So let´s talk Caudecus

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Raygan.8569


This is literally the worst boss figth in the whole history of GW2. Its an endless CC fest with no way to avoid it and in the end your left with bitter taste and every equipment broken.

This needs to be fixed or I will never do it again.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Stralgarr.7561


Yup…..I would wait on killing him until the fight is actually doable without tremendous effort.

If you are running a squishy build, god help you.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Emtiarbi.3281


This is literally the worst boss figth in the whole history of GW2. Its an endless CC fest with no way to avoid it and in the end your left with bitter taste and every equipment broken.

This needs to be fixed or I will never do it again.

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Anredhal Amethyst – Lain Amethyst – Orss Jerre

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Shaaba.5672


Completely agreed. After the first half I ended up half naked and was quickly naked towards the beginning of the 2nd half. I’d port in, get CCd, aoe’d and die again. Truly horrible fight. Maybe after you get a better handle on the mechanics it’s easier, but first time through – hate it. At least give us a friggin forge so I am somewhat useful. I didn’t want to start over though cause it’s sooooooo long. Maybe more breaks would be a better strategy.

The story is good, the fight was bad.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Keitaro Dragonheart.9047

Keitaro Dragonheart.9047

Agreed. This is the absolute worst boss fight I’ve ever had in the entire game. The entire fight is a CC spam, confusion kittenstorm. This fight is utterly unbearable and extremely frustrating. Would not do it again until it is toned down. Way the kitten down. The CC by itself is ridiculous, but the confusion? Screw that.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Mea.5491


My problem was that I didn’t have time to deal damage, I had to run in circles to avoid getting CC’d to death, there were so many things going on, the only thing I could spam was my auto attack, heal, dodge and that annoying “special action” skill (you have like one second to react)! Bring lots of stability, stun breaks and Aspirin.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Setis.2863


I died 2 times.
Very heroic in an never-ending CC and “invisible” attacks

I had to change my key bindings (the special ability) for an instant counter of his super-attack.
After the fight i changed it back knowing that i never need it again.

In my opinion it is the arena itself that causes all the problems. I got always a bad camera angle. I could not see any spawning enemies and I got hit many times from attacks that I don’t even saw.
The Room is too small to dodge properly.

The fight itself is anticlimactic because you end up running in circles trying to see something while dodging.

What you need here is a reflection shield and blinding for the incoming spawn to lower the pressure.

To sum it up: I fought the room (camera), the spawn and the bad key-binding, but was not realy fighting the boss himself. I just survived while spawning aoe Attacks (after his shield was down) until he died.

The last arena was unused recycled content from Gw2 pre HoT.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Once I got the adds out of the way, I got it under control for the final half by cicrling the room when his shield was up, thrwoing shards at him. It seemed you needed split second timing on the mastery or he’d knock you down.

I liked the idea behind the mechanics, but a lot of the fight I spent constantly being stunned/knocked about in a tight space against almost unavoidable attacks from the boss and adds. Needs scaling for 1 player rather than 3.

It was an awesome room though. His heads followed you where you went…!!!

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


Why are so many people so soft? It was just a bunch of CC’s flying around. I did this on my glasscannon core-guard with only 2 deaths and 3 pieces broken. It felt harsh at first but as I see it now it was quite a challenge, I liked it.

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Nightfist.1897


Agreed so much. Overall the episode is fun, but that boss fight, MY GOD. I ran this on my tanky condition warrior, and it was the most unpleasant experience I’ve ever had in this game, even though I did only die once.

It’s not even particularly difficult, just extremely poorly designed. The split-second reaction you need to have to avoid his throw is an interesting mechanic, but a tiny room with damage circles everywhere and other CC flying all over the place is NOT the place to use it.
Honestly, I think this fight would be vastly improved if they just removed any other enemies besides Caudecus himself in the room. Jade constructs are annoying in the first place, but when added to this fight, they made it near unbearable.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Magnus Godrik.5841

Magnus Godrik.5841

Wow sorry bro I thought it was easy. Kinda like a weak matthias fight. Throw the kitten shards at him. The ones he drops and the ones that are conveniently placed around the room in piles. Kill the trash 1st when spawned. I did it 1st try without dying with a necro. I’m going to use burnzerker when I do it tomorrow.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Crinn.7864


Did it on a viper’s necro. Died once due to mismanagement of abilities.

I did find the jade constructs excessive. Otherwise the fight seemed monotonous and fairly easy. Wish it was shorter though.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: GamerMixZ.2478


Yup worst fight in GW2 as it is not mechanical hard it is just poor design in such a small room. Hated when you go back in there and he has a chance to one shot you before you can even move after the loading screen.

