Teq EU runs?

Teq EU runs?

in Living World

Posted by: Cynz.9437


My entire guild just moved to EU server, sadly they don’t pve :/

Is there any guild that kills Teq every day that i could join?

Gonna miss TTS T_T

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Teq EU runs?

in Living World

Posted by: cherrie.8907


I’d like to know that one too!

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

Teq EU runs?

in Living World

Posted by: Chiara.9827


Yup, we have TxS
You can apply here http://it.reddit.com/r/txs/

Teq EU runs?

in Living World

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Yup, we have TxS
You can apply here http://it.reddit.com/r/txs/

do i have to apply there or can i talk to someone in game? i don’t have reddit account nor want to make one tbh, as it would just flood my email with more unnecessary things

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Teq EU runs?

in Living World

Posted by: Chiara.9827


You have to apply there, but reddit doesn’t require an email address when you register, it’s optional.

Teq EU runs?

in Living World

Posted by: Clownshock.5043


we do Teq 1-2times everyday on FSP with awsome Zinniy as commander. we have killed him i think 43 times now

Teq EU runs?

in Living World

Posted by: eyelogix.1654


we do Teq 1-2times everyday on FSP with awsome Zinniy as commander. we have killed him i think 43 times now

Might jump in there sometime just to get it done and the 50% mark on Taco still haunts me.

Teq EU runs?

in Living World

Posted by: joaoantunes.5367


Hello, don’t know if this is the proper place to do it, but anyhow:

I’ve applied for TxS in that Reddit link, about two days ago, and still haven’t got an answer. Are they still recruiting, or are they just trying to deal with the massive amount of applications, hence the waiting times. Anyway, I totally understand if that’s how it works, I’m really not trying to rush things, just curious.