Slow down, there's too much undeserved hype.
Races not happening
Dungeons 1 for killing the elder dragon should be expected
maps definitely 2 or 3 equivalent of Orr mostlikely
New dragon champion boss incounter
I’m just hoping for new armor. I’ve started trying to 100% the wardrobe, but I’d like armor I’m likely to use.
maps definitely 2 or 3 equivalent of Orr most likely
Too much hype.
Probably get 1 zone (not a complete map), 1 WP no POI’s, Vista’s, Skill Points or Hearts.
Races not happening
Dungeons 1 for killing the elder dragon should be expected
maps definitely 2 or 3 equivalent of Orr mostlikely
New dragon champion boss incounter
I agree with this. The only thing I would add is maybe a dungeon. If/when we get to kill the dragon it maybe at the end of a dungeon like with Zhitan. But on the flip side, people didn’t like the fact they had to party up and do a dungeon to complet there PS, so this is just as likely not to happen.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
i ignore it all just so i can get in without any outside influence, i have done that with many games and it made playing the game less painful all around.
3. Dungeons: We’ll likely get new dungeons, but nobody should even think to assume we’ll get them right when July 1 rolls around. We got new dungeons during Season 1 as well, but they were temporary. Namely, Aetherblade Retreat and Molten Facility (the rest are actually classified as mini-dungeons, such as Scarlet’s Playhouse).
Everything in Season 2 will be permanent or changing pre-existing content (ala Tower of Nightmare’s aftermath), so if we can expect dungeons, we can expect permanent dungeons.
But I fully agree with the amount of self-over-hyping the release of Season 2.
Personally, my expectations for throughout the full coarse of Season 2 is:
- 2-4 zones, slowly introduced, to act as an equivalent of Orr. With about one full zone released per 3-or-so releases, and the first one introduced off the bat (fully released or not).
- 2 dungeons, none introduced off the bat. Maybe 3, but unlikely. One of which will feature Mordremoth, the other I’m hoping to be Fort Vandal with a focus on the Sinister Triad (and perhaps featuring Lazarus
- For those who say this is too much: remember that Anet introduced not just Southsun Cove and Edge of the Mists, but 5 temporary small zones (Mad King’s Realm, Tixx’s Infinatarium, Crown Pavilion, Tower of Nightmares, Labyrinthine Cliffs) in Season 1, as well as redesigning 3 zones (Lion’s Arch, thrice; Kessex Hills, twice; Southsun Cove, once), and made 3 dungeons (Fractals of the Mists, Molten Facility, Aetherblade Retreat). Overall, I think 2 full-sized zones is fully possible, especially since they said they’ll be focusing less on features with individual releases.
- Instances of equivalent size/number to the personal story steps of The Battle for Claw Island to Victory or Death.
- Lion’s Arch’s slow reconstruction throughout the whole season.
- Maybe some zone revamps ala Tower of Nightmares and Secret of Southsun.
- And if we’re super lucky, Season 1 – or part of – being made permanent by the end of Season 2.
- It to last 16 story driven releases; excluding breaks, that’d be 8 months (same length as Season 1, ignoring SAB/holdays, and counting Flame and Frost as a single release and including The Lost Shores). I’m expecting breaks inbetween, however, and using Tower of Nightmares/The Battle for Lion’s Arch as a basis, the breaks will come every 4 updates, and last about 4-5 weeks; so my expected order of things: 4 releases, 1 month break featuring a Feature Batch (ala April 15th release) and Anniversary; 4 more releases; month long break featuring Halloween (and a feature batch!?); and then 4 more releases, final release coinciding with Wintersday (and if story not done, then 4 more releases and it’d end the same time of year Season 1 did).
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
No new profession.
No new weapons.
I was hoping for something really exciting in the blogs about ls2, but all we got was the journal, trailer, and screenshots.
But, I said it before, kitten ed if they announce something cause then considered overhyping, and kitten ed if they announce nothing.
I’m still hopefully for something BIG. They like to hype and I’m sure the work they put into whatever is to come seems big on their side of things. Although i know i’d get a bit discouraged if all my hard work got beat up on the forums too.
They know they need to work on presentation, i mean anyone interested in lore and story can dig it up on the wiki and various sites, but it really should be in game. While the journal is a great addition, i still think there should be an archive players can access to get all the details of stuff they post on the various sites in game. Prolly at the bottom of the list, but people love to research stuff. At least i do.
Oddly enough, one of the biggest forms of info (the wiki), most people don’t know you can search it in game. I found that quite shocking. Wonder where they could put a tooltip that talked about /wiki “something”…
I like all of the wahhhmbulancers. Seriously? “Slown down,” “undeserved hype”?
Hype = marketing. Hype = inevitable. Hype = anticipation. Hype = imagination. Hype = good in many, many ways. You know, like, uh, for something you play for entertainment purposes.
People try to figure out what’s coming next season in shows that haven’t had scripts finalized or episodes that have even gone through production. This isn’t exclusive to GW2/ANet, and of course often times over-hyping occurs, but it’s healthy, and makes the actual content all the more exciting in the process.
I just don’t get the forum naysayers; even as a GW1 vet and someone who criticizes, I’m still excited and can’t wait. And that’s more than okay.
Speculation, even the sort that’s blatantly saying “lower your expectations lulz because ur expectations be 2 unrealistic,” are hype. No one but ANet knows what’s going on, no matter how much data-mining is done, so let’s all just “hype” in our ways, be they negative or positive, and see what comes.
See what I did there? I made my own post in this thread obsolete/irrelevant because here I am, harshing your mellow by degrading your hype (or anti-hype if you’d like to call it that). But there I go saying your hype has as much value as those who are hyped in a very different way, whom you’re telling to not be hyped.
