The boss fights are a massive improvement

The boss fights are a massive improvement

in Living World

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


Just though I’d throw that out there. In each of the living story episodes I’ve noticed vast improvements to the boss fight mechanics.

Could these ideas be used in Dungeons going forward?
How about hitting achievement criteria leading to bonus loot chests? (even if you already got the achievement) – some of these achievements are not simply zerker stack and spank but required slow paced control, so that would help diversity a little when people do achievement runs. Some of these fights are so good that they could easily be a fractal or dungeon fight, and it’s a shame to see they may only be completed a few times for achievements and then forgotten about.

The boss fights are a massive improvement

in Living World

Posted by: Andred.1087


Could these ideas be used in Dungeons going forward?

Yes, if there were anyone at ANet still working on dungeons.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

The boss fights are a massive improvement

in Living World

Posted by: Duke Darkwood.4237

Duke Darkwood.4237

Yes, if there were anyone at ANet still re…. no, sorry, I can’t make it through that with a straight face.

Kidding aside, I expect that this WILL portend good things for future instanced content, and I certainly hope they DO give us a new dungeon when we eventually reach M’s lair.

I recently went through the last Arc 4 quest (yeah, I’ve been busy with other stuff), and while I may have died more than I wish to admit, it looked VERY fun, and would probably have been very fun with even one or two more people, to say nothing of a full group.

The boss fights are a massive improvement

in Living World

Posted by: Andred.1087


Per this interview I suppose Fractal is an option. But I believe it was made clear some time ago that they are not working on dungeons anymore.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

The boss fights are a massive improvement

in Living World

Posted by: Boneheart.3561


Per this interview I suppose Fractal is an option. But I believe it was made clear some time ago that they are not working on dungeons anymore.

What I took away from the interview is that they let slip they may be working on new dungeons.

He mentioned Fractals and the Acheivements from season two episodes, the former allowing them to create whatever they want (Aetherpath is a “rework”, which had to be designed around something that already existed and had to be preserved (i.e. difficult work)). The latter is a neat idea to incentivize repeat runs. But they didn’t want to create something like Hard Mode, which requires rework-effort, let alone a new path for existing dungeons.

In context of the question asked him, the eight dungeons we have now will not see any major changes.

The boss fights are a massive improvement

in Living World

Posted by: Andred.1087


Per this interview I suppose Fractal is an option. But I believe it was made clear some time ago that they are not working on dungeons anymore.

What I took away from the interview is that they let slip they may be working on new dungeons.

He mentioned Fractals and the Acheivements from season two episodes, the former allowing them to create whatever they want (Aetherpath is a “rework”, which had to be designed around something that already existed and had to be preserved (i.e. difficult work)). The latter is a neat idea to incentivize repeat runs. But they didn’t want to create something like Hard Mode, which requires rework-effort, let alone a new path for existing dungeons.

In context of the question asked him, the eight dungeons we have now will not see any major changes.

Well, I’m all for new dungeon content. I just wouldn’t get my hopes up. Maybe, though.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

The boss fights are a massive improvement

in Living World

Posted by: Templar.3418


I agree that the boss fights are better this season. Champs, story boss etc etc.

Just now I beat the Shadow of the Dragon and I must say it was a pretty fun fight. Tops all the boss fights in the game for me so far.

Kicks the kittene out of the Zhaitan battle also. In fact It has made me excited to see where they go with boss fights in future, especially with Mordremoth. First time I’ve felt excited about this game in a while.

Also glad there were no stupid 1 hit kill mechanics as those feel so freaking cheap. Like false difficulty.

Anyway, first positive thing I’ve ever put on these forums. Nice joob Anet.

The boss fights are a massive improvement

in Living World

Posted by: Kurrilino.2706


yes the boss fights are really getting good.
Sad thing is the rest of LS is still incredible bad.
Clicking through text boxes until boss fight is simply and plain horrible.
Also going dumpster diving through some rubble to find epic pieces of a sword is
so incredible bad i didn’t know to laugh or to cry.
Ending a story with a charr jumping into a portal right after his sword and continue the story with attending a party to listen to rumors is something that made me really question the target group of A-Net

The boss fights are a massive improvement

in Living World

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

Not working on dungeons would be horribly short-sighted. They might be a lot of work, but they’re interesting in their own right, and if the world’s being expanded it only makes sense to see a little more of everything.

Particularly now we’re seeing some bosses in the story instances that require a bit of thinking to knock out.

The boss fights are a massive improvement

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Jip, would love to see ANet include some of the lessen they learned with the LW bosses and include them into the dungeons.

Just now I beat the Shadow of the Dragon and I must say it was a pretty fun fight. Tops all the boss fights in the game for me so far.

I think the big thing about Shadow of the Dragon was how cinematic-ally the fight was presented, not just a big mob that springs up and attacks you, but something huge that moves around and attacks you from all sides.