The Mystery Cave - Impossible to Solo?
For the shadows that put out the fire, kill them while you have the fire buff. A single hit will do.
For the problem with lighting the fire, wait for the double claw swipe, then immediately head for and begin to light the fire. You can use the falling rocks that go across the room in a line as sort of a progress bar. As soon as the last one falls, the underground attack or the claws will begin again. See this video for an example.
Most people do the LS solo minus achievements.
Doing it solo actually gives you an easier version of it, because you don’t have to light as many fires, and the boss has less HP.
Thanks for the help folks! Is there any specific class that works better for this fight? I play a memser as my main but I have everything else other than a necro or ele.
Thanks for the help folks! Is there any specific class that works better for this fight? I play a memser as my main but I have everything else other than a necro or ele.
Easily doable on any class. I recall seeing a video of a thief doing it naked and traitless without much trouble.
That does, of course, require knowing the fight first.
The answer depends on your build and the gear supporting it. For example, I’m heavy healing with a pet (Ranger), and I had zero issue soloing it.
So, yes, your mileage may vary.
I actually changed up my build a bit for more regen and it was easy! That video really answered most of my questions as I kept making simple mistakes.
I’ve done it only solo on two char, Necro and Ranger, so it can’t be that hard
Just make sure you nuke the shadows with the fire, and maybe try and get some stability buffs.
I have soloed it many times on a mesmer just remember his pattern. There shouldn’t be any surprises. If you are trying to solo achievements then I found guardian to be more forgiving because of the aegis.
As they said, one hit on the shadow will destroy it if you have the fire buff. That means it’s best to use ranged attacks for this part of the fight, so you don’t have to waste time closing in with it to fight it.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
It is definitely able to be soloed, if you are really having issues it might be a good idea to check out the Dulfy site for a walk-through. It might have a couple tips in it. Hope this might help a little
I just tried this tonight for the first time and for me putting out the fires is impossible because I am constantly in a knocked down state. I am never able to move around or use any of my skills. I spent an hour being thrown around and killed, trying desperately to find a way to avoid the dragons claw, but it is constantly popping out of the ground and hitting me. No more than 1/2 a second would pass before it would appear and smash me. Did the last update break this quest? Because it isn’t doable as far as I can see.
You need projectile attacks in order to damage it until they eventually fix it. The hit box is too high for melee attacks to hit and AoE attacks are not reliable enough to do much damage during the burn phases.
The problem is that I can’t attack… ever… or do anything else, because I am in a constant knocked down state. I gave up after an hour of trying to avoid the claw when new dragon claws started appearing before the old one disappeared. I realized at that point I would never be able to do anything other than watch my character being batted around like a rag doll.
Compare your experience to the old video I linked a while ago. The claws have always attacked in pairs back to back, but if you’re saying they’re happening while they’re happening, it’s bugged. Sounds like it may have quickness.
i had a rage quit yesterday, because that dragon was constantly knocking me down, without me being able to lit the fire, and then I havemanage to do the ring, and i can’t make so much damage, so it takes, what feels like, hours and hours.
I’ve now watched a few videos on youtube and will try it again…but this really was annoying.
the other fights in the LS2 were all medium to simple even for a noob like me… so why is this so difficult. ;n;
(edited by Oreithyia.3064)
That video is totally different from what was happening to me. There was absolutely no time between the dragons attacks and sometimes they overlapped. I could do nothing other than watch my character slowly die.
When I did it, there wasn’t a constant knock down. He’d knock me down once if while channelling the fire but I’d always have enough time to do it again.
I bugged it in game. Something is definitely broken when I try it.
Two points:
- imo I had the easiest time doing this (including all achievements) as a ranger. I soloed all of it.
-I read there is a bug; during the burning phase some AoE attacks won’t hit. I had a hard time as ele since ice bow and meteor shower didn’t hit a lot. It was super easy with ranger longbow though. Always killed him after two burn phases.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
I found the sweet spot to be 3 players. Enough bodies to run around setting off all the bombs and chasing down the bug things to keep the fires lit without scaling the boss up too much. But it’s definitely soloable if you have good active defense and high dps.
The 3 achievements: Rock, the shadow, set bomb are easy to do one at a time. It’s harder to get all at the same time. The nice thing is you can repeat with the challenge moot quickly.
Sometimes it is hard to kill the shadow and set off every bomb at the same time because the fire can spawn overlapping one of the bombs. In the pirority of killing the shadow, you have to set off one set of bomb then immediately get the fire to kill shadow. Otherwise the fire will despawn after you’ve set off every bomb and you won’t be able to kill the shadow in time.
Another thing is the orange circle of dragon’s hand always appears twice, one after another so when you dodge the first one, don’t stop, don’t go straight to light the fire because the other one will sure spawn. Instead, take a small deroute to “waste” that second aoe then you have some free time to light the fire without having to worry about knockdown.
Once you’re doing the achievements a couple of times you’ll easily spot the very simple pattern, at which point you don’t even need to bubbles at all.
The rock achievement was the most difficult by far, because of random hits or overconfident movement.
This instance is soloable but this is also a great challenge. It is good that people looking for hard content can experience difficult encounters in GW2. Mystery cave is one of the hardest things in this game. I am happy I can participate in this and GW2 is offering everyone a bit of entertainment in every mode.
I tried with 2 different characters, my mesmer and my engineer, and could never get all the fires lit. But now I know why. I had no idea that I could kill the black shadows since they seemed invulnerable every time I struck them. I would light one fire, go to light another, and the first one would be extinguished. I figured there had to be some secret, somewhere, but I had no idea what it was.
I think I will try again, now.
It’s a cakewalk. Spend a couple runs not trying to finish the instance, but rather just running around while paying attention to and learning the tells for every attack.
I haven’t seen any player confirmation that the boss hitbox has truly been fixed, but if it has, the easiest way to do this is would be with staff ele: icebow plus meteor shower will finish the boss in two cycles easily.
For the shadows that put out the fire, kill them while you have the fire buff. A single hit will do.
That was exactly what I needed. Thx!