capcom’s list of games. If credit is gonna go to someone besides us the players *cough Trahherne/Ellen cough i’d rather it go to someone who at least is a kitten.
I’m afraid that I don’t understand this one, are you wondering why isn’t there a single character that appears in every story and is the “leader”? Beats me but we’ve gone to totally different places in almost each release, against different foes, might be due to that.
Q7: Who is “E”?
Dunno there, we’ll have to wait.
Q8: Why is it as we the player still have little to no impact on the main story when we interact with the NPC’s.
Aside from everyone praising you from all the help you’ve given them in the past? What are you expecting? Having a statue emerged in our name on every town?
Q9: Why is there no Scythe Wielding character yet? I remember one of the original Guild wars expansions having a scythe wielding class.
I honestly don’t know, but I would suspect it’s because it’s too improbable that the other races will worship the Six Gods. Still, having a scythe would be kitten.
PS: In case this seems like I’m trying to bash you or protect Anet, I’m not. I’m providing answers but I hate when people post without searching or backing up on information. Hope this helps you and doesn’t seems like a rude response.
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