Suggestion: cut less corners

Suggestion: cut less corners

in Living World

Posted by: Sindraim.1845


Here’s an album of the Pavilion’s outermost ring, showcasing the very avoidable mistakes.
now I know this is a minor complaint but it still rustles me to no end (at least it’s going away soon). I also realize that development costs money but I also know that this could have been avoided by simply letting someone work to split the ring into parts of a circle or even make a full circle model for it. The way it is now, the same straight ramps that lead to the ring are reused to create an illusion of the thing having a circular shape. Bonus is the ramp leading up to the arenas sinking into the ground.
This is a massive structure. Please don’t cut corners with these things.

(edited by Sindraim.1845)

Suggestion: cut less corners

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Didn’t really notice any of those, but yeah definitely something to put on the to do list for next time.