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Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Moderator)
Quite a few threads have popped up about the Carapace Coat box. It would be ok to leave them separate except that whether they start as a suggestion or feedback, they all seem to end up discussing drop rates.
We’re merging four threads. We’ll try to remove a few redundancies, but if you have posted similar comments in multiple threads please consider removing your duplicate comments in this thread.
The reason for merging is clear: The devs will be more likely to review your suggestions and general feedback with one focused thread rather than multiple redundant threads.
Thanks for understanding.
(edited by Moderator)
I would imagine they’ll add the coat box eventually to the crest vendor. Every other armor piece is there already.
So far that’s been the theme, and along the coat box should be the trinket you get as achievement meta reward for those who cannot do them this time (is it me or are the achievements getting harder every release?) – I hope so at least, I’m pretty sure I will not be able to do the final fight achievements.
Great … the only piece out of the set that I like is a random drop. Hopefully Skyforge will work out a bit better …
Well you can get one coat as an achievement reward when you kill Vinewrath the first time. Two to go… already saw people linking 3 of them. I opened a lot of bandit chests but so far no luck.
Dear ANET!
Please, add this item to the Silverwastes vendor!
Stop complicating player’s in game time.
That’s all.
spent 1 hour doing breach eventsm killed boss.. couldn’t loot box GG
Didn’t people love RNG?
5 times so far. I’m going to do it 20 times, and if I don’t get a coat box, i’m giving up. I’m not going to keep throwing myself at this. Meanwhile, a guild of mine got 3 boxes in 2 runs. Thanks, rng.
(edited by Becka Williams.4978)
I laughed so hard at ‘1 hour spent’ part hahaha.
Anyways I also wish it was added to the vendor.
Let’s face it, when I get all 3 of those (2 actually cause you get one for the first kill), I will probably never do it again. People will start to leave. And in a couple of months no one will be doing it. We saw how little people was in the Silverwastes at Wintersday. And the new players/returning players won’t be able to get the chests in a couple of months.
I would imagine they’ll add the coat box eventually to the crest vendor. Every other armor piece is there already.
So far that’s been the theme, and along the coat box should be the trinket you get as achievement meta reward for those who cannot do them this time (is it me or are the achievements getting harder every release?) – I hope so at least, I’m pretty sure I will not be able to do the final fight achievements.
The meta achievement trinkets are only unlocked in the vendor if you have completed the relevant meta achievement.
I killed new event boss 2 times since patch came out. 1st took 1h, and the 2nd – about the same. I got only 1 carapace coat box (reward, not loot) so i realy don’t get the reason why do ANET dev’s desided to include last armor piece with their ridiculus RNG system.
Is it realy as it seems? like “oh who cares, anyway they WILL farm it” – but why can’t just they add the item to vendor ? annoying.
I don’t know why the drop rate’s so low.
If the drop rate were higher, people wouldn’t do the event again and again and again…
Doesn’t it get added to the vendor when you get the first one from the Vinewrath?
I just remembered: I never got a shoulder box, despite opeing 150 bandit boxes.
Changed glove to shoulder. But you knew what I meant.
(edited by Becka Williams.4978)
Glove box can be aquired by opening the labirinth chest. I got 3 boxes after 60+ keys.
2 guildies got a box on THEIR FIRST TRY. meanwhile, 6 tries, no box. Why does this game hate me so much?
I got mine on my first try as well, and I could careless about the skin. What I want is that Mini Mordrem Teragriff. That thing’s sexy.
2 boxes to finish my collection, and I can’t even get one. So I need a double miracle to get them Why is the drop rate so low
The meta achievement trinkets are only unlocked in the vendor if you have completed the relevant meta achievement.
Okay great. I’m not looking forward to doing that fight where even one dropping stone will mean I have to do it all over again.
Doesn’t it get added to the vendor when you get the first one from the Vinewrath?
No! Only hardcore! only mindless farm!
The meta achievement trinkets are only unlocked in the vendor if you have completed the relevant meta achievement.
