Scarlet wants to create her own....

Scarlet wants to create her own....

in Living World

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

While watching Wooden Potatoes’s video about scarlet, listening him read the story. I heard the phrace She wanted to construct systems as complex as the ones she saw in nature, to build machines as sublime as the living things she saw each and every day And it struck me, Twisted, Clockheart, Hybrid – Scarlet wants to create her own people, her own race, she wants to be the one in charge of something bigger, much bigger than the alliances. Her curiosity in Chaos and Dragon magic can be explained by the following. The dragons can corrupt and create their own creatures – Primordus does not corrupt anything, it creates while other dragons corrupt the dead and the living to rule over them. The chaos magic can twist things inside out and transform them into ANYTHING. Scarlet wants to join these magics together so she can create – or corrupt – the race she wants to rule over. Her experiments do make sense now, and we can see the progress. She experimented by fusing two things together with each alliance, well maybe excpet for Aetherblades, it was for something different, it was for Propaganda. During F&F she fused Dredge and Charr, she created Molten berserker and firestorm which were fuses of Charr and Dredge stuff. With Clockworks she created robots that were magical and could rebuild THEMSELVES – PROGREEEESSSSS. Then she threw Clockheart at us which was her Twisted technology and Living Oak heart or w/e heart. Finally she created Hybrid that was almost entirely living thing, however they failed and scarlet knew they would, thats why she is thanking us for cleaning after her because we literally are doing that. These experiments are her toys so she can not go wrong while playing with the Real Chaos and Dragon magic. As we know these networks go around the globe and intersect at locations, The giant PILLARS, they are meant to capture Chaos and Dragon magic, to fuse them together. With this Scarlet will create or corrupt race that she will rule over.

(edited by g e o.2589)

Scarlet wants to create her own....

in Living World

Posted by: Shaez.5762


Tengu expansion confirmed!

(race ruled by Scarlet of course)

Scarlet wants to create her own....

in Living World

Posted by: Piscore.6934


She want to manipulate the magic of the elder dragon’s, I think this is the final plan.

Scarlet wants to create her own....

in Living World

Posted by: Forgara.9172


We adventurers defend Tyria from all of Scarlet’s crazed schemes.

We hone our skills and become more powerful, but not all of us make it; we have lost many friends along the way. Consumed by madness, struck down by some abomination, or taken from us too soon by “RL” and a disease called “LS boredom”. Slowly our numbers dwindle and only the strongest, most determined continue onwards.

At the pinnacle on our final fight towards Scarlet…

Scarlet: No questions remain unanswered. No doubts linger. You ARE Tyria’s greatest champions. You overcame every challenge I laid before you. My mightiest servants have fallen before your relentless onslaught… your unbridled fury…
Is it truly righteousness that drives you? I wonder…

The Elder Dragon Jormag emerges

Jormag: You trained them well, Scarlet. You delivered the greatest fighting force this world has ever known… right into my hands – exactly as I intended! You shall be rewarded for your unwitting sacrifice.

Watch now as I corrupt them, as they become servants of ice. They will shroud this world in chaos and destruction. Tyria’s fall will come at their hands — and you will be the first to die.

I delight in the irony.

Thus concludes the Living Story arc, and the beginning of a fight against Jormag. Too bad the only people who didn’t quit the game by now are servants of Jormag, who sits on the Frozen Throne.

Scarlet wants to create her own....

in Living World

Posted by: Anemone.8913


This actually sounds pretty interesting, the story behind all of this is quite interesting but that really isn’t the problem, its the way of delivering it to the people. How can anyone call this living and personal story any good if to understand whats going on you have to watch wooden potatoes or search wiki for hours. No wonder that people who don’t are lost at what is going on.

Hope Scarlet delivers~

Scarlet wants to create her own....

in Living World

Posted by: Hunter.4783


We adventurers defend Tyria from all of Scarlet’s crazed schemes.

We hone our skills and become more powerful, but not all of us make it; we have lost many friends along the way. Consumed by madness, struck down by some abomination, or taken from us too soon by “RL” and a disease called “LS boredom”. Slowly our numbers dwindle and only the strongest, most determined continue onwards.

