Returning to GW2, What did I miss lore wise??

Returning to GW2, What did I miss lore wise??

in Living World

Posted by: Thelyssa.7041



Hello all, I started playing GW2 around launch, but went back to WoW after awhile. Now I am returning, and I have NO clue what is going on storywise. If there are any good threads on a recap, or if somebody could explain it all to me, that would be great. Thanks all,


Returning to GW2, What did I miss lore wise??

in Living World

Posted by: Deified.7520


Short summary:

Rival Trading company to Black Lion appears called consortium. They love to make money. Attempt to open portal to southsun to create tourist resort. Accidently open portal into the mist and thats where Fractal of the mist dungeon comes from ( I think).
Consortium person known as Canach starts stirring up trouble in Southsun. Causing major problems with the Karka (giant crabs). Heroes and lionguard go after him.

Flame and Frost: Enemies attacking charr and norn villages. Refugees flee from the north. Players and two NPCs named Rox and Braham team up to fight them. Turns out the enemies are a alliance between Dredge and Flame Legion known as Molten Alliance. You learn about the alliance was put together by someone from “the city”. You raid their weapons facility, defeat the alliance and it crumbles (maybe). Lots and lots of refugees are now without homes and displaced. Some go to Lions arc where the meet the consortium. Consortium proimsies new starts and homes, has refugees sign contracts

Secrets of Southsun: Previous refugees go there. Contracts had lots of fine print. Refugees basically become slaves/labor. Many don’t like it. Riots form. Fights start breaking out between settlers and refugees. Canach (still free) starts recruiting settlers to attack consortium and he starts planting these plants that cause local wild life to go crazy. Lionguard sent Kiel and heroes to help diffuse the situation.

I think thats all of it.

Returning to GW2, What did I miss lore wise??

in Living World

Posted by: sAdam.5876


A propos that problem. It would be good if there was similar recap on wiki. On GW wiki there is summerized whole story of campains and missions incorporated in Guild Wars: Beyond project. It would be harder for one time events but maybe Anet can help with that(some day).