Tequatl the Funless
Teq is 2/10, does not scale… Really, forcing people to hunt it only in the prime time or to roam forums and guest to other servers in search for a zerg can’t help its popularity. :>
William S. Burroughs
I think every world boss should be a pita, perhaps Teq is OP, but the routine of just zooming around the map quickly picking off the loot chest bosses is silly.
I really like the idea of having a set HP then scaling based on attendance, and if enough of the attacks are AE that takes care of the need for damage scaling.
If a dragon this size steps on you, you should die in 1 hit; if Jormag’s Lieutenant lands on you, you should die in 1 hit; if you stay toe to toe with a large golem that is telegraphing a point blank AE, you should die in 1 hit.
Things that could be changed to make the world bosses more reasonable (after they make them all challenging):
Get rid of despawns, instead alter the areas around them lightly until such time as they are defeated.
Scale reward and difficulty appropriately (ie the Jungle wurm should be much easier and offer less loot that higher level world bosses, and Lieutenants should be by far the hardest and most rewarding)
Teq is 2/10, does not scale… Really, forcing people to hunt it only in the prime time or to roam forums and guest to other servers in search for a zerg can’t help its popularity. :>
It makes it feel more menacing and in terms of other mmos, an actual world boss versus the other world bosses we fight.
Although gw2 is rightfully breaking the mold and being different from other MMOs. World bosses generally are hard to kill creatures that are supposed to provide decent loot with chance of greater loot(except Aion, stupid rng) meanwhile sometimes requiring mass numbers, coordination, or certain strategies.
Compare it to other world bosses:
Shatter, takes maybe 5-10 min to kill. The pre is the only thing that may cause it to be annoying (besides the crystals), but it can and mostly is done by only one person.
SB – this one takes maybe 5 minutes to kill. At launch (and beta) you could actually be killed by him, so we were always required to dodge the red circles, down the portals and maybe mobs. However, now, the portals go down quickly, the red circles do not even appear half the time.
Maw – before the update, you blink and Maw’s dead, after the update, he has more health, but you just stand there and auto attack all day. It made sense that he gave crap loot in the past, he was an exceptionally simple boss.
Wurm – before the update, wurm died before you can even target him. Now, it atleast spawns, but it still dies rather fast.
Jormag – this is the only one that actually required you to be there, with the mobs spawning, the wall requiring to be destroyed, the crystals needing to be destroyed, and the golems. however, people still didn’t do that, they afk attacked jormag phase 2.
So just naming a few, this is how it basically is.
The only “world boss” like event that i see people struggle with besides Teq is Balthazar. But even that is possible.
Doesn’t mean they are less fun, but afk auto attacking a world boss that can give you epic loot is just meh. the good loot isn’t guaranteed, but atleast you are working for it rather than afking.
Well, aiming with the difficulty a a bit above the Claw (which has a really fun and dynamic design) would, imo, be a better idea than creating this zombified, turret-dependent DPS sink… And during the Jimmy’s phase 2, doesn’t afk-attacking kill you due to the ice aura? :P
William S. Burroughs
Well, aiming with the difficulty a a bit above the Claw (which has a really fun and dynamic design) would, imo, be a better idea than creating this zombified, turret-dependent DPS sink… And during the Jimmy’s phase 2, doesn’t afk-attacking kill you due to the ice aura? :P
In the past – there used to be the side area you can stand on and range it.
Now, you just stay back far enough and can attack with range. (anet removed this side area)
Classes that can be traited up to 1500 range can still hit it.
Although I can’t find any confirmed postings. I’m pretty sure most projectile attacks can go additional range (not too big of a margin).
From my experiences. most attacks, when they are in range, you can auto attack (turn on auto attack) and it will hit unless blocked or whatever. However, there are sometimes where you can attack from a farther range meanwhile outside the auto attack range, you just have to click on the skill.
Still possible to hit it even with the aura.
Eh, nothing’s perfect… Still love the design, at least I can still do it outside of prime time and it’s not a complete walk in a park. Much better direction to go for other world bosses than severely overdoing things teq way…
William S. Burroughs
- One thing is certain.Anet just doesn’t want to make…cough,cough…wait for it…instanced bosses
.It doesn’t matter that the Tequatl fight coppies exactly step by step how a raid boss works.He is difficult enough with good mechanics.He has enrage timer.
