Stupid bugged liadri fight
I used entangle and it wiped me out everytime…. wth?
I hate how slow you move like I am wading through mud..irritating. I also hate the dodge mechanic and is insanely slow recharge. Plus when I get pulled by the orb my character is unresponsive for 1 or 2 secs which usually kills me. This is in no way a fun thing to do or is it about skill. It is about luck and perseverance.
Stop whining, all of you.
1. There’s nothing bugged about anything you brought here.
When you entangle yourself and one of those clones hit your tower, they explode, that explosion kills you instantly. You can dodge that explosion if you time it right. Just watch other people die to the clones and you will notice that those clones explode.
2. You don’t move slow, you move with a normal realistic speed. Keep a speed buff up as long as possible or trait a combat speed boost. Also don’t stay too far on the outer side of the arena, you will have to run further to get out of the red circles. Just stay near the center so you can quickly get out of those circles.
3. The dodge mechanic is absolutely fine, it is by far the best I’ve seen in a MMO. It gives you a second invulnerability and it is only usable twice in a row, that is d*** balanced since one dodge roll makes you invulnerability for 1 second to pretty much everything. Other games such as ESO allow you to dodge 2-3 times and they don’t give you invincibility frames, that makes it extremely useless considering the combat is laggy as hell, Wildstar as example has 2 dodge rolls as well but they also don’t give you invincibility frames, making them only useful for evading super charged attacks.
4. You are not “unresponsive” for 1-2 seconds you are flattened. When someone or something pulls you, you will be thrown onto the ground for a second, that’s totally normal and has nothing to do with some stupid mechanic. Use stability to prevent getting pulled or use a stun breaker to instantly stand up and gain control again.
5. Destroy those orbs before they can even pull you, that way you wouldn’t have any problems with them considering that the fight takes a max of 3 minutes in which about 2-3 orbs spawn. It should be very easy to destroy them as soon as they pop up if they are in your view.
Stop whining, all of you.
1. There’s nothing bugged about anything you brought here.
When you entangle yourself and one of those clones hit your tower, they explode, that explosion kills you instantly. You can dodge that explosion if you time it right. Just watch other people die to the clones and you will notice that those clones explode.2. You don’t move slow, you move with a normal realistic speed. Keep a speed buff up as long as possible or trait a combat speed boost. Also don’t stay too far on the outer side of the arena, you will have to run further to get out of the red circles. Just stay near the center so you can quickly get out of those circles.
3. The dodge mechanic is absolutely fine, it is by far the best I’ve seen in a MMO. It gives you a second invulnerability and it is only usable twice in a row, that is d*** balanced since one dodge roll makes you invulnerability for 1 second to pretty much everything. Other games such as ESO allow you to dodge 2-3 times and they don’t give you invincibility frames, that makes it extremely useless considering the combat is laggy as hell, Wildstar as example has 2 dodge rolls as well but they also don’t give you invincibility frames, making them only useful for evading super charged attacks.
4. You are not “unresponsive” for 1-2 seconds you are flattened. When someone or something pulls you, you will be thrown onto the ground for a second, that’s totally normal and has nothing to do with some stupid mechanic. Use stability to prevent getting pulled or use a stun breaker to instantly stand up and gain control again.
5. Destroy those orbs before they can even pull you, that way you wouldn’t have any problems with them considering that the fight takes a max of 3 minutes in which about 2-3 orbs spawn. It should be very easy to destroy them as soon as they pop up if they are in your view.
I just want to make note of the final comment here
Orbs spawn every 35 or so seconds in my experience. You can keep track of them pretty constantly. The first one should die by about 2:57 the next is up around 2:33
i don’t think it’s bugged, maybe has a few minor problems (like when liadri’s aoe attack hits even when you’re out of the marker), but such things were quite rare for me. It was fun and sort of challenging compared to all the noskill zerging press 1 to win content, that we all got used to by now. Arenanet did mention that not all enemies in the gauntlet can be killed by every build, maybe you should try a different profession/build. All except one enemy was fairly easy for me with my conditioneer, so i’d reccomend everyone trying that.
i don’t think it’s bugged, maybe has a few minor problems (like when liadri’s aoe attack hits even when you’re out of the marker), but such things were quite rare for me. It was fun and sort of challenging compared to all the noskill zerging press 1 to win content, that we all got used to by now. Arenanet did mention that not all enemies in the gauntlet can be killed by every build, maybe you should try a different profession/build. All except one enemy was fairly easy for me with my conditioneer, so i’d reccomend everyone trying that.
The only bug with Liadri is her sometimes shooting her AOE’s outside of the Arena resulting in people dying below in the gauntlet.
Getting hit outside of the AOE fields is either you still standing in the AOE with your characters hit-box which you can’t see or you just simply lagging at this very moment resulting in you not standing outside of those AOE fields when the server calculates the hit.
(edited by Desmoulins.3517)
It’s bugged when a thief can totally ignore the mechanics of the fight and lifesteal her to death.
And when a profession’s entire mechanic is completely worthless against her.
Probably more than one, actually, but pets shouldn’t be vulnerable to Liadri’s instagib attacks since they can’t dodge and when they die a good chunk of your dps goes with them.
It’s bugged when a thief can totally ignore the mechanics of the fight and lifesteal her to death.
No it is not, it can be also done with a necro and devs have confirmed that it is not a buggy way to beat her - a GW2 webcomic about a Charr and a Skritt