Fitness Gaming Channel of MixZ:

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: flog.3485


Have you considered running some stability OP ?

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: mbhalo.1547


Its not the Caudecus its the Jade Constructs that make this last fight annoying and frustrating. Caudecus could use some HP trim though, too spongy.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Have you considered running some stability OP ?

Spoken like the class who has that privilege.

What stability does thief have outside dagger storm elite, or revenant outside an expensive dwarf utility skill which also has a cast time so it defeats the purpose as you get pinballed around before you can get stability in dwarf stance.

The Jade Constructs are beyond ridiculous.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: SyllyReth.2495


I was fine with everything but the jade constructs. Once I had a rhythm down, it was good, but another construct would spawn and kitten that. It’s a punishing fight and I appreciate that to some extent, but the constructs were overkill, imo.

Unbridled Dynasty [UND]

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Alga.6498


I died 4 or 5 times before I could actually kill him.
It was an awesome fight and a great end for him to die but the only thing I hated was the Jade Bows!!!! By the six... they were super annoying!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Matt Cole.2680

Matt Cole.2680

The jades were annoying and I just kinda felt like it was poorly designed. Loading in and having half health cuz I was vulnerable through the load screen didn’t help. Felt good to overcome it but was more like “finally” rather than “I did a good job”
It could be a good fight tho and I hope they update it a little bit.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Lordphantomhive.1256


It sure is a obnoxious fight, mostly cause of such a chaotic fight being in a small room and the jade enemies.<.<

Would have been kind of nice to have a repair station too.

Darkness becomes light, light falls into darkness.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Arcturus.5846


Why are so many people so soft? It was just a bunch of CC’s flying around. I did this on my glasscannon core-guard with only 2 deaths and 3 pieces broken. It felt harsh at first but as I see it now it was quite a challenge, I liked it.

“A bunch of CC flying around” is exactly why this fight is horrible. I didn’t find it difficult, just ANNOYING. CC is not a good spammable combat mechanic for bosses to have.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: RogerBoulet.2938


I liked the fight at first. It was an interesting challenge which forced to be aware. Until the jade construct showed up… Then it was just beyond annoying. Not challenging. Annoying.

Other than that, pretty good fight.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Fay.2357


I duoed it with another mesmer and honestly didn’t notice the cc at all really. Now and then I’d get knocked back, but it seemed pretty infrequent. We didn’t die at all, just one of us got downed once.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Svennis.3852


Agreed. This fight is too hard to solo.

If you want to provide a challenge for more hardcore players, at least provide an easy mode for people that just like to follow the story. OR treat this mission like a dungeon and suggest people party up.

In the end I couldn’t beat him, and I was so frustrated it sort of ruined the whole experience for me. I like a good challenge, but this was impossible and horribly designed.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Freeelancer.2860


Did it on a full glass cannon tempest.

Jade bow was a bit too much (died twice to it, of which once was while in loading back in so I don’t count that one), other then that it was a simple fight as long as you keep moving.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: dusanyu.4057


All i can say is this one had me so frustrated i broke a tooth from gritting my teeth But i did have fun with the patch and Anet do you have an address i can send my dental bill to ? I kid my insurance has this.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Gryphon.2875


This is why I only do the LS on my main. He’s the only one that can survive their out-of-this-world boss fights. I just get scrolls for everyone else. Been that way all LS3.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: ViciousVyne.2935


Wait, people have trouble with the boss ?
Is this a thing ?

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: SlaYer.2138


Engineer, half celestial, half zerker gears
I didn’t die the entire run. I was downed twice bcuz I didn’t notice the mobs popping out mid-fight. After cleaning them all, everything went smooth. Overall, I’d say the difficulty is alright, although the room is rather small with the amount of cc the boss is using.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Eulolia.2467


Wait, people have trouble with the boss ?
Is this a thing ?

I died like 10 times on that boss and I never normally die on any story stuff. About 5 deaths were fair screwups like not hitting the special action button in the (very short) window but the rest felt like getting killed by high levels of splashy damage, especially with the jade add up.

Though it was not really troublesome, because the boss health doesn’t reset.

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So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Cael.3960


It’s not a bad fight, but it does have some terrible elements. The AOE is largely avoidable, if you have the special-action ability set on a hotkey you should be able to get it off before Caudecus hits you with it. If you focus down the adds immediately when they spawn you’re left with a boss that mostly does nothing save for that special action ability and some melee skills.

