Tengu and personal story
Easy fix. You being a lone Tengu selected by your clan to prove yourself are being sent outside of the city walls to marge with the civilization to find out if the outside world is worthy, in doing that you get mixed up with the “ongoing” Zhaitan’s debacle, resulting with you becoming a member aiding the group in fight against him.
They will have a personal story and it is probably not about Zhaitan. I wonder what will happen with the other personal stories after the first living story has ended. Scarlet changes Tyria forever … I repeat … forever … and this will affect the personal story aswell, since the world is another like the one played in personal story.
the reason for not including the tengu seems to have been aesthetic rather than technical. They simply could not make the “talking heads” cut scenes work with the tengu beaks. Until ANet feels like radically reworking every cutscene in the LS to something that do not require complex lip animations, the tengu is pretty much a NPC only race.
the reason for not including the tengu seems to have been aesthetic rather than technical. They simply could not make the “talking heads” cut scenes work with the tengu beaks. Until ANet feels like radically reworking every cutscene in the LS to something that do not require complex lip animations, the tengu is pretty much a NPC only race.
i don’t feel very confident whit ANet reworking graphic issues taking into account we still don’t have capes because they had clipping problems with the charrs and they gave in, like if we had no clipping problems with weapons anyways.
I just hope i could see tengu as a playable race, maybe a new class and Cantha, but it looks sooo distant xD
Unless they intend to revamp Orr, the Tengu have to go through some variant of the current Personal Story. 20 levels (2 arcs) of race stuff, one arc that shows you the orders and lets you join one. Two arcs working with that order, and then you get stuck with Trahearne.
Why, you ask? Because the personal story is how you unlock not only membership in one of the orders, but it’s also how you unlock the asura gates to Fort Trinity. Even if they want to do something new with the Tengu, those asura gates need to be unlocked, either through the PS or for everyone without the PS. And as I don’t think they’re going to rework the second half of the PS no matter what Scarlet does, it’s safe to say that they’ll still be unlocked through the PS.
Telling Tengu players that they’ll never be able to use those gates wouldn’t be very fair, nor would it make sense. ANet really needs more people playing in Orr, not fewer.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.