Season 2: What would you like to see?

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Trouble.3859



As we can imagine the day that they announce the new Living Story season is approaching and we all pretty much know that it will probably be based on the jungle dragon Mordremoth and his awakening, we’ll also probably be driven deeper inside Maguuma and finally we all know that every time an elder Dragon awakes it brings destruction. Those are the things that we can all agree are probably (the key-word here is probably) going to happen.

My question is what would you like to see this season in the living story ? and what you would not want to see this season ?

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Less zerging, more story.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: dgenxp.4983


Maybe a lead up to an additional Personal Story (one can wish aye) just a change of scenery other than just orr, maybe a new level 80 zone. but i think they have completely abondoned the personal story as this is never really mentioned anymore

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Safer Saviour.9685

Safer Saviour.9685

More maps. Lovely, pretty maps full of lore and exploration.

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Tumult.2578


Each release should have content designed to reward skill, which means groups of 5 to solo, along with larger group events like the Marionette that require group coordination but not massive guild coordination, along with story driven content that draws us through new maps with new content to new Bosses/Dragons, along with fun filler stuff like the SAB when the Story has to slow while map completion is done.

How’s that for one sentence?

Actually, I wouldn’t mind if individual maps were released in sections that coordinated with the LS. It might give new meaning and options to the Yellow Heart Tasks.

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: sonicwhip.9052


Permanent content.

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Death.9268


I would love to see the Asura city underground, The other Sylvari tree, maybe a new race (Tengu??), new skills, and weapons that can be used with every class. New personal story. New ranger pets. New armor and weapons (culturel and dungeon). New maps to explore. And new dungeons.

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Silicato.4603


I demand more maps (i mean, come on… 2 years already…), i would want new race (i know, it is impossible) and i hope for the megaserver to be erased.
thats my 3 wishes.

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Erukk.1408


More magic.

We had an entire season of techno gadgets. I think it’s past time for some more old fashion magic in this fantasy setting.

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: papryk.6273


an expansion…

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Genei.7502


Temporary content that leads up to the introduction of permanent content (like southsun).

The ability to relive previous highlights of living story through instanced content so new players aren’t forced to read a wiki to have a clue about the story and the ability to earn some skins themed to the previous season. Basically like fractals except not random and getting season tokens as rewards to spend on skins.

Permanently available new skins to acquire through playing the game not just BLTC…but I like those too.

golem’s as ranger pets. ;-)

corrupted sylvari enemies

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Personal story, more of this. Possibly even turning season 1 into a personal story.
More maps would be nice, with the new megaserver the previous issue (that I think was going on) of adding new maps causing empty maps isn’t such a big deal anymore, so more maps. However some notes need to be taken from Southsun. In my opinion the maps needs more than a bunch of group content and only 1 or 2 jumping quests.
Some new profession weapon combos.

In terms of my more unrealistic expectation: New races, a bunch of new events in current areas (as in I don’t want to have to look for events any more), more world bosses (every map should have a world boss themed to that map). A massive overhaul of the underwater combat system.

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Pibriamal.8719


Harder content. So people QQ more. I get off to that.

Honestly, more stuff that splits people up into small groups like the Twisted Marionette. Sure, you get stuck with people that are absolutely terrible, but that makes it fun.

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

  1. Permanent content
  2. Less zerg content, more splitting the mob content
  3. Better delivery
  4. Permanent content
  5. Less Scarlet Sues
  6. Permanent content
  7. 500 Crafting Jewelry
  8. Permanent content
  9. Some interesting enemies and not behind-the-curtain villains (like Zhaitan, MA leaders, and TA leaders)
  10. Did I say, permanent content?
Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Rentlle.1370


More fantasy less steampunk
Ingame content such as new weapons, armor, maybe even some cultural armors??
Violin as ingame instrument. Or grand piano. Would pay A LOT for that xD
New sylvari-tree/content
Less zerging
New dungeons
More ways to get ascended drops
Ways to get precursors and fractalweapons not rnginvolved
New beautiful maps: we miss jungles and deserts!

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Rebound.3409


What i would love to see in season 2 is season 2. Right now we have china client and aion expansions coming out of anet’s pockets.

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


You should be happy there’s a China client which gathers more interest for GW2 worldwide and subsequently more money back into Anet’s pockets. I would guess, at least

Wishlist for season 2:

  • Permanent content (x1000!)
  • Story instances either soloable or as group that:
    – develop great new characters with the new Belinda Delaqua, etc. and preferably more allies and of course interesting enemies
    – puts our hero a bit more in the driving seat, we’re Savior of Lion’s Arch kitten , Destiny’s Edge 2.0 are MY HENCHMEN, I’ve killed all our foes, they’ve died their pathetic NPC deaths and forced me to revive them every time…
    – less zerg content but yes to certain zerg challenges like the marionette, but not all the time… like invasions… nightmare tower… marionette… battle of LA… so much zerg…
    – a storyline that challenges me intellectually and is less like Edge of Destiny novel in its mundane essence… oh, dragon champ popped, let’s go kill it, hey we won, oh new dragon champ popped, let’s go kill it, oh, hey we won!
  • New maps with a new bestiary – there’s already quite decent variety across Tyria, but it’d be nice to see new models
  • Introduction of precursor scavenger hunt
Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Tutanchamon.2190


Season 2: What would you like to see?

in Living World

Posted by: Stramatus.5219


Less zerging, more story. More lore integrated into the experience. Especially if going into the Jungle. White Mantle, Mursaat! An actual permanent story. Why should PS be the only permanent thing we have?

Sir Helvidius | Sir Beregond | Proud Ascalonian Humans
“Remember The Searing. We never forget, and never forgive.” – Family Motto