Rise to the 4th Tier (All Day event tomorrow)

Rise to the 4th Tier (All Day event tomorrow)

in Living World

Posted by: Ferever.7014


Hello GW2 Forums,

I’m looking to organize several attempts on getting Tier 4 by doing thee Dry Top events. I heard getting Tier 4 has some benefits besides the items so I want if we can come together and see if we can make it happen. If you are interested you can add me for a taxi and I will use LFG as well.

Note: This is for NA servers.

That is all.

Edit: Refined the OP.

(edited by Ferever.7014)

Rise to the 4th Tier (All Day event tomorrow)

in Living World

Posted by: Pibriamal.8719


This isn’t Reddit, but sounds like a good idea.

Rise to the 4th Tier (All Day event tomorrow)

in Living World

Posted by: Ferever.7014


This isn’t Reddit, but sounds like a good idea.

Edited I copied and pasted from reddit to here for exposure..I’m embrassed <_<;.

Rise to the 4th Tier (All Day event tomorrow)

in Living World

Posted by: Zackie.8923


i don’t understand this tier thing.

is it gonna reset with each sandstorm or something?

Rise to the 4th Tier (All Day event tomorrow)

in Living World

Posted by: Ferever.7014


i don’t understand this tier thing.

is it gonna reset with each sandstorm or something?

from what I seen it resets with each storm.

Rise to the 4th Tier (All Day event tomorrow)

in Living World

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


I don’t get this event. How do I offer to help the survivors?

Rise to the 4th Tier (All Day event tomorrow)

in Living World

Posted by: Ferever.7014


I don’t get this event. How do I offer to help the survivors?


You do the events that spawn during the time frame and it will boost the meter up.

Rise to the 4th Tier (All Day event tomorrow)

in Living World

Posted by: Vol.7601


T4 doesn’t have much benefit. It just makes items cheaper.

And if you aren’t interested in HVT gear there is nothing appealing to purchase.

I suggest saving all your geodes as we know the rest of the map is going to open up, and hopefully more rewards..

Rise to the 4th Tier (All Day event tomorrow)

in Living World

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


T4 doesn’t have much benefit. It just makes items cheaper.

And if you aren’t interested in HVT gear there is nothing appealing to purchase.

I suggest saving all your geodes as we know the rest of the map is going to open up, and hopefully more rewards..

So you know what all the recipes do? The one posted on reddit was +40% condition duration and +70 Vit for AN HOUR. That sounds pretty worth it to me.

Rise to the 4th Tier (All Day event tomorrow)

in Living World

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


The completionist in me wants all of the recipes so this would be the cheapest way for me to acquire them.

Thanks for putting this together. Hopefully I’ll be able to make it.