Season 2 of Living World News??
If they plan to have Scarlet in it, then they can take as long as they like in not telling us anything.
And while I wrote that, I realized the irony of what I’ve written.
But seriously, no idea.
They wouldn’t dare bring Scarlet back. I mean, that whole arc was okay and all, but enough is enough. She’s dead, let her stay that way, for Grenth’s sake.
Now what would be a stunning opener for season two? How about… PLAYABLE TENGU?! Seriously, these guys need to open their giant gates already. Pretty please?
As long as it contains permanent content / new features (not fixes, they had plenty of time with the april feature pack for that) I’m happy..
After the feature patch have launched seems like a good guess for S2 news.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
If they follow their normal pattern news(or a trailer) will be coming on the 22nt of April. But from what I read they may not be following their normal pattern for Season 2.
I am figuring that they will say something about it shortly after making sure that the feature patch on the 15th is working properly.
Who knows? they’ve made stealth patches before, we might even see a bit of content aimed at priming us for the next season. Like a change in the look/feel of Fort Vandal in Brisban, or maybe even a new (locked) Asura gate or zone portal. I plan on keeping my eyes open
They wouldn’t dare bring Scarlet back. I mean, that whole arc was okay and all, but enough is enough. She’s dead, let her stay that way, for Grenth’s sake.
She is dead but what makes u think she didnt do something to a sylvari tree to make it reproduce copies of her. XD
we probably won’t hear anything until after the Chinese launch since they are going to start on season 2 and we are going to be sync d for LS updates.
E is ember. Scarlets twin sister (or clone).