Should we see Progress too?

Should we see Progress too?

in Living World

Posted by: Mutterscrawl.7028


So throughout the game we’ve seen zones devastated to showcase the damage done by the Elder Dragons and other enemies.

This is particularly notable in Mordremoths giant vines, the devastation of Kessex Hills from the toxic tower falling, and the destruction of Lion’s arch.

Now in a lot of games that make such updates, the devastation simply remains, a perpetual reminder of the threat and danger posed by the enemies we face, but I feel that these changes lose impact on new players who have never seen the zones in their original states, and that over time the devastation may leave more zones with lots of damage that hurt the aesthetic of the game a bit.

Personally I think the solution is to occasionally show the various factions in the game rebuilding areas that were damaged, or even making progress in their own territories or expanding into new areas, positive change can balance out the feeling that we’re constantly getting beaten on by enemies without much to show for it besides Phat Lewt, and help the NPCs look competent, which helps us care about and remain invested in the setting.

What do you all think?

Should updates always just be to show the threat of a new enemy or should we see repairs and other changes as well?

Should we see Progress too?

in Living World

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


1 think what i HATE the most in mmos

that they ALLWAYS Destroy stuff OR release an expansion where things are destroyed…..
and they stay that way forever.

instead of making something beautifull / relaxing expansion where you can say woooow that looks freaken EPIC. but NO DESTROY EVERYTHING.

freaken hate this…..

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Should we see Progress too?

in Living World

Posted by: Agyaggalamb.4796


Agree. This is the reason why I stopped playing for a while, apart from not being able to keep up with the Living Story S1 and the bi-weekly updates. I do like the concept of the ever changing world. And there are occasions when the not so pretty was changed to something beautiful (Crown Pavilion). I’d like to see more of that, and I’d also love to see Lion’s Arch back to it’s former glory.

Should we see Progress too?

in Living World

Posted by: Gibson.4036


I’m guessing from the color dialogue with Gnashblade in LA we’ll see it rebuilt in the not to distant future.

Should we see Progress too?

in Living World

Posted by: Electro.4173


I’d love to see more positive progress on rebuilding and cleanup of past threats in addition to the new forms of destruction that show a looming threat. You need both for the world to truly feel alive. The Pact may be focused on Mordremoth, but the whole world isn’t. So the rest of the world needs to be active and working on their own respective goals, most notably stuff like cleaning up the Nightmare Tower and fixing LA.