[Spoilers] Deus Ex Machina Issue

[Spoilers] Deus Ex Machina Issue

in Living World

Posted by: Boogiepop Void.6473

Boogiepop Void.6473

The entire ending part of A Crack In The Ice was completely out of nowhere. Suddenly we have a magic scroll that suddenly Braham knows about that for some reason no one has ever gotten that suddenly can hurt Jormag. There is no good reason why it was there, why he knew about it, or why no one else had gotten it a long time ago. The entire mess just stinks of making an excuse to move the story along.

[Spoilers] Deus Ex Machina Issue

in Living World

Posted by: Tyloric.7520


I’ve had a lot of issues with the writing for this episode. The scroll, Brahm’s temper tantrum, the tooth cracking. I… have concerns.

Casteless Wind [Guild Wars 2]
The Secksy Monk [Guild Wars 1]
Stormbluff Isle – Storm Slayer Dragons [SDS]

[Spoilers] Deus Ex Machina Issue

in Living World

Posted by: NickChabby.8907


The Scroll was mentioned at launch through a NPC:

[Spoilers] Deus Ex Machina Issue

in Living World

Posted by: Boogiepop Void.6473

Boogiepop Void.6473

That’s A scroll. No evidence it is THE scroll. A single throwaway NPC at launch that makes no connection here is not enough setup for a major plot point.

[Spoilers] Deus Ex Machina Issue

in Living World

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Wait until Ogden’s Hammer shows up to save us. No one can say it wasn’t set up!

[Spoilers] Deus Ex Machina Issue

in Living World

Posted by: Lazarus.3970


That’s A scroll. No evidence it is THE scroll. A single throwaway NPC at launch that makes no connection here is not enough setup for a major plot point.


“… rumors say he had a powerful jotun scroll with him as well; the scroll has been lost since, though believed to be in Hoelbrak. Though he failed to kill Jormag, he took one of its teeth from Jormag’s maw as a trophy and proof that the Elder Dragon can be harmed, being the first to do so.”

I mean, it isn’t directly said, but cmon… how much more do you need at this point? Plus, I think it is a good thing for them to build up existing lore more rather than introducing all new lore just for the story.

[Spoilers] Deus Ex Machina Issue

in Living World

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


That’s A scroll. No evidence it is THE scroll. A single throwaway NPC at launch that makes no connection here is not enough setup for a major plot point.

its not A scroll nor THE scroll, its Possibly THE scroll.
They already know it was in Aesgir’s hands. So whether or not it contains the information for fighting the elder dragons is irrelevant, whats relevant is the fact that is was a scroll held in regard by the Dragonrender, and therefore, a valuable lead. Not a guarantee, but a good lead.

[Spoilers] Deus Ex Machina Issue

in Living World

Posted by: Doam.8305


I’ve had a lot of issues with the writing for this episode. The scroll, Brahm’s temper tantrum, the tooth cracking. I… have concerns.

What about the magic fire the Koda have been using all of this time?
Or the Quaggan’s locked to such a small area probably because current Anet employee’s hate underwater.