Repeatable Living Story/Permanent content.
You’re hitting the nail right on the head and even though they’ve stated they’ve heard it, I don’t believe that. I will believe it when I see new content stay in the game.
Ignoring community wishes is the worst way they can take, and theyre doing that right now, so many complaint about lack of pernament rewarding content, OK,we got Fractals. Fractals do not compare to any GW1 elite dungeon. At MattVisuals interview with Colin Johansson at PAX, Colin pretty much said fractals were supposed to be that place, though he openly admitted they had failed at delivering it rewarding. Hell, then make it more rewarding, dont update your Living World for one month and make fractals better… I would rather have every 2 months one Living Story and good hard dungeon with unique armor skins than Living Story every 2 weeks…
For example, 70% of GW2 comunity want Guild vs Guild, 90% of old GW1 players want GvG, what we have ? Nothing, we have unofficial GvG matches in WvW Borderlands ( , this is very very sad, how much was GvG suggested, ppls really want them,now we have this matches,unofficial GvG ladders sites, unoficial LFG sites (at least LFG will be in game HOOOORAY, we waited only one year).
As I’m one who is not at all interested in SAB, it does strike me how little new content there is in this game lately. I’d love to dust off some of my characters, and take on some new challenge, but they’ve already done it all…. and all the new stuff is gone….
And no where near 70% of the community cares about GvG. Maybe 2-3%, but likely not even that. GvG is a minority. A very vocal one, but a minority.
I don’t know why you want repeatable, but I definitely agree that they need to add things such as fun dungeons or even jump puzzles to the zones we already have. They could also add new permanent zones, they need to do something and soon.
Make the content permanent, but the rewards timed.
That will please everyone.
As I’m one who is not at all interested in SAB, it does strike me how little new content there is in this game lately.
And no where near 70% of the community cares about GvG. Maybe 2-3%, but likely not even that. GvG is a minority. A very vocal one, but a minority.
- Thats completly true, im really sad i cant go and jump this awesome clocktower jumping puzzle from halloween event, or that Molten Facility dungeon from Retribution update… such a nice places,lot of fun, but anet deleted all this awesome work after 2weeks… New players have the same content as we have while vanilla released, so where is this game expanding, when they delete every new stuff (2 pvp maps,wvw updates,some bug fixing isnt enought for one year) If this is MMO game, it should live, you should have fun with players in lot of locations, lot of content, i would say gw2 is ONLINE game rather than MMO
- About GvG, well, maybe not 70% but im really sure theres lot of players from GW1, all gw1 players MUST love gvg, and im really sure they would like to see GvG in GW2, enought PvE living story, what about make some PvP focused Living Story with implementating GvG ? New PvP modes ?… Its weird that 50% of borderland map players doing GvG on the edge of Borderlands… At least, some new PvP competitive oportunity for pvp guilds/players… lot of guilds/players stoped playing PvP because this sPvP is very very weird…
(edited by Safire.9143)
Few points:
-I do beleive it was mentioned that the Aetherblade Retreat and Molten Facility may have a place in the fractals.
-Scarlets invasions is permanent.
-Revamped Tequalt is permanent.
-All WvW changes and additions were permanent.
That’s just a sampler of recent things, people need to realise that
A) they cant make things that everyone likes as their will always be people who disagree, and those are the loud ones.
B) We get a lot for content for not paying a dime unless we want to :P
I believe that the Super Adventure Box will be granted a permanent stay once all worlds have been created. But who knows when that will be.
As for seasonal occasions like halloween or winter, they could really bring back the previous content like the clocktower or the wintersday JP additionally to some new ideas.
Would be a shame to have this kinda stuff deleted for good.
New players will get stuff thats new new new and players like me can revisit some good ol’ times.
Make the content permanent, but the rewards timed.
That will please everyone.
I disagree. I don’t see a reason why there needs to be a cutoff date for getting rewards for playing new content.
I say just release the new story content at a reasonable rate (say once a month) and let people do it and receive the rewards whenever they want. I just don’t understand what the problem with that concept is.