Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
(not native english)
Ok. For the new diary achievements we go blind and we don’t know what to do, but it’s a bit silly to me that i need to repeat the story again to complete achievements.
As example, i did the last instance (the one with the statue) on my first try just being careful. It did happen that i dodged every attack and those lights and i managed to immobilize the healers and kill then fast. I did this because it was suppose to be that way, so i was happy with my performance. My positional awareness was perfect and i was smiling like a little boy just because I faced the unknown and beated it flawlessly. Then after i complete it I realize i need to go back to complete achievements… and fail 4 times dodging attacks and the lights… and waste 1 long hour just because the achievement wasn’t rewarded the first time i was there. I had to complete 1 more achievement, and i did in repeated tries, but yet i feel like i wasted a lot of time. And same happened with Aerin and his barrels in the previous update…
I’m the only one that i don’t see a point of why can’t we complete achievements on first run? If anyone doesn’t want, he can just skip them and repeat the story for them, right? :\
Its done on purpose so we have to do all the instances at least 3 times
Yeah, ANet obviously did it to introduce artificial longevity. I think it’s an awful way to go about it too.
Having the story based rewards character specific? THAT’S a good way to increase longevity.
I haven’t gone back for any of the achievements because I don’t feel like replaying the episodes :/
I’d rather not be distracted by potential Achievements while enjoying the story/combat. Regardless of being hidden, if I can accomplish it on the first run, the chance exist that I’ll pay closer attention to “Achievement details” than the story I’m appreciating.
They did it that way so you could focus entirely on the story.
I’ve posted about it earlier and I still think we should be able to get the achievements on first run.
Why is it good?
- You get a very positive experience for doing something “right” without knowing it.
- You get a very negative experience for seeing you’ve done something “right” straight away but you have to do it again because something wasn’t “unlocked”.
- Replaying stories for achievements is boring, and sometimes even frustrating. Especially if you have 1 of 3 but have to listen to all the unskippable dialogues and to click through all the text and then grind trash mobs again to advance to the important part. It feels like a time sink, even if it’s a minor one, and I see no point in it in a B2P no-sub game.
- People who prefer to use guides will not be forced to play the same story (about which they’ve read already and obviously do not care) once again.
At the moment, I do not feel like replaying instances is fun. If you already replayed the story with an alt to get a different perspective, it’s doubly so. Mind you, I’m not opposed to doing “hard” things or whatever; I just don’t like doing things several times with the only reason behind it being time sink, an artificially increased perception of the amount of time required to clear new content.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
Perhaps if they made the dialogue skippable then there wouldn’t be a problem with replaying instances. I don’t care if it forces me into a loading screen in order to skip it.
I see no reason to restrict achievements to replay.
Focus on the story? Well sure, I will if the story is engaging. With or without achievements.
Invisible restrictions are bad. If the hero window shows that the achievements are unlocked for my second character through the story, then… those achievements should be unlocked.
Replaying instances just for achievements does not make me feel like there’s more content to the episode. It just feels like a cheap tactic to get me to play longer — like you’d find in a subscription game.
I see no reason to restrict achievements to replay.
Focus on the story? Well sure, I will if the story is engaging. With or without achievements.
Invisible restrictions are bad. If the hero window shows that the achievements are unlocked for my second character through the story, then… those achievements should be unlocked.
Replaying instances just for achievements does not make me feel like there’s more content to the episode. It just feels like a cheap tactic to get me to play longer — like you’d find in a subscription game.
Exactly. Skipping dialogues got away from my mind but it definitely need to be there too. And I agree completely with the rest.
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