Okay great. I’m not looking forward to doing that fight where even one dropping stone will mean I have to do it all over again.
you can always get a group and cheese it. Have the dragon kill you, stay dead until the end of the fight, get achievement.
Already whining about how hard it is, what it actually takes bit time? Living world events are here for stay. Maybe, just maybe its not meant to be so kitten easy. Maybe we’re not meant to loot everything under few hours so everyone can walk around with complete Luminescent-armor set and then whine again when there’s nothing left to accomplish.
Already whining about how hard it is, what it actually takes bit time? Living world events are here for stay. Maybe, just maybe its not meant to be so kitten easy. Maybe we’re not meant to loot everything under few hours so everyone can walk around with complete Luminescent-armor set and then whine again when there’s nothing left to accomplish.
I don’t think you understand what we’re whining about. RNG DOESN’T MEAN hard.
We don’t want RNG CONTENT.
And this is RNG content, because ArenaNet doesn’t listen. We shout “We don’t want RNG” they hear “We love RNG, gib moar!”
Maybe, just maybe its not meant to be so kitten easy.
Actually, the new boss is kind of easy. At least it is easier than Marionette because it does not matter if a few people fail, or not, the others can compensate.
Playing the lottery is not hard, it is easy. It just costs time or money (in this case: time).
Did the boss 5 times now. Got one carapax box. I do not like RND and do not like playing the lottery with this.
If this was hard content I would actually do it more often. But cause it’s RNG content, I will just get the coat boxes eventually and never come back.
It’s easy boss, and yes I agree that we want harder bosses! But what I meant is maybe gaining full carapace armor set shouldn’t be easy. it’s end of this living season after all.
Ya’ll are going to hate me saying this…but I’ve done the fight successfully twice (and no other time). I have all three weights of coats now. I’ve gotten the coat box from the chest twice in a row and once from the achievement for beating the vinewrath.
My husband however, didn’t get it either time.
I don’t think you understand what we’re whining about. RNG DOESN’T MEAN hard.
We don’t want RNG CONTENT.
I’m sure the majority of GW2 players disagrees. There are already posts complaining the end boss fight in this episode is too hard, while it’s a pretty straight-forward boss encounter. I’m fairly sure most players prefer finishing the same easy event 50 times to get the loot they want (on top of a batch of other loot), instead of failing a hard event 19 times before they finally get their loot on the 20th try. Besides, Anet has a very poor history with “hard” mode imo. So I’d rather they stick to their precious RNG and not try to make anything “hard”.
Some friends got their boxes within two runs while I did 10 and got nothing but a big kitten you.
I am SO sick of this nonsense with RNG.
Only reason I didn’t walk away from this game and it’s never improving designs is because I have a guild to look after.
I’m now up to a whopping 3 events, and have got 2 Coat boxes. My MF is only 122% base if that’s a factor. Frankly, I didn’t even want them, and am doing these events mainly for the Mini Mordrem Taragriff.
I beat the Vinewraith three times last night and I had all 3 of my chest boxes (including the achievement one). RNG I guess :/
It’s easy boss, and yes I agree that we want harder bosses! But what I meant is maybe gaining full carapace armor set shouldn’t be easy.
it’s end of this living season after all.
Of course it shouldn’t be easy! But I’m sure that making it RNG isn’t making it harder(see comments where people after 3 runs got 3 chests).
I want hard content, not RNG.
It’s easy boss, and yes I agree that we want harder bosses! But what I meant is maybe gaining full carapace armor set shouldn’t be easy.
it’s end of this living season after all.
at some point you are right, but i would realy much enjoy if the boss was way harder to defeat or the achivements would be more harder … but without RNG. Because the whole game is simply RNG lottery. Whenever you a PRO or a noob, no matter how skilled you are, no matter how often you play – its just one lucky RNG moment when you can obtain something that makes you rich or famous.
I would lovely kill hard boss with 100% drop chance then easy with RNG loot system.
I don’t think you understand what we’re whining about. RNG DOESN’T MEAN hard.
