Guild Founder
Still getting Support Tokens?
Guild Founder
Yes, I have had the same thing.
I am glad my mind has not left me. Anet please fix this. I dont like being reminded that people chose a stupid reactor meltdown (AKA: Fukishima reenactment/ AKA: Chernobyl reenactment/ AKA: Boring) over a WAR BETWEEN GODS THAT ACCORDING TO GW1 ABBADON LORE WAS LIKE NUCLEAR COSMIC POWERS FIGHTING EACHOTHER THAT SCARRED THE PLANET!
Guild Founder
You can just sell them.
I mostly get them from chests (i.e. volcanic fractal bonus chest) so I’m assuming they were forgotten about and left on a few loot tables.
I’ve been receiving them from the chests at the end of jp’s too.
Still in the loot tables and still dropping, especially at the end of jumping puzzles.
There really is no excuse why these are still in game. Them being sellable is not a reason either. The election is long over and these should have been removed.
Still in the loot tables and still dropping, especially at the end of jumping puzzles.
There really is no excuse why these are still in game. Them being sellable is not a reason either. The election is long over and these should have been removed.
Sure there is; they’re releasing Living Story content too often and thus QA suffers.
You can merch them for a silver each and they stack, unlike crap greens and blues – hardly worth complaining about.
i get them in wvw :S
They shouldn’t be there, but eh, I’m not complaining about the free silver.
Anet always misses something blatantly obvious after every event. It took almost a full month for the periscopes to go away after F&F was over.
A couple days ago while i was walking the wasteland of Orr i noticed a cave. As i decided to go investigate i noticed a chest which contained some very worrying evidence. A support token was hidden in there.
So apparently the Risen have been voting for Ellen Kiel, and now have a worrying amount of influence on the world of tyria. We must quickly ripp off Kiels mask and reveal her true identity! That of a risen priest, or otherwise the aetherblades are cooperating with the remaining risen.
And there is no discussion with such groundbreaking evidence!!!!!!!!!
The way I see it, they owe me quite a bit of money for me blowing it all on buying buttons only to lose, so let them keep those in the loot tables for as long as they want. They haven’t even touched the amount that was spent yet. That people would complain about free, stackable, decently priced trash loot, is astounding to me.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…