Talk click, talk click, talk click

Talk click, talk click, talk click

in Living World

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


Maybe I was just feeling tired or something, but I couldn’t be bothered trying to read all those dialog options and just clicked the first option every time as fast as I could until I got to the end.

TL:DR version seemed to be a lady with a gambling problem was spreading rumors and Anise, who wasn’t really there, had already solved everything…

.. did I miss anything?

Am I a bad person for being so impatient?

Talk click, talk click, talk click

in Living World

Posted by: Gorani.7205


Compared to Tinkard’s Orchard, the Nightfall “party” we had to attend in GW1, this was lame. Indeed, there was a lot of dialogue (a mixture if good and bad), but I had a different problem with it:
Its not the reading, its the inconsistency of how dialogue options work in this instance.
You have the yellow pyramid icon, which indicates there is a “forking path”, you have the red “return” arrow, you have the green arrow and you have the “green star in the bubble” which usually indicates you have the right option. There are also the “red swords” which indicate the end of the dialogue and the NPC turning hostile.

In this instance I got the impression that those roles are not defined and I had no clear indication when to stop to talk to Kasmeer again before restarting the dialogue. Eventually you will get to the end, but it not really involves real logical thinking and turns more into an trial and error thing. Especially with the achievements that need you to arouse no suspicion at all (or a full suspicion bar), this is a pretty annoying task, IMO.

Member of The Guildwars Online Guild [GWO]
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)

Talk click, talk click, talk click

in Living World

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


I’m pretty sure that maxing out the suspicion bar was the quickest way to progress. Every time I did it more green stars appeared on the map.