*Spoilers* Caithe Secret revealed!
But it doesn’t look like it somehow spoilt her…. so i guess it is something else…
Unlikely. Sylvari community share each others experiences, connected through the Pale Tree.
More likely when the Pale Tree tried to stop Ceara/Scarlet from pushing further into the vision in Omadd’s machine, the experience was shared by all sylvari that are connected with the Pale Tree. Obviously the Soundless are a bit outside this, since they choose to meditate to be cut off from the sylvari community. Or so, this is how I understand it to be among the sylvari based on conversation in-game and lore-reading gw-wiki ^_^
Sidenote; if you went and spoke with the Pale Tree (pretty sure that conversation can still be activated) after Scarlet died ones character says that it comes with sad news, which the Pale Tree answers that she knows.
the pale tree said it, and then you hear the pale tree saying it again.
the only connection to caithe is that the line was said to her once. you’d have a more compelling argument if you heard caithe saying it.
and there’s really no reason for caithe to go inside the machine, or even know it exists. TA aetherpath implies she and scarlet were not exactly buddies, so why would she walk into a machine made by the latter?
Unlikely. Sylvari community share each others experiences, connected through the Pale Tree.
More likely when the Pale Tree tried to stop Ceara/Scarlet from pushing further into the vision in Omadd’s machine, the experience was shared by all sylvari that are connected with the Pale Tree. Obviously the Soundless are a bit outside this, since they choose to meditate to be cut off from the sylvari community. Or so, this is how I understand it to be among the sylvari based on conversation in-game and lore-reading gw-wikiSidenote; if you went and spoke with the Pale Tree (pretty sure that conversation can still be activated) after Scarlet died ones character says that it comes with sad news, which the Pale Tree answers that she knows.
Not really correct. Yes sylvari are connected through the dream, but it is not like they know what all other sylvari do or know in real time. When a sylvari learns something, it does become part of the dream, something, sylvari still in the dream (as in not awakened yet) can access, though I doubt they can access everything… thats why every sylvari have a different dream. The shared knowledge seems to be mostly practical knowledge.
The Pale Tree herself might have seen it and know about it, but she could very well be keeping it from her saplings.
OT, I don’t think thats Caithes secret, although I guess it is not entirely impossible.
No. “Caithe’s secret”, so far, seems to have been nothing more than a red herring produced by the Invasive Weed to lure Caithe there so she could capture/turn her over to the Nightmare Court (probably part of whatever deal she made with them to let her Aetherblades use part of the Arbor for their facility).
So Caithe’s naughty little secret is that she may have gone into the machine as well!
If you have the bluebrint for the Blades back piece there’s a quote there from Scarlet saying: “Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”
They encountered one another before and had a discussion to some extent or other and clearly Scarlet was doing more than just trying to disrupt the Ley Lines. It can be deduced that Scarlet was trying to prove something.
My thoughts are that she uncovered the secrets the Pale Tree was hiding and as always, she encountered skeptics. Caithe being one who believed the Pale Tree, likely doubted what Scarlet had to say and so Scarlet looked elsewhere for aid which lead her into contracting the forces she acquired through her journeys.
That came well after the Aetherpath’s debut, meaning the Invasive Weed could’ve been making said blueprints then anyway by the time Caithe was breaking in there.
The idea of them having an argument of ideologies could fit, similar to her conversation with Cadeyrn (and the consequences of that).
Although, this is what happens when you try to write backwards as well as forward—things don’t fit well. And, Caithe’s statements regarding Ceara implies that they barely even gave each other the time of day before she left.
If you have the bluebrint for the Blades back piece there’s a quote there from Scarlet saying: “Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”
They encountered one another before and had a discussion to some extent or other and clearly Scarlet was doing more than just trying to disrupt the Ley Lines. It can be deduced that Scarlet was trying to prove something.
My thoughts are that she uncovered the secrets the Pale Tree was hiding and as always, she encountered skeptics. Caithe being one who believed the Pale Tree, likely doubted what Scarlet had to say and so Scarlet looked elsewhere for aid which lead her into contracting the forces she acquired through her journeys.
If you played the Sylvari story with background being “Where life goes”.
Caithe brought out her fear that if the Nightmare Court figured out about that Pale Tree wasn’t the only tree, and that the other tree’s don’t have the Dream of Pale Tree. The Nightmare Court would then proceed to destroy the Pale Tree and move on to the “unprotected” trees…
Malyck, who then agreed on not allowing the Nightmare Court to know about it and went to his way back to his own tree.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
Here’s my thoughts about Caithe’s secret: Caithe is really an undercover Nightmare Courtier, and she is in cahoots with Faolain. Note that we never killed Faolain at the end of TA story. The duchess just escapes. Plus, Faolain’s attempts to get Caithe back are pretty much a sham.
I think that Scarlet used Omadds machine as a divination device as well as to find out secrets about her family. Why? Caithe was a bully to those who were younger than her, and the Pale Tree let her get away with it. Remember what Caithe said to Caedyn before he created the Nightmare Court: You are either firstborn…or you are simply sylvari.” I believe that statement illustrates Caithe’s REAL personality, and I bet you that she said the same thing to Ceara (aka Scarlet Briar).
Knowing Scarlet’s personality, she wanted to get back at Caithe in any way possible, and she used the machine to stalk the thief. How else would Scarlet have devised a plan to trap the Firstborn in the Aetherblade Dungeon? If you’re going to catch a thief, you have to find out their fighting style and their weaknesses.