At the pinnacle on our final fight towards Scarlet…

Scarlet: No questions remain unanswered. No doubts linger. You ARE Tyria’s greatest champions. You overcame every challenge I laid before you. My mightiest servants have fallen before your relentless onslaught… your unbridled fury…
Is it truly righteousness that drives you? I wonder…

The Elder Dragon Jormag emerges

Jormag: You trained them well, Scarlet. You delivered the greatest fighting force this world has ever known… right into my hands – exactly as I intended! You shall be rewarded for your unwitting sacrifice.

Watch now as I corrupt them, as they become servants of ice. They will shroud this world in chaos and destruction. Tyria’s fall will come at their hands — and you will be the first to die.

I delight in the irony.

Thus concludes the Living Story arc, and the beginning of a fight against Jormag. Too bad the only people who didn’t quit the game by now are servants of Jormag, who sits on the Frozen Throne.

The Frozen throne was the epitope of WoW’s lore as well as its true end. What came after was simply a poor attempt at milking the cow

Scarlet wants to create her own....

in Living World

Posted by: Finnway.2183


She want to manipulate the magic of the elder dragon’s, I think this is the final plan.

The Asura already are manipulating Elder Dragon magic in the Thaumanova reactor and the Infinity Coil/CoE reactor.

I think Scarlett wants to build her own Chaos reactor too (which is why she is teaming up with all these random races —to get the technology to build it), but I think her end-goal has to do with the Pale Tree. The Short-Story makes it pretty clear that the Pale Tree is her nemesis. We don’t yet know what she intends to do to it though… Maybe the Toxic Blooms have something to do with that?

This game is not about out-DPSing you. It’s about out-flashing you.

(edited by Finnway.2183)

Scarlet wants to create her own....

in Living World

Posted by: Tyragon.2496


I think you just nailed on what Scarlet’s purpose is: to create her own civilization, much superior to the current. I believe that the technology of Molten Alliance and especially Aetherblade isn’t for nothing. A superior race in Scarlet’s view, most likely requires superior technology. That’s where Molten Alliance and the Aetherblade comes in, since they’re created things on-par with the current superior races.

Scarlet wants to create her own....

in Living World

Posted by: Morinmeth.9823


And that’s how I begin to like Scarlet a lot more. This is actually really rational and epic at the same time.

Scarlet wants to create her own....

in Living World

Posted by: MakubeC.3026


Nice theory OP.
I really like where you are going. I also think this was the last experiment Scarlet did. The hybrid was pretty much what she’s looking forward to and compared to her other experiments it is pretty advanced. I think we are going to find out her true intentions on the next chapter.

Scarlet wants to create her own....

in Living World

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I don’t think Primordius is that different to the other dragons.

Zhaitan corrupts corpses and their flesh by turning them into undead. Jormag does something similar, slowly replacing it with corrupt ice.

Kralkatorrik uses the living as “blueprints” for its crystal creatures. When you defeat one, another corrupt copy pops out of the Brand’s crystalized terrain, and that will probably keep happening until they find a way to cleanse the Brand.

I think Primordius uses a method similar to Kralkatorrik’s.

If you look at the original Destroyers, they looked like twisted versions of creatures you could have found in the depths of Tyria and before its previous awakening, trolls, blooms, skelk, some even bear some resemblance to seer, jotun and mursaat.

The ones you can find now look modeled after craws, trolls and harpies (plus the more humanoid legendary model seen in Sorrow’s Embrace and as the Megadestroyer). And it wouldn’t suprise me if we started seeing more shapes as the old ones are destroyed in the depths of tyria in the battle against dwarves and new ones are made.

The process to use the living as a base for their minions is what scarlet is probably aiming to replace. If the souls of sylvari are indeed ‘new’, created in the dream instead being gathered from the mists, a process similar to what the pale tree does would let her make new souls for whatever body she makes.

It’ll be something like when Shiro made Shiro’ken, or when Abaddon’s minions made Titans, but this time she would not need to kill people to get souls for her minions, and the body of her minions could be actual living bodies instead constructs made out of flesh, bones, steel and stone like Shiro’ken, or out of elements like titans.

So… is she trying to make something like tree of her own that produces minions supercharged with dragon energies from the laylines?

Oh… even better would be if she turned herself into the tree. No more scarlet roaming around annoying people.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)