Really another 3 level map
Its really not that hard to navigate. Take about 1 hour to just walk around and you’ll be able to find your way around pretty reasonably. Plus, when you open the map it does a really good job at explaining where you go in order to ascend/descend to another level.
It’s ok. For me it’s just another map that after completing the story I will never enter again. I bet half of you can’t even remember the name of the newest shiverpeak map.
Love multilevel maps. You’ve got me even more excited for this, OP.
I suggest you to take more time in there before complaining. It’s not that hard to navigate. With new mastery(that took me like 20 min to fill,pretty fast) you will have grappling hook to make reaching high ground even easier.
Become spiderman is way better than riding a horse for me ;>
NP navigating it. Just very uninteresting is all. It seems all they really did was squish a few maps together, made a few minor changes and released it so there would be “new” content….
Two hours later and I still can’t find all the vaults for the personal story.
Why devs insist on so much verticality is beyond me.
Which one can’t you find?
I like it because this was the type of map we were promised in HoT and with this map we use our HoT Mastery more. Travling around the place is actually very easy if you have access to the Thermal Mastery
Love when people say it’s not hard. Ive been in there since the update and I cannot find how to get up top. Call me stupid all you like but im certainly not the only person that cant navigate this hell. I thought they learned after TD that most people wont play this type of map.
It is frikkin’ confusing the first time around. I have only played one story mission thus far since release and am still not done exploring this gigantic monster of a map. The endless number of paths is just insane.
Love when people say it’s not hard. Ive been in there since the update and I cannot find how to get up top. Call me stupid all you like but im certainly not the only person that cant navigate this hell. I thought they learned after TD that most people wont play this type of map.
We don’t have any hard data. Maybe they learned after TD that most people DO play this type of map.
For my side, I’m happy to get a HoT style map again, although I still have to truly explore it to give a proper opinion.
I don’t think HoT maps were easy to navigate (mostly due to a bad minimap, but still). They were hard to navigate and SO MUCH FUN. I love a good maze, lots of situations to face, places to discover and challenges to solve. Hope this map delivers.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Stunning map, one of my favourites this season so far.
This is by far the most impressive map of the new season. Zero problems getting around… and the new mastery is SO MUCH FUN.
I really liked it too But I also really like tangled depths. There’s much more of an element of exploration when the map isn’t just ‘go to all these items on a map without any real thought’. Those kinds of maps are still fine, but I’ve always liked the initial exploration steps of the more involved HoT maps.
Also, there’s been around 30+ ‘super duper braindead simple’ to explore maps already and 4 ‘complex’ maps (maaaaybe 5 if you thought bloodstone fen was difficult too). That’s not a huge percentage!
Variety is good (but also means some things wont suit everyone – that’s fine), and I hope arenanet continues to provide variety in their maps in the future!
This map is the best thing in LS3. Beautifull, complex, with chain events, a lot of secrets. And it is just fun to traverse with new vine mastery and gliders. The first map out of 5 that is on the quality level I saw in HoT maps. I will surely return to play it for fun again and again, while I just don’t want to return to other LS3 maps for anything but farm.
Oh yeah, blatantly dull Lake Doric is defently better than this gorgeous map.
Well people, i need your opinion as i really cannot figure out if good things are coming or not. I’ve always been #1 guild wars 2 uptades supporter, but now i don’t know anymore… I mean, i’ve been waitin for 3 months just for a 1,30 hrs gameplay episode and this map?
What do you think you’ll be doin’ for the next 3 months , waiting for the next 1,30 hrs gameplay episode + farming map ?
I’m just collecting few more ideas about my time in gw2 in the future, as i don’t really fegure it out anymore…(
Well people, i need your opinion as i really cannot figure out if good things are coming or not. I’ve always been #1 guild wars 2 uptades supporter, but now i don’t know anymore… I mean, i’ve been waitin for 3 months just for a 1,30 hrs gameplay episode and this map?
What do you think you’ll be doin’ for the next 3 months , waiting for the next 1,30 hrs gameplay episode + farming map ?
