Story Tellers Campfire

Story Tellers Campfire

in Living World

Posted by: Deified.7520


So something I enjoy doing in this game is wandering around the world. Doing events, gathering, etc. Every once in a while I come across a new player thats doing his first level 80. Most of the time this person will have no idea what the Living story is or what has happened. What I usually do is give them a summary of recent events and take them around the world to show them the sights of previous LS content. I always get the best reactions with the zeyphr sanctum model or the toxic tower cinematic. So it gave me idea.

Story Tellers Campfire: Place an item down at your feet that when players interact with it, it will play a cinematic of your choosing.
It works similar to the funbox in terms of how you choose. The person who put it down can select which cinematic they want played when players interact with it. It could be new cinematics or just all of the old ones (Maybe the karka coming up during lost shores, the final bosses appearing in the Molten Alliance weapons facility, things like that).

The camp would be your typical camp fire. It could be more if they decided to make it like a campsite with a tent, chairs, maybe a roasted pig over the fire, etc.
Just an idea I had. What do you guys think of it?

Story Tellers Campfire

in Living World

Posted by: Elrey.5472


+999999999999 because i want to show some players what our heroes did, as example the tower destruction.

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Story Tellers Campfire

in Living World

Posted by: Moteris.5913


This is Brilliant!!!! I would def buy this off the gem store. It would be cool if they got the voice actor of Marjory to a summary vid where she tells the story of Scarlet. At the end of every “season” they could update it, or more likely release a new one.

Story Tellers Campfire

in Living World

Posted by: ShinjoNaomi.1896


It’s a shame I can only hit the +1 button once.
Seriously, this is an awesome idea. A definite buy from me if it was put in the Gem Store.

“If half as many people were half as brave in real life as they were online…
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’

Story Tellers Campfire

in Living World

Posted by: Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

It could be only events you have participated in (based on the Living Story Achievement Completion), or based on when your character was created, giving each player unique content of available stories to tell.
The animations that require a player character, would have the owner of the item as focus, like a party leader.

Excellent idea.

“Look like the innocent flower, but be the Obaba under’t.”

Story Tellers Campfire

in Living World

Posted by: Headcase.4618


I’m all for this.

Story Tellers Campfire

in Living World

Posted by: RedShipRaider.9560


So something I enjoy doing in this game is wandering around the world. Doing events, gathering, etc. Every once in a while I come across a new player thats doing his first level 80. Most of the time this person will have no idea what the Living story is or what has happened. What I usually do is give them a summary of recent events and take them around the world to show them the sights of previous LS content. I always get the best reactions with the zeyphr sanctum model or the toxic tower cinematic. So it gave me idea.

Story Tellers Campfire: Place an item down at your feet that when players interact with it, it will play a cinematic of your choosing.

Extremely cool of you! It’s great to see people so welcoming of new players, rather than their only first contact with the GW2 community being the Queensdale Champion Zerg yelling at them for screwing up ‘the rotation’.

I really love the idea of this, and Sonkofa Jimiyu’s elaboration as well! It serves as a way to let new players see old content and also as a way of showing off what you have participated in! And it allows old resources that would otherwise never be used again to continue to have a purpose.

Hopefully someone will take note of this because I would really love to have something like this in game, even if it is something that you have to go to your Home Instance to access. I also would have loved to run across someone like the OP when I was a new player!

It could be only events you have participated in (based on the Living Story Achievement Completion), or based on when your character was created, giving each player unique content of available stories to tell.
The animations that require a player character, would have the owner of the item as focus, like a party leader.

Story Tellers Campfire

in Living World

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Outstanding idea and quite original for an MMO too.