(edited by kta.6502)
Here’s my thoughts about Caithe’s secret: Caithe is really an undercover Nightmare Courtier, and she is in cahoots with Faolain. Note that we never killed Faolain at the end of TA story. The duchess just escapes. Plus, Faolain’s attempts to get Caithe back are pretty much a sham.
I think that Scarlet used Omadds machine as a divination device as well as to find out secrets about her family. Why? Caithe was a bully to those who were younger than her, and the Pale Tree let her get away with it. Remember what Caithe said to Caedyn before he created the Nightmare Court: You are either firstborn…or you are simply sylvari.” I believe that statement illustrates Caithe’s REAL personality, and I bet you that she said the same thing to Ceara (aka Scarlet Briar).
Knowing Scarlet’s personality, she wanted to get back at Caithe in any way possible, and she used the machine to stalk the thief. How else would Scarlet have devised a plan to trap the Firstborn in the Aetherblade Dungeon? If you’re going to catch a thief, you have to find out their fighting style and their weaknesses.
….No. While your other points make sense, that hypothesis is countered by…well, everything we’ve seen of her in the Personal Story and onward.
(edited by Nilkemia.8507)
Maybe this will help you and give a hint too:
Scarlet giggled as she raised her hand to her face and watched the red thorn vine chase itself between her fingers. “So much makes sense now. The Pale Tree, the Nightmare Court, Caithe and Faolain…it’s all part of a grand design.
“But I see the flaws in that design. My people don’t have to take what we’re given, or be what we were “born to be.” No people do. We can change the rules…well, I can. And I’m going to.”
Here’s my thoughts about Caithe’s secret: Caithe is really an undercover Nightmare Courtier, and she is in cahoots with Faolain. Note that we never killed Faolain at the end of TA story. The duchess just escapes. Plus, Faolain’s attempts to get Caithe back are pretty much a sham.
I think that Scarlet used Omadds machine as a divination device as well as to find out secrets about her family. Why? Caithe was a bully to those who were younger than her, and the Pale Tree let her get away with it. Remember what Caithe said to Caedyn before he created the Nightmare Court: You are either firstborn…or you are simply sylvari.” I believe that statement illustrates Caithe’s REAL personality, and I bet you that she said the same thing to Ceara (aka Scarlet Briar).
Knowing Scarlet’s personality, she wanted to get back at Caithe in any way possible, and she used the machine to stalk the thief. How else would Scarlet have devised a plan to trap the Firstborn in the Aetherblade Dungeon? If you’re going to catch a thief, you have to find out their fighting style and their weaknesses.
……There are some pretty large leaps of logic in that theory, no offense.
….No. While your other points make sense, that hypothesis is countered by…well, everything we’ve seen of her in the Personal Story and onward.
Now I’m curious: What do you mean by “everything we’ve seen of her in the Personal Story”? Could you please elaborate on your points? Come on, guys, don’t keep me in the dark about this! I really want to know.
I played through the Sylvari storyline 2 times. I played the white stag storyline with a dusk bloom first. Then I played the moon storyline with a Dawn bloom the second time around. I’m not sure what you guys are referring to.
Let’s see:
Why would she help our character in the beginning if she was a Nightmare Courtier?
Why would she go to great lengths to help get the white stag/Ysvelta back from the Nightmare Court?
Why would she warn us that getting corrupted by Nightmare is uncurable?
Why would the Nightmare Courtiers openly voice such disdain for her every time she’s mentioned by them? They’re all but celebrating when they think she was killed in the Shield of the Moon plotline (their only concern is how the Grand Duchess will take the news)
Sariel really wants to kill Caithe (due to her jealousy of what she and Faolain had) and tries to do so in the White Stag plotline and in Twilight Arbor.
And that’s just regarding the plotlines you have done (or are doing).
In “A Light in the Darkness”, we are shown a bad future in which Destiny’s Edge never reunited, and Caithe gives up on them and falls to Nightmare be with Faolain. No point to that if she’s already supposedly evil, now is there?
I still lean in to think that the “once falling into nightmare there is no coming back” is here-say. Nobody knows for certain because no one knows of someone who has done it. Therefore I don’t necessarily consider that mantra to be 100% fact, if anything just a person’s thoughts on a subject they haven’t experienced. Caithe was infected by Faeolain and despite her selfish wants, Faeolain freed Caithe.
Surely if Sylvari are able to turn away from The Dream out of the desire for something different, the opposite is also possible.
With that in mind, it just strikes me that people are afraid of falling because they don’t know how they would be able to get back.
Regarding falling to Nightmare:
If we are to go off the premise that the Pale Tree knows that the Sylvari are intrinsically linked to Mordy, and that she has been shielding them from his influence, it then might be further extrapolated that those in the Nightmare Court are there because they are “falling” into part of their inherent nature, but spurred on by active rebellion to the Pale Tree. They are essentially tapping into a deeper part of who they are (as servants of an elder dragon) by actively going against Ventari’s teachings, which is why once you fall you cannot come back. This would also explain why the soundless and those like Malyck are neutral. They have neither tapped into that side of themselves or are oblivious to it for now (although with the dragon waking that might change since they don’t have the pale Tree to protect their minds). With the aspect of Mordy hitting the center of the “everything” and corrupting it in the vision (and with that center being represented in the vision by the Pale Tree) we can see that there is a real threat to not only the Pale Tree, but to the Sylvari as a whole as Mordy’s influence grows.
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