Replay chapter confusion did I miss something
Yes, you missed the voice recorder because you left the instance too soon. As far as knowing the name, it’s up in the air as to how the PC knew it.
Edit: Scroll to near the bottom
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
The only parts you can replay are parts with combat. I believe you are talking about the part where you go into Scarlet’s hideout and talk with your companions. That part is not replayable. The re-playable parts are the ones with combat essentially that the achievements are tied to.
I believe you can have an alt character start the Living Story and experience it in its entirety. Would have to do the whole thing over but you would see if you missed anything.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Also a video:
Thanks for the replies. Yep I stayed around in the instance for like 5 minutes after looking around and such. I interacted with that thing in the video but when all that happen was a hologram showed up I thought that was the extent of it. I had no idea there was more to do with it than that. I’ll probably play through with an alt just to make sure I didn’t miss anything else.
On the replay note, I’m not sure of the point of the replay option if you can’t replay all the instances. Eventually everyone would be to the point where they played through everything with all their characters then there would be no more ability to replay through everything. Partly defeating the purpose of the feature. I’d like to think this is an oversight, but perhaps they thought we couldn’t possibly want to redo the pure story only instances? One of my most favorite thing to do with story rich games is to play the story again and again over time. It’s like watching a favorite movie tons of times over the years. The way this is puts a very small hard limit on that.
Yea i think this sucks, again Anet dose this choose for us what to skip and not exactly the same like certain cinematic you can skip and others you are forced to watch.
what what what….
I think there should be an option to replay the final instance in each part of the LS. I’m surprised that they didn’t include them.
There’s no purple star because the purple star is for achievement instances. I’m pretty sure you can run through the entire story again and re-see the instance. If you just want access to it all the time, and have an alt you don’t need to finish, you can just leave them on that step to rewatch it whenever and just don’t finish that instance.
Also, the holographic recorder (and in fact all of the things you can interact with in the first chapter) is in the room in the first instance of the second chapter anyways, so nothing missed.
you can replay all the instances. The “fighting” ones you can play all the time, the rest you must replay in order.
you can replay all the instances. The “fighting” ones you can play all the time, the rest you must replay in order.
This ^
The purple stars are to quickly skip to that section for the achievements. You are welcome to repeat the whole episode to see everything. The Hologram explains everything Taimi talks about at the start of Entanglement. You keep pressing F to hear the whole hologram diary till she starts from the beginning.