Season 2, episode 3 - pt1: Plan of Attack

Season 2, episode 3 - pt1: Plan of Attack

in Living World

Posted by: punkinkatt.4823


Hi, my in-game name is Xev Munroe, a ranger, on the Sea of Sorrows server.

I am indubitably stuck on this part of season 2, episode 3. The Possessed Statue cannot be killed solo… not by me, anyway. I’m too busy keeping the Mender’s killed off and don’t have any opportunity before the next one spawns to do any significant damage to the statue.

I have not yet found a walkthrough that explains how this mission can be accomplished solo and no idea if I can even take anyone else inside instances like this. I’ve never tried and, except for the Zhaitan fight at the end of the first storyline, I have soloed everything so far.

Can someone, please, explain how this mission can be completed? I’m finding it very difficult… more so than I am able to tolerate, to be honest.


Xev Munroe, Human Ranger: “I love my menagerie
of animals. I love them more than I do most
people. Even solo, I am never alone!”

Season 2, episode 3 - pt1: Plan of Attack

in Living World

Posted by: Xander.9024


When I went through it, I just alternated between killing the mender and hitting the statue. If you have any knockbacks or cc they come in handy to slow the mender down. Gives you a bit more time to take it out, then go back to the statue.

You should be able to bring others in the story if you want. You’ll have to open it if you want to make the dialog choices though.

Season 2, episode 3 - pt1: Plan of Attack

in Living World

Posted by: punkinkatt.4823


That’s what I was trying to do, but I got, at best, one round of rapid fire off on the statue before I had to turn my attention to the next mender. Not much damage there. Between that, and being knocked around by the sphere’s and having to kill the menders, it was going to take me far too long to do this fight. Point blank shot is a knockback, but it doesn’t knock the menders back any, just knocks them down and gives me, maybe, an additional 1 second.

Xev Munroe, Human Ranger: “I love my menagerie
of animals. I love them more than I do most
people. Even solo, I am never alone!”

(edited by punkinkatt.4823)

Season 2, episode 3 - pt1: Plan of Attack

in Living World

Posted by: Xander.9024


The only other things I can think of are, trapping him or a pet with immobile. Chill would also slow him down. Trapping would only last a couple seconds, immobile would also be a couple seconds. If you have the black widow, she can immobile. I’m not sure if other pets have the f2 immobile. I haven’t really looked.

Of course, you could always try adjusting your build. Maybe add some power buff or something. Give you a bit more killing power. Do you have eagle eye and read the wind?

Sea of sorrows is EU right? If you were on an NA server I’d go with you. We can’t cross region play.

Post Script: You could try switching to greatsword when you see him. Close the gap with #3 then hit #5 to stun him for a second. Just throwing out ideas.

(edited by Xander.9024)

Season 2, episode 3 - pt1: Plan of Attack

in Living World

Posted by: punkinkatt.4823


Sea of Sorrow’s is US. I have both, eagle eye and read the wind.

Xev Munroe, Human Ranger: “I love my menagerie
of animals. I love them more than I do most
people. Even solo, I am never alone!”

Season 2, episode 3 - pt1: Plan of Attack

in Living World

Posted by: Xander.9024


Oh cool. Want me to jump in with you?

Season 2, episode 3 - pt1: Plan of Attack

in Living World

Posted by: punkinkatt.4823


You online right now? I’d appreciate the help!

Xev Munroe, Human Ranger: “I love my menagerie
of animals. I love them more than I do most
people. Even solo, I am never alone!”

Season 2, episode 3 - pt1: Plan of Attack

in Living World

Posted by: Xander.9024


It’ll just take me a second to launch.

Season 2, episode 3 - pt1: Plan of Attack

in Living World

Posted by: punkinkatt.4823


Thanks again, so very much, for the help! Couldn’t have done it without you!

Xev Munroe, Human Ranger: “I love my menagerie
of animals. I love them more than I do most
people. Even solo, I am never alone!”

Season 2, episode 3 - pt1: Plan of Attack

in Living World

Posted by: Xander.9024


No problem. Feel free to ping me in game, if I’m on, or on here. I usually just kill time till I can craft another piece of spirit wood to make my bow…3 days remaining…lol

Season 2, episode 3 - pt1: Plan of Attack

in Living World

Posted by: Rognik.2579


I did this solo on my ranger. If I recall correctly, I was using my longbow for the fight. I used the point blank shot to knock down the mender, repeatedly knocked the guy down and tried to kill him as quick as I could before switching back to hitting the statue. In fact, I’m pretty sure you need to at least have one long ranged weapon to do it solo or else you’d be fighting an uphill battle.