(edited by Moteris.5913)
*SPOLERS* And one crazy therory?
Rocky skin, rocky looking teeth, it’s Kralkatorrik.
No crazy theories here, we’re gonna go fight Kralk now. Not sure why Scarlet was so crazy to wake up Kralk, or why there was such a build-up when we all knew we would go off to fight the other elder dragons some day, but whatevs. Was nice killing Scarlet.
Its Mordremoth, and he was underground. What you’re seeing is energy/magic from the ley lines flowing into his mouth as he wakes through his teeth. I’ve heard, but don’t know exactly where he is, since he is the jungle dragon responsible for “husks” and corruption of plant-type beasts, by theme he’s probably in magumma wastes or tarnished coast area.
See here: Mordremoth
Edit: This resulted in a magical chain reaction, culminating with the awakening of a previously unknown Elder Dragon slumbering underneath Magus Falls.
(edited by Enokitake.1742)
Rocky skin, rocky looking teeth, it’s Kralkatorrik.
No crazy theories here, we’re gonna go fight Kralk now. Not sure why Scarlet was so crazy to wake up Kralk, or why there was such a build-up when we all knew we would go off to fight the other elder dragons some day, but whatevs. Was nice killing Scarlet.
The theory is more about the picture, Is the scene hinting at a new zone? I am sorry If i was not clear.
Rocky skin, rocky looking teeth, it’s Kralkatorrik.
No crazy theories here, we’re gonna go fight Kralk now. Not sure why Scarlet was so crazy to wake up Kralk, or why there was such a build-up when we all knew we would go off to fight the other elder dragons some day, but whatevs. Was nice killing Scarlet.
Kralkatorrik is/was already awake. He was responsible for the giant purple gash that goes through Ascalon into the crystal desert, where he killed glint from guild wars 1 when he woke up. Now he’s down there just chilling until LS/expac gets around to him.
When the time comes for us to deal with Kralkatorrik, I’m not sure how we’ll be able to fight a 1000 foot tall dragon :/
and I’m pretty sure he’s the biggest dragon. (correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s still really big)
It is not Kralkatorrik. He is already awake.
If you pay attention during the cut scene you will notice the leylines go over the reactor into the meguma waste and then they go under ground where Mordremoth absorbs the magic and awakens.
That blue light that looks like a horizon is just the magic from the leylines and the rocks and such are from being underground.
We can only assume its in the Maguuma Wastes from the cutscene though. it could change…But more than likely it is in Maguuma and everyone knows/should know at this point its Mordy
As a slightly related note, there’s new ambient music in Maguuma now. It’s pretty. Wonder if those bandits in northern Brisban are going to finish the bridge to that one unreachable portal soon.
He’s likely in Magus Falls. As for the rockiness of his textures Subject Alpha from the Crucible of Eternity dungeon uses an attack called Teeth of Mordremoth which is earth and rock based….
Add the Early unused Elder Dragon concept art by Kekai Kotaki(possibly of Mordremoth) which looks like a rocky moss and vine covered dragon with water flowing from his body and you get an Elder Dragon tied to Earth, Plants and Water…..