I’m just collecting few more ideas about my time in gw2 in the future, as i don’t really fegure it out anymore…
If you are interested just in story content, yes, you don’t have one for the next 2 months. I am interested in open world content, and that map has a lot more content for me. The quest chains, champions, secrets, archivements. I am okay with that quantity of content.
This is by far the most impressive map of the new season. Zero problems getting around… and the new mastery is SO MUCH FUN.
You are actually right. I was complaining at first, but by the end of the evening I was really enjoying myself (apart from the story missions, that is).
Really liking this map. The thermal tubes are well-positioned and thus useful, and the vine mastery lets you explore upward which is proving to be a lot of fun. I’ve yet to learn the various events or event chains, but what I’m seeing so far this map looks like a winner.
I do not like TD, but I am ok with DM. The reason is that, while DM is multilevel, it is OPEN multilevel. What made TD frustrating was that if you were on the wrong elevation in the caves, you would sometimes have to travel halfway across the map to find a way to the right one. Here you can just jump from level to level, and the new mastery increases the ease of this, as do the thermal tubes (they make me wish TD had something similar for shooting between levels).
Well people, i need your opinion as i really cannot figure out if good things are coming or not. I’ve always been #1 guild wars 2 uptades supporter, but now i don’t know anymore… I mean, i’ve been waitin for 3 months just for a 1,30 hrs gameplay episode and this map?
What do you think you’ll be doin’ for the next 3 months , waiting for the next 1,30 hrs gameplay episode + farming map ?
I’m just collecting few more ideas about my time in gw2 in the future, as i don’t really fegure it out anymore…
Well I already spent around 6 hours only exploring the map, doing some events etc. Today I’ll be playing through the story, find and complete the jumping puzzle. And perhaps I’ll do the same once more with a different character.
This usually leaves me at more than 15-20hrs per patch so it’s fine fore me (even tho I still play through it in 2 days)
Also I wanted to add that I really like this map. I love exploring, finding new stuff, especially getting around with the new mastery, (many times getting stuck in the wall cuz I glitched through some textures ^^")
This map also has a lot of variety which makes it very enjoyable for me.
What I especially value is that it isn’t crammed with enemies like Lake doric was for example. It doesn’t feel empty tho. It just feels right.
All we wanted was a GvG.
(edited by Entenkommando.5208)
Thanks ANet maybe Black Desert is calling me.
See you next week!
Take your time to explore,it’s not that complicated of a map.
It’s really easy to get anywhere you want,just use the mastery ability and any up drafts you see.
Maps in this game make for one of it’s strongest selling points,they are so beautifully designed and varied.
Should they build every map flat because all you want to do is point to a marker in the mini map and walk a straight line there?
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-
Thanks ANet maybe Black Desert is calling me.
See you next week!
Have fun standing in the same spot grinding mobs for hours.
Certainly no map issues there.
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-
Navigating maps has never been an issue for me. My problem is, I find the map to be boring. Navigating it is all there is to it. Hardly any challenging mobs to be found anywhere, except for the big event champions. What little combat challenge there is can be easily avoided. I find myself just running all over the place with hardly anything interesting to do.
I should note that I’ve never found the egg hunt achievements interesting. And now there’s one with 60 objectives? I guess they needed to throw in something to make people want to walk around.
I do not like TD, but I am ok with DM. The reason is that, while DM is multilevel, it is OPEN multilevel. What made TD frustrating was that if you were on the wrong elevation in the caves, you would sometimes have to travel halfway across the map to find a way to the right one. Here you can just jump from level to level, and the new mastery increases the ease of this, as do the thermal tubes (they make me wish TD had something similar for shooting between levels).
You’re kidding. Right?
Have you heard of the Nuhoch Wallows?
The new mastery makes up for the story shortfalls for me. That vine pull / glider combo is exactly the sort of thing I hope to see them do more of with the mastery system.
I personally adore complex and multilayered map design, but I can understand it is not for everyone.
The only complaint I would have regarding the new map is how full of gimmicks they are filled with to make masteries relevant. It’s a sea of gimmicks (thermal tubes, ley lines, updrafts, and now spiderman web shooter dispensers).
