Some Story Ideas for you

Some Story Ideas for you

in Living World

Posted by: Deified.7520



So Anet has said they wont be doing a living story after it ends in march (not sure when or if it will start up again). Here are some ideas you guys can do. Also, you don’t have to make these last over a year. Assuming you do it every 2 weeks again, making these last 3-5 months should be enough. The current living story has gone on for almost a year and a half now and thats a bit too long considered what’s been covered lore wise. Anyways, on to my ideas.

1. Each Elder Dragon (duh)
2. Ascalon and the ghost
3. Ebonhawke and the survivors/charr
4. Palwa Joko
5. Largos and the sea
6. Unseen Ones/White Mantle
7. Dhuum
8. Menzies
9. Scepter of Orr
10. The Gods (I know they left, doesnt mean you can’t do something involving the)
11. Cantha
12. Tengu and restoring relationship with them
13. The Centaur Threat
14. Something Jotun (so much lore with them now. You can really make up some cool stories about them, perhaps a rise of a Jotun side faction/race, not playable)
15. Gargoyals

You can make them into short/half stories like Southsun. Maybe have them unlock a zone, new dungeon, armor set, etc. I love the dragons as much as they next guy, but don’t forget you have a ton of lore to choose from that I think has a lot of freedom

IF you got any ideas about story topics, post em as a reply.