- What Anet forgot is that he is like a raid encounter so it’s needed a lot of coordination.It’s hard enough to get 80 people but on top of that they must have enough dmg to down him.
The whole fight favours the Zerkers.
In my opinion the entire PvE favours glass canons but that is another story.
- I think Tequatl and all futured revamped or new bosses should be made like the scarlet invasions.Once the event starts for interval of 10 minutes it spreads through all overflows.So even if someone couldn’t get into his main server on time,they still will have a chance get into overflow with an active World Boss in it.
The problem is that Anet just refuses to acknowledge that something is broken…
(edited by moiraine.2753)
As you have already said you can join a guild dedicated to killing Tequatl or just guest on to a server that has him on farm during the daily reset (I know TC kills him/has a good attempt at killing him during the daily reset encounter).
Unfortunately this isn’t even enough to defeat Teq some of the time. I’ve seen Sparkfly Fen full to capacity with an organized guild directing the action, and they failed. That simply shouldn’t be.
- One thing is certain.Anet just doesn’t want to make…cough,cough…wait for it…instanced bosses
.It doesn’t matter that the Tequatl fight coppies exactly step by step how a raid boss works.He is difficult enough with good mechanics.He has enrage timer.
- What Anet forgot is that he is like a raid encounter so it’s needed a lot of coordination.It’s hard enough to get 80 people but on top of that they must have enough dmg to down him.
The whole fight favours the Zerkers.
In my opinion the entire PvE favours glass canons but that is another story.
- I think Tequatl and all futured revamped or new bosses should be made like the scarlet invasions.Once the event starts for interval of 10 minutes it spreads through all overflows.So even if someone couldn’t get into his main server on time,they still will have a chance get into overflow with an active World Boss in it.
The problem is that Anet just refuses to acknowledge that something is broken…
cant crit so doesn’t favor zerkers
As you have already said you can join a guild dedicated to killing Tequatl or just guest on to a server that has him on farm during the daily reset (I know TC kills him/has a good attempt at killing him during the daily reset encounter).
Unfortunately this isn’t even enough to defeat Teq some of the time. I’ve seen Sparkfly Fen full to capacity with an organized guild directing the action, and they failed. That simply shouldn’t be.
Although I wrote that post 3 months ago so TC doesn’t do him anymore at reset (though a few servers still do). I’ll still respond.
There are times when Teq bugs causing a champ grub or abomination to instantly down the mega-laser. This bug shouldn’t happen and it is sad that it still sometimes occurs. However, if their lose wasn’t due to a bug then either they weren’t as organized as you thought, or the people on the turrets didn’t do their job.
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
(edited by GoldenTruth.2853)
The hard cores left and the casuals cant handle a real raid boss, easy as that. Plus the reward is not even close to worth the effort.
There are times when Teq bugs causing a champ grub or abomination to instantly down the mega-laser.
This can be avoided if defenders keep an eye on the laser and move aboms and grubs away from laser before battery phase starts
The hard cores left and the casuals cant handle a real raid boss, easy as that. Plus the reward is not even close to worth the effort.
You are so right
Have to give credit to the posters who said Teq’s area would turn into a ghost town. Sure enough, they were right.
In all honesty, I wouldn’t mind if they returned Teq back to the way he was. Never was an explanation given as to why he became so powerful.
People used to camp the area. Now, they avoid it like the plague. That should tell everyone something.
On SBI, we down him every night. One thing I have to admit though, is that the 2 hour time that you basically squat on him is really lame, but kinda forces me to farm the zone. Otherwise, the fight is a ton of fun. It’s 110% organized on SBI TS, and we immediately go around to all the world bosses afterwards and grab them all.
Everyone is welcome to join if you abide by respect rules and the GW2 EULA. But like I said, be there 2 hrs early on weekdays and earlier than that on weekends because the map will be hard capped.
