**SPOILERS** Leaders of Tyria

**SPOILERS** Leaders of Tyria

in Living World

Posted by: Corvus.5836


In the beginning of Entanglement when we go check up on Taimi in Scarlet’s research room we have dialogue options with Marjory (or Kas, I can’t remember) about how the leaders of Tyria are being targeted, or at least one of them, from the things Aerin said as he was fighting us. She mentions how she could’t bear it if the target were the Queen, and how it could be anyone… including Trahearne.

Opinion: At first I was kitten mad he was even mentioned cuz I’m on the boat that thinks he stole our glory. (Which now is of no consequence cuz it was rad how often we were called “Boss” in episode 2) But then I got excited because I realized he could be the one to get assassinated >:D Leaving us the General of the Pact. This would allow us to be in a position in which we don’t need to rely on Kasmeer’s connections if we want to hold a hearing with the Pale Tree or any other major leaders. We’d be on nearly the same level of political importance.

**SPOILERS** Leaders of Tyria

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


The issue with us being leader of the Pact is explained during the Personal Story.
We are part of one of the Orders, and as such we shouldn’t be leader of the pact since that might show favor to a specific Order.

So IF Trahearne is killed I have a feeling the Pact might very well fall apart rather fast.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

**SPOILERS** Leaders of Tyria

in Living World

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


So you want to be the guy in the military force that spends their daily job signing paper work everyday once a Elder Dragon is killed?

Because 60% of Trahearne’s job is filling out paper work in his Office which is something that suits him since he is more of a desk job person.

Also the story already explained the Pact leader can’t be a member of the Order and also must be someone all the Orders trusts.

(edited by EdwinLi.1284)

**SPOILERS** Leaders of Tyria

in Living World

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I think one of the writers wrote a post not long ago basically saying we aren’t the second in command of the Pact. If Trahearne dies, we won’t fill his shoes. We are stuck with the biconics.

**SPOILERS** Leaders of Tyria

in Living World

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


we can’t lead the pact. we haven’t even bothered with active duty since zhaitan. OUR HEARTS SHALL FOREVER ROAM THE LANDS, FREE OF THE SHACKLES OF LIFE.

or something like that. basically, we can’t be asked to sit in one place and deal with all that paperwork trahearne has been doing. we prefer the action. that’s why we command the troops, rather than sit in the backlines planning (though we did get to pick how we progressed. people like to forget how we basically decided everything about the pact while trahearne was busy managing behind-the-lines stuff).

anyway, trahearne and the pact will have to come back at some point. but not necessarily to be killed.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

**SPOILERS** Leaders of Tyria

in Living World

Posted by: Arkvan.3561


I’m expecting us to heroically save Trahearne and seeing him claim a more active place in the storyline once again. Besides, name an NPC that could do what he does (meaning he’s not part of the Order, yet knowing what Elder Dragons are like, and has combat experience with them). I can’t think of anyone (except Ogden, but he’s with the Priory).
Regardless, I kinda hope he comes back. I liked that twig… even though I never got to like him like I did with the other major NPC characters (Forgal, Sieran, Tybalt). Maybe S2 gives him the chance to come back stronger. I’d certainly grant him and his writers the chance.
Signed, Garr

No one hears you.

**SPOILERS** Leaders of Tyria

in Living World

Posted by: Shardelyss.4807


I’d find it quite odd that anyone would suddenly “forget” about the Commander that helped Trahearne cleanse Orr and then went off to kill a dragon. If they killed Trahearne and things fell to pieces then they have no one to blame but themselves for not seeking out the lynchpin that did all that work to kill that blasted dragon in the first place.

Random Pact Person: We need a leader. Who can we turn to…

Player Character: I wish I could help. I know I was second in command at one point despite coming from XXX order.

Random Pact Person: Will no one help us. They have to be neutral and like to do paper work (cuz no one would ever think to delegate that paperwork to underlings).

Player Character: I quit my order and don’t mind doing paperwork…after all I do the paper work for the kids I mentor now. What about me?

Random Pact Person: You’re hired!

**SPOILERS** Leaders of Tyria

in Living World

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


Don’t forget that Anet is follow a bit more realistic Military system for the Pact and not just some 100% fantasy military where the leader can just go around the world by himself and expect the military he or she runs to magically not fall a part in his or her long absence.

There is a lot of desk job work a high ranking military official must deal with and the demand for a military leader to help maintain the military organization which requires them to be in the base of operations to organize the Pact scattered around Tyria.

In our current position as Commander we have more freedom and less responsibility to maintain the Pact until we are needed once again for a major battle against a Elder Dragon. It is because of this reason why our character can freely perform the tasks of exploring the world and joining other adventurers in dangerous task rather than waking up everyday and going to the Pact office to perform paperwork that been left on our desk because Pact group 1 needs supples in Shiverpeaks but Pact team 2 needs supplies as well in Ascalon and you only have enough supplies to support 1 of the teams. Then Pact Team A needs a new base of operations and you have to choose where the new base has to be and etc

then you go home and to bed, wake up, and return to Pact office again with more paperwork covering the some of the same issue but in new areas and some new issues in the same areas. Sign a bunch of papers and approve them or don’t approve them.
and then repeat the day all over again.

In short if our character is to have more freedom to perform the adventuer of exploring the world in person the role with the highest responsibility should never go to our character but to another character more suited to that role. Yes trahearne is bland in character but he is the Desk Officer type which is why he can perform the responsibility of being the leader of the Pact more.

Our character isn’t the Desk officer type but the person willing to take action in person on the field.

(edited by EdwinLi.1284)

**SPOILERS** Leaders of Tyria

in Living World

Posted by: Amlin.6041


Considering the level of dislike (putting it mildly) the fans have towards Trahearne, I wouldn’t be surprised he is taken out at some point in this season. Whether or not the PC will be the one that takes over the position though…is suspect.

**SPOILERS** Leaders of Tyria

in Living World

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


Let’s look at the resume of the average PC:

Leadership experience: none
Organisational experience: none
Political experience: none
Tactical experience: small group at best
Strategic experience: none
Logistical experience: none

Don’t call us, we’ll call you.

**SPOILERS** Leaders of Tyria

in Living World

Posted by: Gimli.9461


I doubt it’ll be Trahearne, I’m very excited for Jennah to be targeted.
Krytan Amulet showing heir of Kryta => this ties in very awesomely with human personal story, the episode where you join one of the orders, if you listen to the converstaion order representatives are having they say Jennah is the last known heir; and then the whispers agent says ‘maybe’ , indicating that Order of The Whispers suspects or knows that another heir exists.

Apparently noone knows who they are. I really want a look at that amulet.
Maybe Jennah and Logan made a baby? :P And Jennah has been mesmering her stomach away?
What if the heir is Kasmeer. Oh boy Kryta will go down the ….er then.

As for Trahearne, they need someone to fill that role of a person who leads everyone, but actually does nothing as far as you are concerned. If they killed him off everyone’d start bickering again and dragons win. the end.

**SPOILERS** Leaders of Tyria

in Living World

Posted by: Mafetix.9857


To be honest, things have noticeably improved and ANet have learned from S1, so I’d look at any involvement of Trahearne in S2 as an opportunity to do things better this time round. I’d rather they do that than kill him off.

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