The map gets easier to navigate once you play it more and learn where everything is. The new mastery helps quite a bit.
It seems a lot of complaints are about getting to the inquest camp which is simply two lava tubes and a short glide away from the WP by the mercenary camp (as Ember Bay look).
Why are they cramming the multi-tier maps down our throats ? I hate jumping puzzles and if the HOT style type maps are what we have in our future I will also eventually loose interest and I’m finding it hard to stick with the game if this continues. Anet you’re pulling away from what originally drove Guild Wars to be a popular game and I’m continually seeing you drift further and further away from that. You can make a map that’s fun to explore and still provide good content but the constant multi tier maps and maps which require a constant presence of players on the map to complete its content is going to end the game period. The bigger you make the game the more spread out your gamers get in that game and soon something that isn’t any newer then two weeks ago is a dead map and it won’t matter if people are going to have trouble navigating and doing combat on said map with a small group. If you want those larger maps that require this type of content it can’t be the engine you’re going to drive players to new content. You’re losing fans and players alike doing this. When I can’t play with a small group of friends and enjoy the game, you’re killing me and I won’t continue to support it much longer.
Constant multi tier maps? LWS3 has released 5 maps so far, and only 2 of them have been multi tier maps. Of those 2, 1 of them was blodstone fen, where the tiers consisted of floating islands, the ground, and then a huge underground caverns spanning the length of the map. Hardly a difficult task to navigate.
This map can for F itself! I play an mmo for a challenging experience in combat, a story and having fun with other people, not a freaking spider man console game!
Am I the only one who had a ridiculously easy time getting this map down? after TD there’s not much they can do to confuse me unless they start making maps out of MC Esher pictures.
Am I the only one who had a ridiculously easy time getting this map down? after TD there’s not much they can do to confuse me unless they start making maps out of MC Esher pictures.
TD wasn’t even a problem the minute you got wallows. This map has so much more gimmicks to let you go everywhere than TD.
I don’t think everyone has the same memory or same set of directions. While I had little problem learning this map, I can understand why the OP is frustrated by it.
But as others have said, it’s not every map. There needs to be maps for all types of players.
Yeah new map is mega annoying to a higher degree than HoT maps. It needs 2x the way points and actually useable ones. In most cases whenever any event happens it takes too long to actually get to the place because everything is so stupidly awkward to get to. I understand it “had” to have a shtick with Tarsan ropes, but constant bumping with your head, and completely unobvious ways to get from layer to layer… blergh. If new expansion will have more of this “verticality” stuff count me out.
Bonus, the tarsan rope bugs out from time to time and locks you in never-ending spinning falling animation. Enjoy re-doing the whole thing over.
(edited by Bugabuga.9721)
It’s an anti-clockwise spiral.
You start at the bottom in the south west corner of the map and you keep going up and left until you end up almost exactly above where you started, but 2 levels up.
There are various short-cuts in the form of updrafts, those lava font things from previous LS maps, leylines and the new druid mastery, but if you can’t figure out where to go you can just run there – keep going left and uphill and you’ll get there.
The one bit that might be confusing is the transition between the 2nd and 3rd levels, which is a ‘ramp’ with loads of destroyers on it, because there’s other paths to either side which don’t go up. But you can see that from quite a distance away, so that’s where making sure you’re going uphill as well as left comes into play.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
two words, thermal tubes.
You can get from the submarine to Rata Arcanum in a few seconds if you’re willing to jump in them:
so here you go, a map, please forward it to everyone who says the map is hard to navigate.
Thermal Tubes take you literally everywhere
I know there’s one more thermal tube in the north, but it doesn’t lead anywhere signifcant
A lot of people are losing interest (or getting frustrated) by these style of maps. I’m sure there are people who enjoy it, but… I just don’t see an equal amount of those folk.
Also whenever someone explains this map I laugh because it just sounds ridiculous.
Well people, i need your opinion as i really cannot figure out if good things are coming or not. I’ve always been #1 guild wars 2 uptades supporter, but now i don’t know anymore… I mean, i’ve been waitin for 3 months just for a 1,30 hrs gameplay episode and this map?