Let me just say as an ex-member of TTS you all are hitting the right note as far as the waiting game goes for this boss. Here is the picture I will paint for you guys to understand what it takes or took to down this boss, One guest to Black gate to push and over flow once you find someone that has the leaders and pact leaders would port over to new overflow and quickly party people over before randoms start to flood the overflow. Now that you have 120 people in the overflow the leaders now set up the six turrets and the two groups of five to protect said turrets, the rest will sit on the zerg to beat on his big toe. Now wait for half an hour or more. Now that may be easy to do but sometimes you find an overflow filled with so many people that do not want to listen as a leader we have been known to find a new overflow within the thirty minute of Teq spawning and quickly starting the whole process again.
As you can see its no cake walk to lets say the other world bosses in the game, you just could not simply walk up and smash 1, but now I have been hearing the oceanic team just mass zergs Teq without the help of turrets and beats him this way, funny how we as players find ways to down a would be tough fight for some.
The question is should more boss fights be like Teq? in this style of game with no tank healer… ect ect… its hard to control a boss of this size so I would think that Anet should look into other ways of doing boss fights unlike the way we do it now… stand next to boss bigger than me and smashing 1 till dead, because we all know attacking the giants foot will bring it down… eventually.
I would like to see more depth of endgame but we all know end game is the LS…
While I am glad the game has a boss fight like Teq for those who seem to enjoy such things. However, I think about
“Our games aren’t about preparing to have fun…”
then I look at the hoops players do to organize the overflow Teq fights, and I think the apple has fallen pretty far from the tree.
I can’t help thinking that it ought to be possible to have a large encounter with mechanics that require one to at least pay attention without players having to sit around waiting or to juggle players into the “correct” overflow. Unfortunately, with the encounter in the “open world” and the existing server architecture, the timing issues were inevitable.
I expect similar results with the new worm boss in Bloodtide, assuming that a large number of players will be necessary.
Make Tequatl fight instanced, that is available from LFG Menu every 3 hours.
- Randomly join a raid group or create your own with friends/guidies
- When 15 raid groups have been created, they are all zoned in the instanced map
- Tequatl countdown to encounter begins giving all raid groups 5 minutes of preparation time
- Boss fight begins
- Collect loot, and leave instance when done
lawl, +1 for title
Remove the timer or make it 1h or something. I dont understand why tequatl would retreat when timer ends, does that means we won?
This is not a hard fight, in fact its still not a really a challenging fight. The dragon barely moves, stands in one spot and stomps in the water. The adds are more threatening.
The hard part is getting a mob of players that isn’t a dedicated raid group to work together to defeat the boss.
If you want to beat this dragon regularly – guest onto one of the servers that downs him everyday at reset.
Still haven’t figured out why undead dragons want beach front property in a swamp and would spend the time and effort attacking something completely useless to their cause.
This should be an hourly event, the multi-hour timing of it makes this game so boring.
So, I read NONE of the replies…just the original post.
So what you are saying is…. turn the one and only boss we had(up until today), that was worth fighting, should be nerfed because you don’t want to organize(in an MMO mind you) to kill him?
There is a reason TTS can kill him easily, and TKS can and Blackgate can. We team up with tons(Massively) of people(Multiplayer) and organize(Online) to kill him. If anything, Tequatl is the definition of MMO in Guild Wars 2. He has been the only thing required to team up necessarily to succeed in.
Founder of TTS [TTS] gamers
“How do you feel about killing?” …I don’t.
Still haven’t figured out why undead dragons want beach front property in a swamp and would spend the time and effort attacking something completely useless to their cause.
The Pact is moving on Orr, which is just to the south. The Asura have a base there, and the Hyleks plus Asura are working on new weapons in the area. Lore-wise, there’s plenty of reason for one of Zhaitan’s Lts. to mess that up.
We have selective organized groups in GW2 because it’s pretty much well-known for being casual, therefore not many hardcores play it and as history teaches us we can only defeat huge bosses/raids if players are organized which most of GW2 players aren’t.
Just because of all that fuss about “enjoy yourself and pewpew fireballs”, not serious hard stuff, I hate to say this but I blame ANet for driving their community to end up like this.