The problem… and it’s a big problem… is the small arena and those jade armors. In that small room with all those camera issues it’s easy to miss the incoming CC from the armors and find yourself in a stun-lock situation. At that point you can’t do anything about the special ability attack, can’t avoid the aoe, can’t deal with the adds/armors and you’re focused down in seconds. Stability gives you a chance to stay ahead, but not every class has that option available to them. Stun-breaks also help, but usually once you’re knocked down you’re going to be eating at least one big damage attack before you can pull yourself out of the fire. High health on the armors means many classes are going to get hit with the CC more than once before they’re destroyed which snowballs the problem.

Combined with the lack of a forge… eventually you’re naked (or nearly) and it becomes a death-attrition grind.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Professor Sprout.1560

Professor Sprout.1560

Ran a build with lots of survivability and stability (celestial engineer with flamethrower, all ascended gear). Cleared both Caudecus fights first-time around but by my ears was it hardcore! Toughest story mission in the game by a country mile, I’ve had solo fractals easier than that. Didn’t have a problem with the small encounter spaces or the extra enemies (well okay I was downed a few times by golems and white mantle but the tiny bloodstone golems made it easy to rally) but I was hit almost every time by the CC that you have to counter with the special action. To echo a remark made by another user in another thread, the difficulty of that encounter increases considerably if you have any lag because of how small the countermagic reaction window becomes (the same way that Jade Ocean becomes harder with lag because of how it shrinks the death mark reaction window).
I’m not necessarily going to complain that the mission was too hard or otherwise bad – the writing was great, visuals were spot-on, the story is going in interesting directions and the encounter designs were fresh and creative. Enemy HP and damage felt consistently excessive for a story mission, but fine for the “solo dungeon” difficulty this mission seemed to be going for.
All I would suggest is another quarter-to-half second on the countermagic window to normalise difficulty across differently-performing devices; that you add some kind of dialogue hint in “Regrouping with the Queen” to flag up that the next story mission is going to be significantly harder than any previous GW2 story mission; and that those classes that have limited access to stability/block/invul/stunbreak be given wider access to those abilities if there is to be more build-requisite story content in future.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Baldrick.8967


Went in with a power mesmer. Mainly ranged. Half way through to boss fight and already wishing I was playing something else.

Boss room truly awful. Why are Jades invulnerable in a space that small? Die, port back in, bounced around room, random marks on floor, spinning invuln jade…marked for skill and bang on the floor again waiting for respawn…

To add insult to injury…After dieing multiple times the clock ticked to midnight exactly as i left the boss room and…

BANG! D/C. Log back in hoping I’d have credit for the boss fight, but no. All because of some terrible chat scene before the mission ends. I’d ask Anet if they could credit the story bit but think it would be a waste of time.

To think i have to face the whole mission all over again if I want to finish it…

If I hadn’t done so much of the story on mesmer I’d take my necro in. It might be quicker to start the whole story over.

WvW player. Doing another world completion for my next Legendary. Hater of mini-games.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Healix.5819


Personally, I found the encounter rather trivial, but maybe I was just extremely lucky. The initial adds died to flak AoE, I was constantly moving so the circles never hit me and the jade bow spawned on the opposite side of the room and attacked the NPCs so I simply ignored it. As an 11k health zerker elementalist, the only risk was getting killed in ~2 seconds by his sword frenzy, which I simply avoided by dodging through him after his teleport. First try.

I’m a little surprised how many nerfs it got, as I personally found veterans in HoT to be more challenging than this, but those can be mostly avoided or zerged.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Ookamikun.6472


vet HoTs don’t have invul phase and shove projectile CCs up your kitten

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Healix.5819


vet HoTs don’t have invul phase and shove projectile CCs up your kitten

Personally, I was rarely CC’d. I only recall what looked like jade winds. With only 11k health, veterans in HoT can easily 1 shot you; even regular enemies can deal upwards of 15k damage. A jump shot or double stack poison field from a shadowleaper for example is instant death.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Donari.5237


The newest patch has changed the fight. More time to hit special action, no Jade Bow, etc. This may cure a lot of the ills. It won’t fix the enclosed combat space, but should at least remove some of the split second timing needed.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Removing the Jade Bow helps a lot, hopefully they did the same to Jade Wall. It’s the Jade constructs that are the problem.

The rest of the mobs are fine.

So let´s talk Caudecus

in Living World

Posted by: Timo.1065



I ended this epic fight at 1:00 am today. I fight using my engi/power/berserk. I can’t tell you how many times in was dead. There was a time that I went in to the room and I died instant. For me Veteran golem with range attack was nightmare, worse even than a main boss.
In my opinion the worst boss fight in game, really unpleasent.