[Spoiler] Did it pepsi?

[Spoiler] Did it pepsi?

in Living World

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


So, I’m not quite sure what happened, but considering all in all, it does look like the Bloodstone did get destroyed.
I’m having a bit of an issue with the.. lateral effects.

In my understanding, the Bloodrune was made to seal all magic off, to permanently put the dragons to sleep.
Then, Abaddon came and undid the seal, releasing all magic, after which the chaos caused Doric to reseal the stone with his blood. Then it was cut in 4 pieces, effectly putting a limit to how much magic pours into the world, and making sure no [Object X] can use more than 1 of 4 types of magic, or at least greatly limiting ones’ ability to utilize more than 1.

If it’s true that one of the bloodstones broke, then shouldn’t that mean the limiter on it is also gone? All magic of that school goes back into the wild, and everyone can use their birthright school and the now for everyone unlocked school of magic?

I may be mistaken, but of the four pools, isn’t the one in the Bloodstone Fen the school of punishment? the one’s used by mesmers, necromancers, and ritualists?

(edited by Amaimon.7823)

[Spoiler] Did it pepsi?

in Living World

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


Is pepsi the new kitten. I been gone a bit.

[Spoiler] Did it pepsi?

in Living World

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


Is pepsi the new kitten. I been gone a bit.

Pepsi is a slang for dead, destoryed, etc

[Spoiler] Did it pepsi?

in Living World

Posted by: Rankomonaut.4708


The magic would have been released back into Tyria (and thus into the EDs), but spoilery as told in the story, someone/-thing soaked in the lionsshare of that magical a-bomb.

[Spoiler] Did it pepsi?

in Living World

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Is pepsi the new kitten. I been gone a bit.

Pepsi is a slang for dead, destoryed, etc

Is “destoryed” the new “retcon”?

(Sure, you call it a typo — I call it an opportunity to riff on the meaning of words.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

[Spoiler] Did it pepsi?

in Living World

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


We’re getting offtopic here,
Sure, mr floaty absorbed the blast of the pepsification, but that doesnt explain the function of the bloodstone, regulating how magic flows in the world. that regulation is now gone, unless mr floaty also does that now.

[Spoiler] Did it pepsi?

in Living World

Posted by: Rognik.2579


The truth is, we don’t really know that much about the bloodstones. They were created by the Seers, and we thought they were tied to the schools of magic, but it’s entirely possible we got it wrong and they were just pools of magic, similar to how dragons and chak seem to eat magic. You might call it a retcon, but since it was a human belief, other races might know more about this particular item.

However, even if it were true that the bloodstone explosion meant the limiters were off regarding magic, I don’t think it will affect us very much. Our classes are much more specialized than they were 200+ years ago, and only those in that particular field would probably notice, at least at first. Although, I suppose future specializations might tap into the idea if it’s true; Elementalists with necromatic life-draining powers, or blood wells… not a pretty sight.

[Spoiler] Did it pepsi?

in Living World

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Between the Elder Dragons Hoovering up all the magic they can, Asura Magitech bottling up and utilizing even more, FloatySpoilerMan sucking up the rest, the egg taking a little more, etc. I think think there’s so many outputs for “raw” magic at this point that the limiting effect of the bloodstones is redundant.

Basically, if the bloodstones were a dam, which just broke, you’d expect the village downstream to perish in a massive tidal wave. The only problem is that someone already built a SECOND dam behind it, and a third and so on, and the owners of all of the above dams have been complaining for hundreds of years that they can’t turn their turbines fast enough.

If it weren’t for floaty absorbing the most catastrophic break, it may have been enough to topple those other dams, but the river itself is pretty well handled. There’s not really a flooding hazard as much as there is a hyroelectric powered laser beam hazard. It’s just a competition at this point to make sure the right parties have access to the largest portion of that output and thus the biggest lasers.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

[Spoiler] Did it pepsi?

in Living World

Posted by: cakemonkey.6347


I’m pretty sure it Orange Crushed. After you take the portal to Mt. Dew and speak with Dr. Pepper you discover the side story from Queen Jenna that gets you started on the RC Cola.