Story Disconnection, possible fix
This is not a server issue, so it must be a local issue with your internet. I suggest you call your ISP and file a complaint about your unstable connection.
Yeah, this sounds like your ISP is having issues, or your internet hardware on your end is flaky.
This issue has been ongoing for a number of years. Different ISP’s. Different Cable boxes. Different Routers. Different motherboards with ethernet. Different ethernet cables.
So it’s not on my end.
Also, it only happens during Storyline instances. Doesn’t happen any other time.
(edited by AreeSoothsayer.1068)
This issue has been ongoing for a number of years. Different ISP’s. Different Cable boxes. Different Routers. Different motherboards with ethernet. Different ethernet cables.
Unless you’ve been moving around the world, you’re still going through the same networks. It doesn’t matter who your ISP is, they’re all going to eventually meet and any node along the route could be the point of failure.
Also, it only happens during Storyline instances. Doesn’t happen any other time.
Other people with the same problem have had success by changing the game’s port to 80 or 443 by running the game with:
Gw2.exe -clientport 80
The other option is using a VPN.
Personally, I had a the same problem in another MMO several years ago whenever I entered a PvP match. It was due to my ISP throttling the connection, which causes heavy packet loss. In short, they were flagging the game as torrent traffic and killing the connection.
The instance should have a timer, 5 minutes would be best, allowing the player to log back in.
People have been complaining about this since GW1, which had the feature added about a year after launch. The last time ArenaNet commented on it here, they basically said it was too complex. They have been trying however, but it only works in the open world; you have a ~10 second window.
For the story, they have been experimenting with checkpoints, which allow you to continue from the last completed step. Season 3 with Aurene in Tarir was the first to do this. I wouldn’t count on them adding checkpoints to old instances, but they might be a thing in the near future.
Well when I saw the storyline fix you showed me I went to do it and found it already in place.
Edit: I removed the ‘fix’ and was able to play straight through first try. Hope it keeps working that way.
(edited by AreeSoothsayer.1068)
Nope, lost connection.
But I have noticed that I always lose connection during the cutscene parts of the story mission.
This issue has been ongoing for a number of years. Different ISP’s. Different Cable boxes. Different Routers. Different motherboards with ethernet. Different ethernet cables.
So it’s not on my end.
Also, it only happens during Storyline instances. Doesn’t happen any other time.
Cuz the problema is windows cache.
i have this problem years ago, when hot launche, and yes very misterious.
i discovery that is related to “dirty” DNS routes storaged by Windows Cache. Just clean DNS cache and reset winsock, theres tutorials about it on internet.
The mystery is to know the relation of that with private instances of history mode, never had anet feedback on that.
If that does not work, change the DNS to one of these alternatives, Google, OpenDNS and repeat the process of clearing the cache again.
The most serious point is in LS2, in instances of LS2 seems to occur more than in any part of the game.
(edited by ugrakarma.9416)