Isn’t hype grand?
After 2 years we should have learned to just wait and see with ArenaNet. These guys get excited for nothing. They talk about all these awesome changes and new contents in their interviews and live streams or on the website and then we get the patch and we’re like “What? That’s all?”.
I am hopeful but I am also realistic.
Well there will always be people who will expect too much and when the update has come I am suprised if there wont be people complaining that they didn’t introduced new classes, armors and other stuff that won’t come … And for some reason I bet some people will even claim that Anet promiced something that didn’t come and show us a statement where Anet has said something they shouldn’t have.
I think Hype is the best way to ruin the game for you since you will expect so much more and not like it in the end.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
What hype, i havent seen hype of any kind on this forums.
(edited by Maliel.8362)
What hype, i havent seen hype of any kind in this forums.
I think he means the players hype. Anet really isn’t hyping this at all. Sure, a few screen shots, the journal, and saying ’we’re excited too!’ (Which duh, a company isn’t going to trash talk their own stuff). But everything else about the patch we know NOTHING of, which is only leading to the fear of ‘nothing new coming’, as people are hungry for something different (not just story wise).
So if people accuse a net of hyping this, its false. They are going to let the patch speak for itself. Players are the ones hyping it.
I think its rather hasty to state that there is nothing to be excited about. I find your lack of faith disturbing. While it is true season one presented a bad track record, it was always widely recognized to be a testing stage, or guage, and I do not think it is overly ambitious to hope they have learned from it. No, I don’t think we’ll nessisarily have a new map day one, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be excited about the prospect of new maps. I love this game, and am excited/hopeful to see it grow, and there is nothing wrong with that. s
So lets see what cards they place down on the table before we run for life boats.
Races not happening
Dungeons 1 for killing the elder dragon should be expected
maps definitely 2 or 3 equivalent of Orr mostlikely
New dragon champion boss incounter
Everyone is assuming that we get to kill an Elder Dragon in LS2….. didnt they say that the LS was parts of a whole, may not even happen in LS2 !
I’m not hyping anything until I get to play the content.
only thing I know for certain is that there is going to be good music to go with this content.
players only have themselves top blame if they believe the hype, speculation, and wishlists they created on these forums.
anet has done very little (other than show a picture of a thorny portal and tell us the journal content will be permanent) to hype their new season, or mislead the players (being that instanced content uses portals as well as explorable zones).
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
I’m trying to think of an instance that uses a portal. Usually, it’s prompt that come up in the center of the screen. Can you give some examples? Unless the ‘instance’ used a new map….I guess. Were there portals in the Tower of Nightmares? That might have been the case, I can’t remember.
I’m expecting the new area to be the little corner of new land in Brisban. Any more than that (a new zone) I’ll be pleasantly surprised.
I’m trying to think of an instance that uses a portal. Usually, it’s prompt that come up in the center of the screen. Can you give some examples? Unless the ‘instance’ used a new map….I guess. Were there portals in the Tower of Nightmares? That might have been the case, I can’t remember.
Many dungeons have portals. Generally you don’t notice them because you have no reason to turn around backwards when you’ve just spawned in.
I do kind of expect the majority of these next two weeks will be spent farming events in Brisban Wilds and then Episode 2 will open up the new zone just to the left.
I think both ANet and the player base have reached a good point as far as hype goes. Well the developers sometimes go a little overboard on livestreams but as far as actual marketing goes they’re keeping it a little more understated than they used to which is a good move IMO.
And the players are also being realistic; optimistic but cautiously so. Obviously it’s difficult as fans not to be a little excited but I think we’re prepared for the possibility that Gates of Maguuma will be a little underwhelming. It’s sad that we had to have this beaten into us by a long string of disappointment but at least now ANet actually stands a chance of meeting our expectations.
I noticed a lot of people are hyped up about the July 1 update, and that’s great and all, but for the love of all that is good, do /not/ hype yourself about things that have no basis.
To address each issue individually:
1. Races: ArenaNet never said we’re getting new races, nor have they dropped any hints at it, at least not for this update.
2. Maps: ArenaNet has definitely implied we’ll be getting new maps, but the number of maps and at what rate we get them is up for debate. There’s no telling if we’ll get a new map the second July 1 comes around or whether we’ll have to wait a little bit into Season 2 to see the new maps.
3. Dungeons: We’ll likely get new dungeons, but nobody should even think to assume we’ll get them right when July 1 rolls around. We got new dungeons during Season 1 as well, but they were temporary. Namely, Aetherblade Retreat and Molten Facility (the rest are actually classified as mini-dungeons, such as Scarlet’s Playhouse).
4. Other: I know I haven’t named every expectation I’ve seen, but please, if you try to expect something from an update in which there’s no evidence it will happen in that update, you will only disappoint yourself. There is a lot to be hyped about, but not necessarily in the way some people are hyping themselves.
1. Yes they have. See mattvisual’s interview with Colin at PAX. He never gave a time-frame but did clearly say there will be new playable races in the future.
2. Agreed.
3. I think most people would agree that at some point we will get new dungeons, no telling when though. So again, I agree with you.
4. My only expectation for this patch is new content that I will likely enjoy. Anything else will be a pleasant surprise.
I’m trying to think of an instance that uses a portal. Usually, it’s prompt that come up in the center of the screen. Can you give some examples? Unless the ‘instance’ used a new map….I guess. Were there portals in the Tower of Nightmares? That might have been the case, I can’t remember.
Many dungeons have portals. Generally you don’t notice them because you have no reason to turn around backwards when you’ve just spawned in.
Well, dungeons spawn a new map, so….
Regardless, we get a new map with this release, so all the conjecture about the portal is now moot. =P