Seeds of Truth (HELP!!!)

Seeds of Truth (HELP!!!)

in Living World

Posted by: Xashen.6174


Hello Forums,

I’ve been running both Meeting the Asura / No Refuge for the achievements, so far I’ve had no luck obtaining any of them solo. So after some reading it’s supposedly easier to go with a group for these, so if there are any experienced achievement runners reading this, please PM me.

P.S. Wynne’s Locket is the last piece I need for the Bioluminescent Set. Tearing my hair out

Seeds of Truth (HELP!!!)

in Living World

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


Have you checked Dulfys site? She has a pretty good guide up for them.

Seeds of Truth (HELP!!!)

in Living World

Posted by: Xashen.6174


That was the first thing I did but after hours of (UNSKIPPABLE) dialog and failed attempts, I’m just breaking down and looking for help

Seeds of Truth (HELP!!!)

in Living World

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


I’m not able to get in-game right now, but I do have some tips of how I did the Meeting the Asura ones. When you are Caithe, not many of your traits work, so it’s a pretty good idea to put all your trait points into vitality and toughness. I personally did unforgiving infiltration and aggressive infiltration at the same time with a condition build, though it can require a bit of patience, it’s more safe that attacking the big golems with power damage. For invisible infiltration, when you’re at the room with the 2 mini-golems and the big one in the center, if you take out all the asura you can go from one side directly to the other to use the door panels.

Seeds of Truth (HELP!!!)

in Living World

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I can do all of them except for two tomorrow if you haven’t completed them by then. The ones I won’t do is the one where you trip every alarm and the hard mode for the centaur boss. The first one can be gotten solo while the other one is very annoying.

Seeds of Truth (HELP!!!)

in Living World

Posted by: Xashen.6174


Thank you everyone for replying so quickly

Seeds of Truth (HELP!!!)

in Living World

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


hours of (UNSKIPPABLE) dialog

Yes, there is 100% fail of Anet designers, no any doubt and argues.
I have 8 characters and also trying to make all achievements. And this is really crazy thing – watch again and again, again and again, AGAIN AND AGAIN this boring, long, unneeded movies and dialogs!
“Caithe, can we talk in the moment?” – woman, I know EVERYTHING you will say in the next hour! I’ve already learned this! For the God’s will, allow me to skip this annoying stuff!
This things makes me mad! ><

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Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Seeds of Truth (HELP!!!)

in Living World

Posted by: Meld.1629


I know this is a necro post but I’m having the same issue, almost a year later. This should have been sorted by now. It’s super simple. You just make the instance start where the actual achievement challenge starts. The actual invisible part.

Fail, log in and out, walk back and forth to start the instance, wait for Marjory to walk over, talk to Marjory, plant a seed, activate the seed, talk to Faolain, wait for unskippable dialogue, wait for unskippable jumping cut scene, kill two NPCs with unavoidable stuns that have no relation to any achievements, knock out guard, unlock first door, complete basic first room with four knock outs and a door, complete basic second room with two switches on a timer, hit a switch, more unskippable dialogue.

All of this every single time you want to get to the third or fourth room, where the challenge actually is. There’s even more unskippable dialogue after the third stage.

For every single attempt at Invisible Infiltration. 80% of this achievement is filler.

You also can’t cancel a knock out channel.

It would be like having to start Exposed Weaknesses: Redux from the library book section after giving a boon to a vortex crystal on the last boss’s last fraction of health.

That achievement was also ridiculous to complete because:
1) A guardian cannot switch off free aegis from virtues
2) Marjory stops helping you after the first attempt

I can’t to my knowledge get any help with this achievement.

Please Anet, fix this.