Scarlet? ^^
We heard of Scarlet as early as Flame & Frost if we spoke to the prisoners after Molten Alliance Facility. True, it was not by name, but we did get the name in the Aetherblade Retreat.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
- A smooth talker from the city arranged the Molten Alliance.
- When we capture Mai she refers to someone she is scared of as Scarlet.
- Scarlet introduces herself for the first time.
- Scarlet and the molten alliance are found to be working together.
- A Story is added to the official site explaining that she doesn’t like the pre-defined molds that her people fall into (Pale Tree or Nightmare Court).
To quote: “But I reject that call. I reject the notion that that I must choose the Dream or be lost to Nightmare. The forces that push us this way or that can be redirected. They can be set against one another to the detriment of both, and now I know how.”
Perhaps those forces are the gods, order and chaos or maybe just right and wrong.
Scarlet’s voice rose as she went on. “I have a great deal of work ahead of me. I don’t know what the world will be when I’m through, but I will very much enjoy finding out. Empires will fall, continents will burn, and when the conflagration is over, I’ll be there to put my stamp on whatever new world this one becomes.”
Based on the little we know (and we aren’t supposed to know everything) it seems her motivation is that she has looked at the systems that undermine Tyria and is going to give things a shake up. I could make a comparrison to how GW2 was planned to shake up some of the MMO standards. Just because people think there is a right way to do something because everyone else does it that way, maybe there is something better.
She has been on screen for 1 month, you can’t have compelling stories if you introduce a villian, explain everything about them and then kill them off in one update. It would be called shallow by everyone and forgotten a moment later. They described the story as wanting to make a ‘tv show’ that you tuned in to see what happened next, and I want to see what happens.
(edited by Funda.7216)
And there are always TV critics to get in the way of something or another.
And there are always TV critics to get in the way of something or another.
And all the lame ones seem to congregate here.
Uhm, yea, Scarlet has been involved since F&F released. It was especially obvious come Dragon Bash/Crown Pavilion.
Where the heck have you been OP?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….