We don’t want RNG CONTENT.I’m sure the majority of GW2 players disagrees. There are already posts complaining the end boss fight in this episode is too hard, while it’s a pretty straight-forward boss encounter. I’m fairly sure most players prefer finishing the same easy event 50 times to get the loot they want (on top of a batch of other loot), instead of failing a hard event 19 times before they finally get their loot on the 20th try. Besides, Anet has a very poor history with “hard” mode imo. So I’d rather they stick to their precious RNG and not try to make anything “hard”.
1. Easy boss with RNG and unknown drop chance (you can get what you need at the 1st try and leave with a smile on your face or you could spent a year and still not get a thing)
2. Hard boss with 100% drop chance (it could be hard but you will learn in time how to win)
… you decide ? i would choose guaranty drop.
(edited by Exo.2965)
yeah ive done this like 8-10 times and only got the guaranteed one. Less rng plz
Around 10th time now and no box yet. I love everything about this patch, except this RNG… I said it before and I’ll say it again. PLEASE, LESS RNG.
I’m fairly sure most players prefer finishing the same easy event 50 times to get the loot they want (on top of a batch of other loot), instead of failing a hard event 19 times before they finally get their loot on the 20th try.
Both Options would be better than the actual RNG.
11 tries, 7 wins, 3 failures, 1 where I got kicked in the middle of the fight.
Hey Becka Boo hugs
I did it 3 times so far… 2 wins, one fail, I mean all I know for sure honestly is that once I get my third Box… I don’t intend to do the boss again… I’m rather disappointed withthe way ANet did this.
They knew we’ve wanted the coats since day 1… and all this time, making it attainable through the vendor… to now defeating a world boss to get it?
I can’t help but feel the intent of Spite in all this….
Got my first box. Thank you, RNG. And thanks to Naotsugu for hoping that I got a box, and I did on that run.
Got my first box. Thank you, RNG. And thanks to Naotsugu for hoping that I got a box, and I did on that run.
First box is 100% drop as it’s from the achievement for winning.
Good luck getting the next 2
I got the second one. I know the first one’s from the achievement.
Got my first box. Thank you, RNG. And thanks to Naotsugu for hoping that I got a box, and I did on that run.
First box is 100% drop as it’s from the achievement for winning.
Good luck getting the next 2
Read Becka’s previous post.
I think Bosses should be harder and have tokens like dungeons with loot vendors. Make each fight as epic or more so than Tequatl, with chest for that RNG bonus drop of Tequatl’s Hoard/Mini/etc., but award tokens for the event; 1 for fail and 3 for win. Then, if you haven’t been lucky enough, you can cash in your tokens for one of the unique drops after running the event so often.
It’s luck and progression all in one.
Or, use the tokens WE ALREADY HAVE.
17 runs and only 1 box.
The only thing that keeps me going is the thought of never having to return to this dreadfull place after obtaining this final box.
I laughed so hard at ‘1 hour spent’ part hahaha.
Anyways I also wish it was added to the vendor.
Let’s face it, when I get all 3 of those (2 actually cause you get one for the first kill), I will probably never do it again. People will start to leave. And in a couple of months no one will be doing it. We saw how little people was in the Silverwastes at Wintersday. And the new players/returning players won’t be able to get the chests in a couple of months.
my point is i got absolutely nothing, not even a copper
15 runs, 0 boxes. They are the last thing I need for this collection. Never coming back to Vinewrath after as well. I just hope I finish it soon.
I’m getting extra RNG added in regarding bugs or DCs. 5 runs: fail, bugged, DC, win, DC. Both DC’s whilst the 3rd champ is being killed.
3 failures in an hour because everyone stacks on south. Thanks for these GREAT mechanics anet.
Don’t knock on Anet for players failing your maps. If they all wanted to stack on south path and failed, teach them what needs to be done. It’s like your parents cursing God when you were learning to walk, and you would fall on your bottom.
Did each lane once. All succeeded. Got an armor box from each lane. Farmed 10 bags of organs per type last patch. Got all the eyes and kidneys I need. I’m done! Roll in the next season.
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