What do you think you’ll be doin’ for the next 3 months , waiting for the next 1,30 hrs gameplay episode + farming map ?
I’m just collecting few more ideas about my time in gw2 in the future, as i don’t really fegure it out anymore…
Well, I have a backlog of achievements to chase, more characters I’d love to try out and level, a few characters (visually and mechanically) I’d like to make, level, and explore, maps I have to explore on other characters, another legendary item to make, maybe pursue that Legendary Heavy Armor, more ascended armor to craft for my occasional foray into WvW, and there may be a festival between now and the next LS episode.
My only problem really is the WP. It honestly just needs one more, particularly in the Savage area.
two words, thermal tubes.
You can get from the submarine to Rata Arcanum in a few seconds if you’re willing to jump in them:so here you go, a map, please forward it to everyone who says the map is hard to navigate.
Thermal Tubes take you literally everywhere
I know there’s one more thermal tube in the north, but it doesn’t lead anywhere signifcant
Nice map showing the lava tubes!
I use Heathen’s Hold Waypoint as my main starting point for nearly everything. There are jumping shrooms nearby that can take you a level higher, the lava tubes which will get either to or near where you want to go. You can take one and start flying in any direction and be high enough to get to a lot of upper areas. You can drop off the edge and fly down to the next layer below or the small shelf below that to get to the flax farm. I think for map cohesiveness Savage Rise should have a waypoint somewhere in it though.
When I first got to the map I was doing the story with friends and we ran all over and I was totally confused and could not remember where stuff was. After I went around on my own it got a lot better. I did the Rock Star achieve and that helped me get my bearings as well. Dulfy’s guide was very valuable also in figuring out where to navigate.
I definitely like this map a lot better now and way better than Tangled Depths map.
There are issues with the main map and the mini map that just do not show you where you are when you are sort of in between layers. I found my self clicking over and over on the layers to try to figure out what was where in relation to where I thought I was. I ended up using personal markers (alt/left click) to mark where I wanted to go to so I could see what direction to go to when dropping down and flying to the next level. With this many layers there should be some better way to show you where you are in relation to things.
My only problem really is the WP. It honestly just needs one more, particularly in the Savage area.
Why does it need 1 more? Its already quick to get anywhere on the island if you know where it is and have thermal tubes unlocked, even faster if you have the new mastery (I forget what its called).
The tube near the Mariner WP only goes to the south, but most of the action happens at the eastern area of the Savage area.
But it doesn’t take that long to get there. Maybe 1 or 2 minutes if you walk, maybe.
The tube near the Mariner WP only goes to the south, but most of the action happens at the eastern area of the Savage area.
ye, but there’s another thermal tube just up the hill. you can tell from the map I linked a few posts up
I don’t think everyone has the same memory or same set of directions. While I had little problem learning this map, I can understand why the OP is frustrated by it.
I can understand why people have trouble when they first encounter it. I don’t accept that it’s okay to stop there and claim it’s a horrid map.
I have trouble on every map. My brain has difficulty distinguishing left & right (and so east & west) and top & bottom (so north & south). And the UI’s limitations for displaying height are vexing even in a single-layer map.
So I know going in that I’m going to be lost most of the time to start with. It is challenging to get around and so it’s worth learning (through trial & error or reading about it) various tricks for navigating.
- The map works like a healix: a spiral shape with a couple of layers.
- In this map, unlike others, lava tubes are your friend. Take them all the way up and glide down to any level.
- Updrafts are less friendly, in that they often won’t take you up a layer.
- Sometimes the best way down is to go up and glide down.
- Oakheart’s Reach is useful everywhere; get in the habit of grabbing it and using it all the time. It can be used while gliding, while falling, and allows you to fix a whole host of mistakes we all tend to make when navigating.
- Identify one spot in each layer and find a reliable way to reach it, one that works for you. (It turns out that there are usually 3-4.)
Or in shorter form: when in doubt, lava tub up the map and glide down, using Oakheart’s Reach as a safety, um, web.